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Alchemie van het Hart
Leer hoe je meer vanuit je hart kunt leven, je hart kunt zuiveren en je hartsvlam vergroten, hoe je blokkades kunt overwinnen, je hart openen en bekrachtigen, zodat je meer liefde kunt geven en ontvangen, en meer betekenisvolle relaties kunt opbouwen. En hoe lessen in liefde de deur kunnen openen naar een hogere liefde. In dit boek vind je inspirerende informatie van de opgevaren meesters, beschreven door Elizabeth Clare Prophet en Patricia Spadaro en uitgebreid met inzichten van vele hedendaagse en vroegere wijzen uit alle windstreken. Je vindt er waargebeurde verhalen, anekdotes, en ook veel oefeningen en meditaties om meer inzicht te krijgen in je eigen harteroerselen en om je hartsvlam aan te wakkeren.
Het antwoord dat je zoekt, ligt binnen in je
Samenvatting In Het antwoord dat je zoekt, ligt binnen in je verweeft Mark Prophet anekdoten uit het leven van alledag met universele waarheden, en creëert hiermee een diepgaande en toch plezierige gids voor spirituele groei. Mark Prophet, een van de grootste spirituele leraren van deze tijd, bezat een unieke benadering van spiritualiteit. Hij geloofde dat onze zoektocht naar de zin van het leven, die vaak een hele uitdaging is, toch ook plezierig zou moeten zijn. En dat we dikwijls de antwoorden die we zoeken op de meest onwaarschijnlijke plaatsen kunnen vinden. Dit spontane en innemende boekje leidt ons naar die plaatsen toe: naar verborgen bronnen en situaties overal om ons heen die talloze kansen bieden tot persoonlijk ontwaken. Het biedt frisse inzichten en praktische technieken tot zelfmeesterschap, die je onmiddellijk tijdens je eigen levensreis kunt toepassen. Op een lichtvoetige en toch nuchtere manier brengt hij je in contact met je hart en met de waarheid die de kern vormt van alle mystieke tradities in de wereld: dat je je eigen intieme relatie met je goddelijke Bron kunt ervaren.
Geboren Willen Worden - De noodkreet van de ziel
Samenvatting Stel je voor je bent een ziel die wacht om geboren te worden - die geboren wil worden... Het lot van het ongeboren kind is een van de meest controversiële onderwerpen van onze tijd. Dit boek kijkt op een nieuwe manier naar deze kwestie, vanuit het perspectief van de ziel - de ziel van de ouder en de ziel van het kind. De stereotypen en slogans voorbij, is dit een boek dat je hart raakt en je ziel prikkelt. Je kijk op het leven zal nooit meer dezelfde zijn. Auteur: [field auteur] Bindwijze: [field bindwijze] Aantal pagina: [field paginas] Versie: [field drukversie]
Ontdek de kracht van je Hogere Zelf
Samenvatting Ontdek de kracht van je Hogere Zelf beschrijft eenvoudige technieken die je kunnen helpen een nauwe samenwerking met de Geest te ontwikkelen, en de vreugde, vrede en kracht te ervaren die tot je spirituele geboorterecht behoren. Als je in afstemming bent met je Hogere Zelf, word je liefhebbender en gevoeliger voor de behoeften van jezelf en van anderen. Je zult je levensdoel vervullen en je grootste creativiteit tot uiting brengen. Leer tien dynamische stappen die je leiden naar spiritueel ontwaken en je zullen helpen om je volledige potentieel te verwezenlijken. Elizabeth Clare Prophet Pagina's:92
Ontmoeting met Saint Germain Deel 1
De Opgevaren Meester Saint Germain neemt je mee op een spirituele ontdekkingsreis die je de adembenemende schoonheid van het leven in hogere dimensies openbaart. Mysteriën ontsluierd Vele oude beschavingen, worden door Saint Germain opnieuw tot leven gewekt, en aan de hoofdpersoon Godfré Ray King - zijn vroegere zoon en vriend - weergegeven. Deze tonen hem dat deze aarde in het verleden verschillende gouden tijdperken gekend heeft. Stap voor stap ontvouwt de Meester het beeld van het nu naderende gouden tijdperk, waarin wij opnieuw de mogelijkheid krijgen om een dergelijk meesterschap over het leven te verkrijgen, en in een volmaakte samenleving tot uitdrukking te brengen. In dit boek vind je vele verhalen, instructies en oefeningen die Godfré en de lezer de weg wijzen naar het doel van iedere ziel op aarde: goddelijk meesterschap. Auteur: [field auteur] Vertaling: Carla Groenewegen Bindwijze: [field bindwijze] Aantal pagina: [field paginas] Versie: [field drukversie]
Het Violette Vuur - Genezing voor lichaam, geest en ziel
Ontdek het geheim van het Violette Vuur: het geschenk van Saint Germain aan de mensheid in het Aquariustijdperk. Het Violette Vuur schenkt een gevoel van onstuimigheid, levendigheid, frisheid en vitaliteit. Het helpt je meer vergevingsgezind te worden. Hoe komt dit tot stand? Doordat je negatieve karma wordt opgelost. Lees meer over hoe dit universele wondermiddel werkt in dit meeslepende boekje en zet rechtstreeks koers naar de vervulling van je leven. Bescherming Voordat u begint met het geven van Violet Vuur decrees is het belangrijk om uzelf eerst te beschermen met het Buis van Licht mantra. Gebruik daarna het gebed naar Aartsengel Michael voor extra bescherming. Voor meer informatie kijk op de pagina " Bescherming" van The Summit Lighthouse Holland website.
Ontmoeting met Saint Germain Deel 2
De Magische Aanwezigheid (herdruk 2023) De reeks: ontmoetingen met Saint Germain Dit boek bevat de werkelijke straling van de opgevaren meesters, en is geladen met het opgevarenmeesterbewustzijn van geliefde Saint Germain van vrijheid en victorie in het licht. 'De waarheid, uitleg van de wet, en mijn ervaringen die in dit boek worden beschreven, zijn echt, waar, en eeuwig. De retraiteverblijven, de mensen en de instrumenten die ik heb gezien en waarmee ik omging terwijl ik bij de opgevaren meesters was, zijn echte, fysieke plaatsen en dingen, en tastbare, levende, ademende wezens. Zij waren niet ingebeeld, noch symbolisch, en zouden niet als zodanig moeten worden geïnterpreteerd.' Laat je meevoeren door de schrijver Godfré Ray King in zijn avontuurlijke, miraculeuze en onthullende belevenissen met de opgevaren meesters, hun wonderbaarlijke werkwijzen en hun prachtige retraiteverblijven. En laat je transformeren door de straling van dit boek dat je leven voor altijd kan veranderen.  
Saint Germain over Alchemie
Voltaire noemde hem “de man die nooit sterft en alles weet” En dat is een understatement. De graaf Saint Germain veranderde onedele metalen in goud, verwijderde onzuiverheden uit diamanten en ontdekte het elixer van de eeuwige jeugd. Deze “Wonderman van Europa” was de vertrouweling van koningen en een vriend voor de armen. Zijn goed gedocumenteerde “wonderen” waren in feite het natuurlijke uitvloeisel van zijn beoefening van alchemie. Zijn geheimen kunnen u in staat stellen om onedele metalen in goud te veranderen. De alchemistische principes draagt hij over in dit handboek - het beste op het gebied van persoonlijke ontwikkelingen en van de samenleving.
Strategieën van Licht en Duisternis
[woocatslider id=""]Samenvatting De strategieën van duisternis die gebruikt werden om de val van de gouden tijdperken op Lemurië en Atlantis te veroorzaken, waren zeer succesvol. Zo succesvol zelfs, dat de krachten van de duisternis geen nieuwe strategieën hebben hoeven te ontwikkelen. Omdat onze eigen psychologie zo kwetsbaar is, trappen we steeds weer in dezelfde eeuwenoude valstrikken.
Wil van God, De - Een heilig avontuur
Aan hen die Gods wil liefhebben en die in Hem zijn heilig avontuur waarnemen in  lichaam en ziel. De wil van God is de vlekkeloze diamant, het schijnen van het Goddelijk denkvermogen, en Hij is het geruis van de wind van de Geest, en de kracht en het lachen van werkelijke identiteit. Een Goeroe voor de chela en de liefhebbende Vader voor Gods zonen en dochters. De wil van God is tevens een kwaliteit van de eerste straal, en wordt belichaamd door de Opgevaren Meester El Morya, die deze kwaliteit van God, door al zijn incarnaties heeft gedemonstreerd, en victorieus met andere meesters uit de Himalaya zijn hemelvaart maakte in de 19e eeuw.
Zielenkameraden en Tweelingzielen
Samenvatting EEN NIEUWE VISIE OP LIEFDE, KARMA EN RELATIES De zoektocht naar liefde - en naar de volmaakte partner - is in werkelijkheid een zoektocht naar volledigheid. Met warmte en wijsheid helpt Zielenkameraden en Tweelingzielen mannen en vrouwen de spirituele dimensie van relaties te onderzoeken en nieuwe sleutels te vinden tot volledigheid en ware liefde. U leert over zielenkameraden, tweelingzielen en karmische partners, U zult gaan begrijpen waarom u bepaalde liefdes in uw leven naar u toetrekt. En waarom zelfs het moeilijkste huwelijk een springplank kan zijn voor die volmaakte liefde waar u naar gezocht hebt. Na een loopbaan van vijfendertig jaar als relatieadviseur vind ik Zielenkameraden en Tweelingzielen een zeer goed boek voor het openbaren van de innerlijke mysteries van de ziel en van de ware essentie van de liefde, door de begripsvolle analyse van het werkelijke leven en van klassieke liefdesgeschiedenissen. -Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph. D., KLINISCH PSYCHOLOOG EN SCHRIJFSTER
Advanced Studies in Understanding Yourself
Full of practical examples and real-life wisdom, Elizabeth Clare Prophet's commentary on the spiritual classic "Understanding Yourself" leads you on a journey beyond the limitations of personal psychology. Find out how to be free of the burdens of the past and live your life as it was really meant to be.  
Saint Germain on Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation
Alchemie is een krachtige methode van transformatie. In dit groete zelfstudieboek voor persoonlijke hulp, onthult Saint Germain technieken die u helpen uw leven te transformeren, uw woonplaats en zelfs uw planeet. Hij vertelt over how u uzelf kunt wapenen met spirituele energie, controle verkrijgt over uw emoties en uzelf kunt ontdoen van angst. Dit boek bevat ook een verhaal over de mystieke oorsprong van America en Saint Germain als de wonderman van Europa. Daarnaast bevat het boek een woordenlijst van alchemistische en spirituele termen. Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this greatest of all self-help books, Saint Germain reveals techniques to help you transform your life, your town, your planet. He tells you how you can harness spiritual energy, control your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Includes sections on the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the Wonderman of Europe. Includes 117-page glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
Ashram Notes
In these profound reflections on mysticism and spirituality, the Himalayan master El Morya offers spiritual advice, meditations and techniques to achieve gnosis--self-knowledge. Includes seven prayer rituals to reduce world suffering and to increase world peace. Give these rituals alone or with a group and see how your life will change!
Corona Class Lessons: Jesus and Kuthumi
This handbook of 48 lessons outlines fundamentals of the spiritual path, with rare insights on love, mercy, brotherhood, charity, the soul, vision, mission and faith. The authors unveil new interpretations of the Bible. A perfect companion for those who would experience fully the joys and challenges of the spiritual quest. "When I was embodied as Francis of Assissi, I came to realize through studying the birds and animals that my power of concentration, saturated as it was with the love of God and his love in man, would draw me into an understanding of the God-intelligence acting in Nature." - Kuthumi Lal Singh  
Walking with the Master: Answering the Call of Jesus
Two thousand years ago Jesus called a small group of disciples to leave their nets and follow him. He gave them teaching and a path of initiation, only fragments of which are found in the New Testament. The path is as real and as vital today as it was in Jesus' time. And now, at the turning of an age, the ascended master Jesus calls those who would be his disciples to take up that path and to walk and work with him again. Presents twenty-eight steps on that path, with commentary and explanation. The goal: find and externalize the Christ within.
Hilarion the Healer: The Apostle Paul Reborn
The missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul changed the course of history. But what history does not record is that Paul returned for one more life as the great mystic and miracle-worker Saint Hilarion. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus, Hilarion also cast out devils, healed the sick, raised the dead-and finally had to flee to the wilderness to escape the crowds that thronged around him. Hilarion ascended at the conclusion of that life and now guides and inspires scientists, healers, doctors, musicians and all those dedicated to the flame of Truth. This book tells the amazing story of Hilarion's lives on earth and shares his keys for healing body, mind and soul. Download free chapter
Cosmic Consciousness - One Man's Search for God
Mark L. Prophet walked before mankind as a friend on the spiritual path. He illustrated Truth as a day-to-day experience of God that could come to all. For him, the path of Truth led to cosmic consciousness. This book captures Mark Prophet's rare compassion and deep sensitivity. The author, a twentieth-century mystic, shares teaching on the Divine Mother, the presence of love, the eternality of being, and the aura as an expanding egg of cosmic consciousness. Includes a guided meditation for nourishing the heart and the soul.
Masters and the Spiritual Path, The (Climb the Highest Mountain Book Series 3)
Er zijn Meesters die vanuit alle spirituele tradities van de wereld gekomen zijn. Deze grote Lichten van het Oosten en Westen zijn afgestudeerd van de aardse klaslokalen en zijn herenigd met de Geest in het proces dat bekend staat als de hemelvaart. De Meesters vertellen ons dat zij voorbeelden zijn en geen uitzonderingen op de regel. Wij zijn ook voorbestemd om ons levensdoel te vervullen en ons te herenigen met de geest. Dit intrigerende werk biedt een vernieuwend perspectief op het universum en uw rol daarin. De relatie tussen de hemelvaart, nirvana, en samadhi. De parallelle structuur van de spirituele en het materiële universum. Het verschil tussen opgevaren en onopgevaren meesters. Het nut van de spirituele hiërarchie en de rol van de Meesters; een unieke meditatie over de zaligheid van hereniging met de Geest; een ademoefening om u te helpen balanceren en uw bewustzijn uit te breiden. There are Masters who have come out of all the world's great spiritual traditions. These great lights of East and West have graduated from earth's schoolroom and reunited with Spirit in the process know as the ascension. The Masters tell us that they are examples and not exceptions to the rule. We, too, are destined to fulfill our life's purpose and reunite with Spirit. This intriguing work offers an innovative perspective on the universe and your role in it: The relationship between the ascension, nirvana and samadhi; The parallel structure of the spiritual and material universes; The difference between ascended and unascended masters; The function of the spiritual hierarchy and the role of the Masters; A unique meditation on the bliss of union with Spirit; A breathing exercise to help you balance and expand consciousness. Download free chapter
Path to Attainment, The (Climb the Highest Mountain Series Book 9)
Verworvenheid is het doel van het spirituele pad. Het is niet de macht om wonderen te verrichten of anderen te controleen, maar de gave om energie in harmonie te geven en ontvangen. Deze volume van de Climb the Highest Mountain series legt de belangrijke sleutels uit over verworvenheid, zoals hoe u zich kunt verbinden met de meesters, hoe u zich kunt navigeren door de cycli van positief en negatief karma, een groter begrip over tweelingvlammen, zielenkameraden en karmische relaties. Attainment is the goal of the spiritual path. It is not the power to perform miracles or to control others, but the ability to give and receive energy in harmony. This volume of the Climb the Highest Mountain series explains important keys to attainment, including: how to connect with the masters; how to chart cycles of positive and negative karma; a greater understanding of twin flames, soul mates and karmic relationships. Download free chapter
Path to Your Ascension
This book will help you to rediscover what your soul has known from the beginning - that life does have a higher purpose. It offers practical techniques to accelerate your spiritual growth. The author has been a faculty member of Summit University for over twenty years. She has taught classes on practical spirituality, including secrets of prosperity, spiritual alchemy, the ascension, your divine plan and the spiritual dimensions of love and relationships. Mrs Booth has travelled throughout the world giving workshops on these subjects. She has also authored a forty-eight part series of booklets on a variety of spiritual topics. Download free chapter
Enemy Within, The: Encountering and Conquering the Dark Side
The dark side. The synthetic self. The not-self. The Gnostics called it the counterfeiting spirit and the Theosophists called it the 'dweller-on-the-threshold'. There exists within all of us a collective consciousness of all our misdeeds, momentums of many lifetimes, which emerges as a pseudo-identity that wields human power and causes us to do those things we so often regret. The encounter with the enemy within has been vividly portrayed in classic works of literature such as Sir Bulwer-Lytton's Zanoni , Mary Shelley's Frankenstein , Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and in modern movie masterpieces such as Star Wars . From time to time, we contact the tip of the iceberg in our tendency to fear, to be jealous or to get angry and we see those who have become one with their dweller committing rape and mass murder. Download free chapter
Finding a Higher Love: A Spiritual Guide to Love, Sex & Relationships
We re all looking for that special someone. But our expectations for love and relationships are often based on the notions of romantic love we ve seen in Hollywood movies. We start to believe that if our marriage or relationship is not blissfully out of this world and doesn t perfectly fulfill all of our needs, there must be something terribly wrong. In Finding a Higher Love, world-renowned author Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on love, sexuality and relationships. Every relationship has its challenges whether we find ourselves with our soul mate, twin flame or what she calls a karmic partner. And yet, she explains, our intimate relationships and search for true love are, in reality, a quest for wholeness that offers us a unique opportunity for deep spiritual growth and inner transformation. With warmth and compassion, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores the real purpose and power of relationships. Her profound insights as well as her practical tools and techniques will show you how to open your heart, spiritualize your partnerships and magnetize the highest love that is yours to have. Website:
Soul Freedom: The Life of a Spiritual Warrior
Rev. E. Gene Vosseler has been a warrior of the Spirit and a devotee of the Christ and the Buddha for decades. As he has walked this path he has seen his life unfold in three distinct phases. The first was his youth and service as a fourth-generation Lutheran minister. In those thirty-eight years he served as a missionary in British Guiana, raised five children, and built a thriving church in Hawaii. It was a life of outer success. But it did not feed his soul. The second phase was a time of "divine dis¬content." He left the Lutheran church, explored Taoism, became a Unitarian minister for two years, was arrested with Joan Baez in an antiwar protest, studied under a Buddhist master, and built and lost a multimillion dollar corporation--all in a twelve-year search for spiritual truth. The third phase began at the age of fifty, when Gene found the ascended masters and his spiritual teacher, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He also met his twin flame, Wanda. He says this was when his "real" life began. The mystic in Gene found expression as he travelled all over America and the world with a message of higher consciousness. He became a minister again, taught Buddhism and Taoism at Summit University, took on leadership roles, and went through the inner tests and trials of chelaship and the spiritual path. The warrior in Gene would take on anyone--from Marxist professors to movie stars to the political establishment in Washington--in the defense of the truth as he saw it. In this book Gene candidly reveals his inner walk as the mystic and the warrior became one. It is the story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life--a spiritual warrior and his personal quest for Soul Freedom. The life lessons he shares can assist each of us in the liberation of our own soul.
Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships
Taking a new look at love, karma, and relationships, this book argues that the quest for love--and for that perfect partner--is really a quest for wholeness. Readers learn about soul mates, twin flames, and karmic partners, and come to understand why they are attracted to certain people. Download free chapter
Wanting to be Free
Millions of people are beset by addiction. Whether drugs, alcohol or behavioral addictions such as gambling and pornography, the human cost is enormous--both for the victims and their families. Many yearn for freedom but don't find this through existing treatment programs, where the relapse rate is often high. A missing ingredient in most programs is an awareness of the unseen forces behind addiction. Known for centuries, these forces are often overlooked in the modern scientific approach to disease and healing. Wanting to Be Free explores the spiritual dimension of addiction and presents an integrated approach to recovery. Combining spiritual techniques with the most effective mental, emotional and physical therapies, it outlines a unique pathway for those pursuing the path to true freedom.
Education in the Age of Aquarius - MP3 (Harvest 1975)
For teachers, parents and all whose lives touch children. 8 lectures plus 5 dictations. In these inspiring lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet traces the foundations of education taught by the Great White Brotherhood from Lemuria and Atlantis to the present.  
Sacred Psychology of Change
Chaos and change can be transformed into opportunities for soul growth. This book tells how. Dr. Marilyn Barrick teaches how to envision and explore the future while living productively in the present. Discover the importance of a creative mind-set, an open heart and the maturing of soul to successfully navigate endings and beginnings. Storytelling chapters and exercises bring the concepts to life and suggest practical approaches to the challenging scenarios of our fast-moving world. Download free chapter Author: [field auteur] Binding: [field bindwijze] Pages: [field paginas]
Sacred Psychology of Love
Unfolds the hidden spiritual and psychological dramas inherent in friendships, love relationships and marriage. It tells the story of each one's inner mystic and offers tender ways to spark divine love in human relationships. After thirty-five years as a clinical psychologist and relationship counsellor, Dr Barrick is uniquely qualified to reveal the impact of childhood experiences upon adult relationships and to awaken us to the benefits of the reflecting mirror of the beloved. She shows the key role your inner other-half plays in the eternal dance of love and gives practical self-help exercises to guide you on your quest for relationships that unite heart and soul. Download free chapter
Fire from Heaven
Two thousand years ago a small group of men and women gathered in the city of Jerusalem, waiting to receive “power from on high.” The fire of the Holy Spirit descended, and their lives were transformed. The power of the Spirit in them healed the sick, raised the dead—and changed the course of history. We are now at the dawn of a new age of the Holy Spirit—the time prophesied when that Spirit will be poured out “upon all flesh.” In twelve Spirit-filled releases, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains how you can be ready to receive Fire from Heaven.
Practical Mystic
A great sage once said, "Little keys unlock the biggest doors." For the serious student on the spiritual path, this book contains keys that can unlock many doors. They are drawn from episodes in the life of Annice Booth, who for more than forty years has been a student of Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Annice is a true mystic. She occasionally had transcendent spiritual experiences, and she was sometimes more in the etheric plane than the physical. Yet she knew that this was a lifetime to be in the world, and to work. Her stories-sometimes funny, often surprising-illustrate some unexpected truths about the spiritual path. They show the tests and initiations that come to anyone who would pursue higher consciousness.
All for the Love of God
This book offers a collection of stories written from individuals' one-on-one interactions with the late Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse. Author: [field auteur] Binding: [field bindwijze] Pages: [field paginas]
Wind of the Spirit
Wind of the Spirit is the autobiographical spiritual journey of Gene Vosseler spanning five decades -as a poet, minister, political activist, friend of freedom, and valiant defender of the faith. As Gene likes to say, Wind of the Spirit is an extraordinary journey by an ordinary man. Yet, when you read Gene's sermons, his freedom messages or any of his many poems, you will recognize that Gene's dedication, and inner wisdom is extraordinary. You will come to know Gene as the flame of freedom that speaks a friend of Christ and a respected spiritual elder. Formerly a fourth generation Lutheran minister, Gene ultimately broke free from Lutheran orthodoxy and discovered the teachings of the ascended masters and his guru, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. There he found the path to ever-lasting freedom and the love of his life, Wanda. Gene became a minister a Church Universal and Triumphant and a founding Elder appointed by El Morya. Gene traveled internationally to promote these teachings during which time he also counseled, baptized and married hundreds of community members. Gene also promoted the defense of freedom and of America, working with top Congressional leaders and other freedom fighters, inspiring many along the way. Wind of the Spirit honors our spiritual heritage and gives inspiration to those on the path of soul freedom and immortality. "Gene has done what everybody would like to do. He has taken Saint Germain's message to the airwaves, he has taken it on television, and he has taken it to the newspapers." -Elizabeth Clare Prophet "We commend our representative Reverend Gene Vosseler and his beloved wife, Wanda for their great service to us and to America...What they have done, you can join them and do also." -Saint Germain "Thank you, Gene, for a lifetime of friendship and for providing such a worthy example of striving for righteousness." -Michael Utter.
Inner Perspectives
Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a pioneer in modern spirituality, and has recorded thirteen weeks of daily spiritual talk shows on radio station KIEV in Los Angeles, which is now assembled in one book. In this book, she discusses life's deepest mysteries including awakening to life's purpose, sexuality and spirituality, karma, reincarnation, healing, ascended masters and mystery schools. Download free chapter
Kabbalah: Key to your Inner Power
"Dit boek van Elizabeth Clare Prophet is werkelijk een meesterwerk. De rijke traditie van de Kabbalah komt to leven in een taal die zelfs toegankelijk is voor degenen die onbekend zijn met deze eeuwenoude en klassieke traditie." - Caroline Myss, Ph.D., auteur van "Anatomy of the Spirit". "Elizabeth Clare Prophet's book is a masterpiece. The rich tradition of the Kabbalah comes to life in a language that is accessible even to those unfamiliar with this ancient and classic tradition."--Caroline Myss, Ph.D., author of "Anatomy of the Spirit." Download free chapter
Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine: Jesus' Lost Teachings on Women
Dit boek wijdt uit over de archetypische rol van het Goddelijke Vrouwelijke in de Oosterse en Westerse spiritualiteit en helpt de positie van Maria Magdalena te verduidelijken. Dit boek bevat ook 55 zwart/wit illustraties, 2 mappen met 12 discussievragen. Explores the archetypal role of the Divine Feminine in Eastern and Western spirituality and helps to clarify the position of Mary Magdalene. This book includes 55 black and white illustrations, 2 maps and 12 questions for discussion. Download free chapter
A Child's Rosary to Mother Mary
A nondenominational rosary for the New Age. All 62 Child's rosaries ever published, conducted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet as revealed by Mother Mary. The rosary has the power to transform your life, your family, your community and your nation. Mother Mary has requested that we daily give the rosary for the saving of Earth and her people: "These are not words. These are the energies upon which the very salvation of?this hemisphere and the planet rest. The garland of the rosary that you weave is the very rope of Almighty God whereby he intends to rescue Earth." Mother Mary asked Elizabeth Clare Prophet to teach us to pray the Hail Mary for her intercession now and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease and death, thereby drawing our attention to the hour of victory over all conditions of time and space which her Son Jesus proved in his life and in the hour of his victorious ascension. Following the recitation of the rosary of your choice you can also offer the prayer for The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary followed by the Fatima Prayers. You can also meditate on a song of your choice either before and/or after reciting the rosary. These have been placed throughout the CD for your convenience. The rosaries on these CDs have been adapted from longer scriptural rosaries, which are published in the first two books of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's beautiful three-book collection, the Golden Word of Mary series: Mary's Message for a New Day and Mary's Message of Divine Love. 2 MP3s: 18 hour 47 minutes DISC 1: 9 hours 31 minutes DISC 2: 9 hours 16 minutes More Rosaries Audio CD format for the Childs Rosaries to Mother Mary, #DG12007. MP3 format for the 45-minute rosaries, Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosaries for the New Age, #M10026. Audio:  2 MP3  
Mary's Message of Divine Love
This volume gives a fascinating account of Mary's life after Jesus' ascension, including her travels throughout Europe, where she established spiritual focuses. The appearances of Mary over the last 2,000 years are chronicled. Contains 28 heartfelt messages from Mother Mary and the text of five secret-ray rosaries. Download free chapter
Maitreya on Initiation: The Coming Buddha Who Has Come
A compilation of Elizabeth Clare Prophets lectures and writings on Maitreya throughout the years, plus five messages on initiation from the Great Initiator himself. Maitreya, the Coming Buddha, the Future Buddha, plays many roles in the various Buddhist traditions throughout the Far East: The guardian of the Dharma An intercessor and protector A guru who personally initiates his devotees A messenger sent by the Eternal Mother to rescue her children A messiah who descends when the world is in turmoil to judge the wicked and save the righteous The Laughing Buddha. Softbound, trade paperback, 256 pages.
Messages from Heaven: Amazing Insights on Life After Death, Life's Purpose and Earth's Future
A recently departed soul speaks from heaven about his amazing experiences on the other side. He tells us of life's true purpose and urges us to make the most of our sojourn on earth. Download free chapter
Embraced By The Light
'- The Most Profound and Complete Near-Death Experience Ever - On the night of November 19, 1973, following surgery, thirty-one-year-old wife and mother Betty J. Eadie died.... This is her extraordinary story of the events that followed, her astonishing proof of life after physical death. She saw more, perhaps than any other person has seen before and shares her almost photographic recollections of the remarkable details. Compelling, inspiring, and infinitely reassuring, her vivid account gives us a glimpse of the peace and unconditional love that awaits us all. More important, Betty's journey offers a simple message that can transform our lives today, showing us our purpose and guiding us to live the way we were meant to -- joyously, abundantly, and with love.
Morya I
In this book, Morya reveals himself as the inimitable guru. By what he tells his chelas, you discover somewhat the kind of master he is. For masters do indeed have personalities, and very strong ones at that. He also reveals the state of consciousness of chelas and their chelaship, both in general and in particular. Through the words and sentences punctuated by his unspeakable love and the fierceness of his zeal to set you free from mortal delusion and dalliance with the lesser self, you will find the Morya you have always known and loved--both in this life and in the worlds of preexistence of your soul. Download free chapter
Nurturing Your Baby's Soul: A Spiritual Guide for Expectant Parents
Refreshing spiritual teaching on conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Learn about the journey of the soul and the intimate connection between parent and child during pregnancy and even before conception. Shows how to convey beauty and virtue to a baby's soul through meditation on music and art. Book trailer
Opening of the Temple Doors, The
In the heaven-world there are many retreats and temples of light. Many of those who have gone through a near death experience have been there. What is not so well known is that by soul travel you can journey there in your higher consciousness while you sleep. This book opens the door to these retreats and describes some of what you will see and learn there. Download free chapter
Predict Your Future
As we look at the universe around us, we see a rhythm to all of life and we discover that all things move in cycles. The Law of Cycles, which governs both the spiritual and material universes, tells us that our world is a reflection of the world beyond. Download free chapter
Quietly Comes The Buddha
This lovely blend of prose, poetry, prayers, and meditations helps readers develop their inner Buddhic nature to bring wholeness into their lives and the lives of others. Illustrations. Download free chapter
Quietly Comes The Buddha, 25th Anniversary Edition
"There are some born to be the Christ and there are some who are born to be the Buddha..." One born to be the Buddha was Siddhartha Gautama who lived six centuries before Jesus Christ when Ezekiel was prophesying to Judah and Israel. Of royal lineage, he left wife and newborn son, palace and power and set out to discover the cause of old age, disease, and death. After six years and numerous experiments with yogis and ascetics, he communed under the bo tree for forty-nine days and brought forth out of nirvana--the consciousness where only God is real--the message of the Enlightened One. And to his disciples he presented the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which have become the foundation for the Middle Way of life for millions. Quietly Comes the Buddha is the story of Sumedha--the soul of Gautama one with the soul of humanity. In it the Blessed One reveals his experiences in the mastery of the Ten Perfections of the Law during many lifetimes prior to his final incarnation, when he answered the call of the Ancient of Days to be the Buddha. Gautama serves the people of earth with Jesus the Christ and Mary the Mother, Moses and Maitreya, Confucius and Krishna, and all sons and daughters of God who have accelerated consciousness and ascended into the white-fire core of God's being. Ever pursuing the goal of uniting the sacred mysteries of East and West, Gautama Buddha came quietly to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet to deliver his teachings for men and women in the Aquarian age. As this living master meditates upon the heart of God and the heart of humanity, he sends forth through the written and spoken Word a delicate thread of light to contact the heart of every soul who would become the Christ or the Buddha by the spirit of the living God. If you would pursue the eternal quest and behold God face to face, the Compassionate One comes quietly to tell you how you can realize the Christ, the Buddha where you are. His message imparted, he returns quietly into the flame.
Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
Gebruikmakend van de laatste wetenschappelijke annotaties en bewijzen van de Geschriften van de Dode Zee en de Gnostische teksten, grijpt dit baanbrekende werk terug naar de geschiedenis van reïncarnatie in het Christendom - van Jezus en vroegere Christenen tot de Kerkraden en de vervolging van zogenaamde ketteraars. Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity--from Jesus and early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
Science of the Spoken Word, The
Readers can learn to use colors to dissolve emotional and physical poisons, transmute karma, and remove trauma of past lives. Unlock the power of Higher Self through color thought form, and dynamic decrees for visualization and meditation. (Visualization/Meditation) Download free chapter
Strategies of Light and Darkness
Divide and conquer, the tar-baby syndrome, the salami technique--these are just three of the strategies that the fallen angels (and our own dweller-on-the-threshold) use to trip us up. These strategies of darkness are ancient. Even in the Garden of Eden we can see a typical ploy of the fallen ones to lead the soul astray. The strategies of darkness caused the downfall of the golden ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. And the plots are the same today. Don't be caught off guard! Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveal 33 strategies of the forces of darkness--and the strategies of light to counteract them.
Talk with Angels
Book about Angels. They listen day and night. Majestic beings of light and love, angels are waiting for us to ask for their help in matters great and small from fixing the economy, cleaning up the environment, ir preventing terrorism to comforting a child, healing a loved one, or finding us the perfect job. With stories, examples, and profound spiritual insights, Talk with Angels shows that we should never underestimate what angels can do. In many of the world's traditions, angels appear as God's messengers and our protectors, but they are much more than archaic lore. From the magnificent archangels and fiery seraphim to our own guardian angels, they can be devoted guides, guardians, and friends as we learn how to work with them every day. Talk with Angels introduces the angels of protection, wisdom, love, joy, healing, peace, forgiveness, and even success (to name a few) who are standing by to come to our aid. Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares powerful spiritual techniques beautiful meditations, prayers, and mantras to help us access the power of the angels and forge life-changing personal relationships with these transcendent yet ever-practical beings. Includes links to free downloadable audio files of angel prayers and meditations.
Understanding Yourself: A Spiritual Approach to Self-Discovery and Soul-Awareness
This insightful work offers unique perspectives into ways to master the components of being: the ego, karma, and the Self beyond the self.
Wanting to Live: Overcoming the Seduction of Suicide
In this unique and inspiring book a minister and former medical doctor along with a clinical psychologist part the veil for a startling look beyond the physical world into a realm we don't usually see: malignant spirits coaxing depressed but beautiful people into suicide; a bleak, painful existence in a dark, frightening level of consciousness; and lost souls immediately coming back into a new lifetime to face the same test all over again. Most important, Wanting to Live offers powerful, life-changing partnerships with heavenly rescuers, practical tools and priceless insights for suicidal people and their loved ones to allow light to transform a dark world. Hope in a life of hopelessness - this book will save many lives.
Path to Immortality, The (Climb the Highest Mountain Series Book 7)
Wat is onsterfelijkheid? Betekent het dat we voor eeuwig leven in hetzelfde fysieke lichaam, zoekend naar mechanische of gekloonde ankerpunten voor onze uitgedragen lichaamsdelen? Nee, het betekent totale bevrijding van de dualiteit van deze wereld en een absolute vrijheid door spiritueel meesterschap en hoger bewustzijn. Onsterfelijkheid is uw goddelijk recht en de lotsbestemming van uw ziel. De onderwerpen gaan over entiteiten op het astrale vlak, wat een boodschapper is, de gebieden van het bewustzijn en uw goddelijk rercht op onsterfelijkheid. What is immortality? Does it mean living forever in the same physical body, seeking mechanical or cloned fixes for worn out body parts? No. It means total liberation from the duality of this world and absolute freedom through spiritual mastery and higher consciousness. Immortality is your divine right and the destiny of your soul. Topics include: entities on the astral plane, what is a messenger, planes of consciousness and your divine right to immortality. Download free chapter
Paths of Light and Darkness (Climb the Highest Mountain Series Book 6)
Dit boek vormt eveneens een hoeksteen van de metafysische literatuur, en biedt een veelvoud aan belangrijke onderwerpen aan die voor elke spirituele zoeker belangrijk zijn. Een scherpe weergave van de krachten van het Licht en de paden van de Duisternis. This cornerstone of metaphysical literature explores a cornucopia of topics important to every spiritual seeker. Download free chapter
Path of the Higher Self, The (Climb the highest Mountain Series Book 1)
Dit boek vormt de hoeksteen van de metafysische literatuur en biedt een veelvoud aan belangrijke onderwerpen aan elke zoeker voor spirituele vervulling. Dit boek is onderdeel van de "Climb the Highest Mountain series". This cornerstone of metaphysical literature explores a cornucopia of topics important to every seeker of spiritual fulfillment. Download free chapter
Path of Christ or Anti-Christ, The (Climb the Highest Mountain Series Book 8)
Wie is Christus? Wie is de Antichristus? Beiden zijn aanwezig in de wereld als geheel en in onszelf. Hoe onderscheiden we ze, voornamelijk wanneer de strategieën van de Antichristus subtiel en gecalculeerd zijn in hun bedrog? De pad van de Christus of Antichristus biedt helderheid en inzicht over de meest belangrijke keuze die we maken in het leven - zijn of niet zijn van wie we werkelijk zijn - en we bekrachtigen deze keuze met zowel grote als kleine beslissingen die we in het leven maken. Who is Christ? Who is Antichrist? Both are present in the world at large-as well as within ourselves. How do we tell them apart-especially when the strategies of Antichrist are subtle and calculated to deceive? The Path of Christ or Antichrist provides clarity and insight regarding our most important choice that we make in life-to be or not to be who we really are-and we affirm this choice with each small or large decision we make in life. Download free chapter
Path of Self-Transformation, The (Climb the Highest Mountain Series Book 2)
Dit boek is een vervolg op de leringen van de auteur over de innerlijke myserieën van God. Het beantwoordt oprechte spirituele vragen die hedendaags ontzettend relevant zijn. This book continues the author's teachings on the inner mysteries of God. It answers profound spiritual questions that are supremely relevant for today. Download free chapter
Access the Power of Your Higher Self
This book explores the inner dimensions of the Higher Self, the spiritual presence that abides within each of us. It describes how to connect with the Higher Self, how to access its unlimited energy, and how to protect and sustain this contact throughout the day. Includes prayers, meditations, visualisations and engaging stories of miracles that people have experienced by applying these principles.
Art of Practical Spirituality
Create an intimate relationship with Spirit...This common-sense guide offers practical steps for staying in tune with Spirit midst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For listening to the still small voice within. For living in the here and now. These keys, gleaned from the ancient wisdom of the world's spiritual traditions, also show how to discover your soul's core passion, create a sacred space, and use every encounter and circumstance as an opportunity to grow.
Creative Power of Sound, The: Affirmations to Create, Heal and Transform
For centuries, mystics of East and West have believed that sound creates matter. This book shows that sound is the energy of creation and explains how to experiment with sound patterns called decrees to bring about spiritual, mental, emotional and physical change. The author shares seven fundamental principles for using prayers, affirmations, decrees and mantras to generate spiritual energy and bring us closer to our Higher Self. We learn how to change our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual worlds with the power of sound.
How to Work with Angels
Learn ten steps to make angels a part of your life. Whether for love, healing, protection, guidance or illumination, angels stand ready to help you in many practical and personal ways. And as Elizabeth Clare Prophet says, working with angels also puts us in touch with our higher self. --Bodhi Tree Book Review Book trailer Download free chapter
Is Mother Nature Mad?
Global warming. Tsunamis. Earthquakes. Raging fires. “Is Mother Nature Mad?” answers the age-old questions: Are natural disasters God-made or man-made? Is extreme weather a cyclic activity? What if anything has man done to bring disasters upon the earth? This book provides practical spiritual tools to help restore harmony to the environment and to mitigate extreme weather conditions. Complete with real-life stories. Download free chapter
Karma and Reincarnation
We zijn allemaal al eens hier geweest. Het woord karma heeft zich een weg verworven in de hedendaagse cultuur. Maar niet iedereen weet daadwerkelijk wat het betekent of hoe ze ermee o moeten gaan. Dit heldere boek zult u helpen om karmische verbindingen uit vorige levens te snappen, en die de hedendaagse omstandigheden hebben doen ontstaan. U zult ontdekken hoe uw daden in vorige levens - goed en fout - beïnvloedt in welk gezien je geboren wordt, tot wie u zich aangetrokken voelt, en waarom sommige mensen u tot het uiterste brengen. U zult leren over groepskarma, wat we tussen de levens in doen, en wat de Grote Lichten van het Oosten en het Westen, inclusief Jezus, te zeggen hebben over Karma & Reïncarnatie. U zult voornamelijk uitvinden hoe u uw karmische ondervindeingen in grote mogelijkheden kunt laten veranderen en om de toekomst te scheppen die u wilt. We have all been here before...The word Karma had made it into the mainstream. But not everyone knows what it really means or how to deal with it. This insightful book will help you come to grips with karmic connections from past lives that have helped create the circumstances of your life today. You will discover how your actions in past lives -- good and bad -- affect which family you are born into, who you are attracted to, and why some people put you on edge. You will learn about group karma, what we do between lives, and what the great lights of East and West, including Jesus, have to say about karma and reincarnation. Most of all, you will find out how to turn your karmic encounters into grand opportunities to shape the future you want. Download free chapter
Keys to the Kingdom
In the depths of your heart are the keys that the saints of East and West have found. They have used them to unlock the fire of the Higher Self, to open the door to new dimensions of being―cosmic consciousness. This book contains practical yet profound principles that can open the door to a new life. Download free chapter
Lost Teachings of Jesus vol. 1
Jezus onderwees uitgebreid gedurende zijn spirituele bediening. En toch tekenen de Geschriften slechts een fractie van wat hij gezegd heeft. Mark en Elisabeth Prophetlaten zien dat het Nieuwe Testament onherroepelijk tekenen bevat waaruit blijkt dat er grote delen van Jezus' leringen missen.Veel daarvan was nooit opgetekend. En datgene wat werd opgetekend, werd door talloze auteurs mee geknoeid of ging verloren door toedoen van de "beschermers van het geloof" die het volledig onderdrukten. Dit volume is een stoutmoedige reconstructie van de essentie van Jezus'boodschap - zowel zijn openbare leerlingen aan de massa als zijn privéleringen die hij enkel gaf aan zijn dichtstbijzijnde discipelen - toen en nu. Oprecht, verassend, zeer pakkend. De verloren leringenv an Jezus verheldert het Nieuwe Testament - en ook de Oude- en gaat verder tot de Eeuwigdurende Boodschap. Een ongeëvernaarde gids voor allen die de uitdagingen van deze tijden zouden willen aangaan met de eeuwenoude wijsheid van God - net als de toekomst met het verloren Woord. Jesus taught extensively during his ministry. Yet the Gospels record only a fragment of what he said. Mark and Elisabeth Prophet show that the New Testament itself contains unmistakable signs that major portions of Jesus' teaching are missing. Much of it was never recorded. And some of what was recorded was tampered with by numerous editors or lost at the hands of "guardians of the faith" who suppressed it entirely. This volume is a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message - both his public teachings to the multitudes and private teachings given in secret to his closest disciples -then and now. Profound, surprising, thoroughly engaging. The Lost Teachings of Jesus, illumines the New Testament - and the Old- and then goes beyond to the Everlasting Gospel. An unparalleled guide for all who dare meet the challenges of these times with the ancient wisdom of God - and the future with the lost Word.
The Lost Teachings of Jesus 4, Finding the God Within
In the Lost Teachings of Jesus series, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet show that many of Jesus' original teachings were lost. Some were never written down. Others were altered by Church councils. And those that were recorded in the Bible are misinterpreted to this day. The Prophets set the record straight with a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message. In this fourth volume of their landmark series, they show you how to put the teachings of Jesus into action to meet the challenges of life in the modern world. And they share effective techniques you can use to access the creative power of your Real Self. Download free chapter
Lost Teachings on Your Higher Self
In Book One of The Lost Teachings of Jesus series, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet demonstrate that many of Jesus' original teachings were lost. In Book Two they go one step further. They show how early churchmen--aided and abetted by the Roman emperors Constantine and Justinian--distorted Jesus' true teachings. And robbed you of what he wanted you to know about the power of your own inner Christ. In modem vernacular, parable and story, the Prophets provide the missing links. They explain the difference between "Jesus" and "the Christ." They show how the Church's doctrines on sin and the only begotten Son of God have obscured what Jesus really taught about salvation. And how Eastern concepts like karma can be found wrapped in the mysteries he gave the disciples. But most importantly, they recapture the heart of his message--that you, like Jesus, can reconnect with your Divine Source to realize your full potential.
The Lost Teachings of Jesus - On Woman
Jesus' Lost Teachings Revealed The Lost Teachings of Jesus on Woman is not only about women, or only for women. It is about your right to become who you really are. Includes Teaching On  The Gospel of Mary Magdalene Before a live audience   2 DVDs total length: 3 hr. 48 min.  
Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ vs. The Religious Philosophy of Karl Marx, The
In this groundbreaking book Elizabeth Clare Prophet compares and contrasts the world views of two prominent thinkers not often mentioned in the same breath. On the one hand, a holistic and practical economic philosophy promoted by none other than Jesus Christ—a religious giant not normally associated with economic theories. On the other hand, the religious underpinnings of the economic and political philosophies of Karl Marx, a revolutionary thinker commonly believed to be an atheist. This unique analysis offers enlightening new answers to the pursuit of a just, more prosperous world.
The Lost Teachings of Jesus 3, Keys to Spiritual Progress
De schrijvers tonen aan dat veel van de leringen van Jezus verloren zijn gegaan - ofwel verwijderd van de geschriften, onderdrukt, of geheim gehouden voor degenen die ingewijd zijn in de diepere mysterieën, of zelfs nooit zijn opgeschreven. Dus in de moderne landstaal presenteren zij een stoutmoedige reconstructie over de essentie van Jezus' boodschap - de verloren leringen die Jezus aan zijn discipelen gaf 2000 jaar geleden over karma, reïncarnatie, goed en kwaad, en hoe te herenigen met het Hogere Zelf. Dit boek bevat 32 kunstreproducties en illustraties van Roerich over de charka's in het lichaam van de mens. The authors demonstrate that much of Jesus' teaching has been lost -- either removed from the Gospels, suppressed, kept secret for those being initiated into the deeper mysteries, or never written down at all. Then, in modern vernacular, they present a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message -- the lost teachings Jesus gave his disciples 2000 years ago on karma, reincarnation, good and evil, and how to reunite with the Higher Self. Includes 32 Roerich art reproductions and illustrations of the chakras in the body of man
The Lost Years and the Lost Teachings of Jesus
De verloren jaren van Jezus uitgelegd en de verloren leringen van Jezus onthult! Lezing gehouden voor groot publiek. Inhoud: 1 DVD 57 min Jesus'Lost Years explained and Lost teachings revealed! Before a live audience Contents: 1 DVD 57 min.
Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
Elizabeth Clare Prophet onthult waar Jezus de wet van karma en reïncarnatie bevestigde dat werd onderwezen in het Oude Testament - vanuit The Lost Teachings of Jesus series. Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals where Jesus affirmed the law of karma and reincarnation taught in the Old Testament. The Lost Teachings of Jesus series.
Saint Germain: Master Alchemist
This intriguing book reveals many key roles the master Saint Germain has played throughout history and today as the immortal sponsor of the Aquarian Age. It also shares his priceless alchemical secrets for personal transformation. Download free chapter
Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millenium
Despite the negative events prophesied for the next millennium by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Mother Mary, Saint Germain introduces readers to a high-frequency spiritual energy that can bring both personal and planetary change and make the future a brighter day. Download free chapter
Story of Your Soul
Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? ...Some have likened the soul to a pearl that has been cast into the sea of the material universe. The goal of our life is to go after that pearl and recover our true identity. The Story of Your Soul champions the profound worth and nobility of the individual. It is a story of awakening and overcoming. Includes: Seven keys for your soul'd journey, personal stories, affirmations, meditations, visualizations, and reflective discussion questions. Download free chapter
Your Seven Energy Centers
Contains powerful insights and tools for wholeness based on the science of the body's subtle energy system. It draws from the wisdom of the world's spiritual traditions to show how you can nurture spiritual growth. Includes an overview of practical techniques that help restore the body's energetic balance -- from homeopathy, vitamins and spa therapies to meditation, affirmation and visualization. Download free chapter
Dreams, Exploring The Secrets Of Your Soul
This book discusses Tibetan sleep and dream yoga, lucid dreaming and techniques to help you to more clearly remember and understand your dreams. Learn how to interpret your dreams through the powerful insights in this book and the author's visionary analysis of actual dreams. And discover how to decode the metaphorical messages of your own soul. Download free chapter
Soul Reflections: Many Lives, Many Journeys
As we move into the 21st century, many of us feel a yearning for spiritual awakening and divine guidance. We look to therapists, coaches and ministers for answers, but ultimately the healing of soul and spirit is an inner quest. The journey of our soul has lasted many lifetimes, and our choices resulted in both good and not-so-good karma. Life issues and trying circumstances often reflect the intertwining of karma with problems we face in our lives. How does all of this relate to the soul? The author shows how love and compassion can initiate a healing process for the soul. Through inspiring meditations and practical exercises, she offers creative ways to help us transform painful experiences of the past. Download free chapter
A Spiritual Approach to Parenting, Secrets of Raising the 21st Century Child
In this perceptive guidebook, Dr. Barrick outlines spiritual formulas for family harmony and soul liberation. She also addresses the karmic equation of marriage and family. In this perceptive guidebook Dr. Barrick outlines spiritual formulas for family harmony and soul liberation. She gives valuable insights into how karma and past-life records influence marriages and families—and shows how to master these important relationships. The “cycles of life” we all pass through are revealed as well as how to deal with their corresponding life lessons. Download free chapter
Everything is ENERGY: New Ways to Heal Your Body, Mind & Spirit
n this brilliantly written book, Dr. Barrick offers a unique combination of spirituality and psychological expertise to help the reader address the challenges of today's tumultuous world. Her take on life is extraordinarily enlightening, helpful and encouraging. And her suggestions are applicable to all who seek insight into how to address the problems of the day or how to resolve inner turmoil and the residue of trauma. The reader will delight in the subtle nuances to be discovered in the labyrinth of life and surprised at how simple energy techniques can often relieve stress and anxiety. Added to the mix are intriguing stories of historical figures and current case histories that illustrate how individuals can resolve trauma and successfully ride the waves of change. Complete with inspiring meditations and practical exercises, this book is a handbook for life in the 21st century. Author: [field auteur] Binding: [field bindwijze] Pages: [field paginas]
The Science of the Spoken Word
The Science of the Spoken Word - Why and How to Decree effectively - Out of this science and out of the Word are all of the secrets of Alchemy, the wonders of precipitation and levitation, fathoming the very depths of healing and the unveiling of the soul itself. Before a live audience - Liner Notes included - Total length of  MP3: 6 hr. 47 min. The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.  
A Child's Rosary - Prayers for Personal and World Peace
Prayers for Personal and World Peace 1. Twelve 15-minute Child's Rosaries for children and adults. Conducted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Mother Mary requested that we recite the rosary daily for ourselves as well as for world peace. Through her rosaries, Mother Mary would strengthen and assist us to contact Gods love that is locked within our own hearts. When we give her our love, she returns her love to us to activate and unlock this fiery treasure from God. Those who have never experienced Mother Marys tender yet powerful love will discover in these brief meditations a love and peace unique in earthly experience. 3 Audio CDs, 3 hours 27 minutes -  Before a live audience. Disc 1 - 1 hour 7 minutes 1. Rosary 1 - I John 1:12:11, 16:15 2. Rosary 2 - I John 2:123:3, 16:50 3. Rosary 3 - I John 3:424, 15:55 4. Rosary 4 - I John 4:121, 15:52 5. Consecration of Russia and Fátima Prayers, 2:12 Disc 2 - 1 hour 9 minutes 1. Rosary 5 - I John 5:121, 15:54 2. Rosary 6 - II John 1:1III John 1:14, 19:19 3. Rosary 7 - James 1:121, 15:44 4. Rosary 8 - James 1:222:14, 15:39 5. Consecration of Russia and Fátima Prayers, 2:12 Disc 3 - Length: 1 hour 11 minutes 1. Rosary 9 - James 2:153:9, 16:04 2. Rosary 10 - James 3:104:17, 17:02 3. Rosary 11 - James 5:120, 15:50 4. Rosary 12 - Jude 1:125, 17:21 5. Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 4:44 Album length: 3 hours 27 minutes More Rosaries MP3 format for the Childs Rosaries to Mother Mary, #MG10008. MP3 format for the 45-minute rosaries, Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosaries for the New Age, #M10026. DVD with Animated Spiritual Visualizations of Mother Mary, #DV11008.  
Ashram Rituals 2 CDs
These six rituals are designed to link "hearts worldwide in a ritual of scheduled group meditations." Includes:  The Unison Ritual Great Central Sun Ritual Sacred Ritual for Attunement with Gods Holy Will Sacred Ritual for Soul Purification Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work Sacred Ritual for Oneness The Work of the Father and the Son: Mantrams from Jesus Life The Ashram of Morya El is one answer to the call of unascended lifestreams who desire to reduce world suffering and serve the cause of world awakening. It carries a message full of hope to brothers small and great on earth. It opens a door that no man can shut and establishes a shining pathway for souls to reach up beyond the seemingly silent veil into the realm of pure Love. Here the care of the one Father is manifest for all his children, who were created to inherit the blessings of his kingdom.—Mark L. Prophet "Thus, the Ashram is indeed a means to an end, and that end is total identification with the Word of God. It is the strengthening of hearts that we seek, and ritual has evermore been the means to that end. The ritual itself does increase the capacity of the individual to hold mighty currents of energy. As the capacity does increase, you are transformed. Rituals are self-transforming. Listen as I give them with you through the Messenger. Listen to the quality of the voice of Lanello and of myself as you hear the fervor of love and realize that the Messenger is teaching you by example how to create a chalice for Light from the recitation of the Word. The mere repetition of words will not suffice in this pursuit. Every word you speak, even as you hear me speaking now, is put forth with a power, with a fervor of adoration and gratitude to God. In fact, our spoken word does carry all of our being and the stamp of our individuality. So when you recite your rituals, may the sacred fire breath carry into your words the Light of your heart. When these words are sent forth, there is no ending to them. They cross the Matter spheres and bless all Life. Such is the nature of the word of the Guru! Emulate this delivery, beloved, in your Ashram rituals so that your words, as cups of Light moving on a conveyor belt, shall reach millions of hearts of Light, never stopped by distance; for these words given in this fashion travel beyond ordinary wavelengths of sound. There is indeed the Light and Sound Ray whereby the words of the Guru are carried wherever in the universe the Guru is manifest as God. And they are shuttled across the skies from star to star, and all who are chelas of the will of God who have reached a certain level of attainment listen with the inner ear for the conveyances of the Word as Power, the Word as Teaching, the Word as Love, the Word as the exegesis on the Law itself and the scriptures of East and West."—El Morya, Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 33 No. 34. 2 Audio CDs, 2:08 hrs. This audio CD set is the companion product for the Booklet 
Meditations to Become the Buddha
Guided Meditations by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Set to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, meditate on the Ten Perfections of the Buddha. The meditations on this recording are excerpted from the original text of the book Quietly Comes the Buddha and were given at a spiritual retreat in California. They are delivered in the first person so that you can commune directly with the heart of this precious Buddha. "I owe praise and gratitude to the Lalitavistara and Jataka stories of the past lives of Buddha. It was my meditation on these texts that prepared me to receive the revelations from Gautama Buddha on the Ten Perfections for the book Quietly Comes the Buddha. These are the original perfections that Gautama taught. They are eternal and they complement perfections adopted by later Buddhist schools." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1 audio CD, 58 min. Before a live audience. Mono. Remastered from the out of print item #D99020, CD, Quietly Comes the Buddha.
On Marriage
On Marriage -  included are numerous landmark lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and dictations from the ascended Masters. 2 MP3 Audio CDs Total length: 15 hr. 15 min. Before a live audience.   The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon (Devotional Pace) + 3 dictaties (3 CD's)
Archangel Michael is our very real friend in this hour of need. He is the Angel of the LORD who comes in answer to our call to quicken the elect of God, to teach the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and to deliver the true and righteous judgments of God upon the seed of the wicked. By offering this rosary, the armor and shield of Archangel Michael can be yours as you ask him to save our world in this time of trouble. Includes 3 dictations by Archangel Michael. 3 Audio CDs, Devotional Pace (with Elizabeth Clare Prophet), 2:41 hours.  De booklet is apart verkrijgbaar.  
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon - Intermediate pace - Released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, this is a one-hour service of prayers, decrees and hymns to invoke the assistance of Archangel Michael, the hosts of the Lord and the nine choirs of angels for the resolution of personal and planetary problems and for the binding of the forces of Evil attacking the children and youth of the world. As you give it, the armour and shield of Archangel Michael are immediately yours. Use this rosary for the exorcism of malevolent, nonphysical forces of annihilation affecting children, youth and adults alike, societies, economies, governments and nations.
Enoch's Rosary
Over 12 hours of illuminating, inspiring and totally unique content, including the complete Enoch Rosary, a lecture by Mark Prophet, four ascended master dictations from the Ascended Master Enoch, plus songs, invocations, mantras and prayers. Enoch, a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, anointed prophet of God, and ascended master, was so favored that God revealed to him the secrets of creation, the true stories of fallen angels, Adam and Eve, the Great Flood, details about the nature and use of sacred fire and much more. Now Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet lift the veil on these ancient mysteries in this compelling, one-of-a-kind collection. A unique and powerful rosary for our time. Highlights: Enoch and the Meaning of Arhatship The Second Book of Adam and Eve The Book of Enoch The Book of the Secrets of Enoch The Rosaries of Jude and Enoch Enochs rosary "will strengthen you in your Christhood. It will empower you to deal with Antichrist and meet all the challenges that will come to you." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet Dictations from the Ascended Master Enoch: Transfigured by Christ’s Immortality MLP 6-17-1962 Resonant Hearts of Fire MLP 7-2-1967 The Walk with God MLP 4-5-1969 The Elect One Cometh—At the Convergence of Golden-Ratio Spirals Ascending and Descending: The Watchers and the Great Day of Judgment ECP 12-29-1980 Lecture: The Mysteries of Enoch and the Meaning of Arhatship MLP 10-9-1971 The teaching of Enoch tells us there is an end to mercy for the fallen ones….When you say the Enoch Rosary, you implement the Word of God to Enoch….These rosaries go on by the hour and you can play them in your sanctuaries, in your homes even when you are not able to give them. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1 MP3 disc, 12.25 hours. Includes liner notes.  (Previously produced as an audio cassette album.) Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.
Ashram Rituals - Booklet
Ashram Rituals by the Ascended Masters El Morya. For Members of the Master's worldwide Ashram, and to be used in conjunction with Ashram Notes.   Eventueel te gebruiken met Ashram Rituals CD.
Ashram Rituals Booklet (PDF)
Downloadable PDF of the Ashram Ritual booklet containing the six Ashram rituals released in 1952-58 in the Ashram Notes. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
Saint Germain's Heart Meditations I & II (MP3 CD)
Delivered by the Messenger at Saint Germain's request, these mediations are for the clearing, strengthening and initiation of the heart chakra and the balancing of the threefold flame. Heart Meditation I & II include devotional prayers, decrees, mantras, hymns, meditations and visualizations as well as instruction and invocations by the Messenger and the opportunity for participants to offer personal prayers. PLUS: Ascended Master Dictation: Saint Germain, March 28, 1988, Royal Teton Ranch HOW TO USE THE HEART MEDITATIONS The best, of course, is to be able to devote the time in absolute concentration and meditation, to follow the directions given, participating in the music, prayers, fiats, and decrees. But if you can't do this, you can also play them while you are otherwise occupied with your hands, preparing to retire, preparing for your day's work so that you get some connection to the heart and the heart of Jesus, the heart of Saint Germain, the heart of God to develop your heart chakra. 1 MP3 CDs: Saint Germains Heart Meditation I: 1 hr. 32 min. Saint Germains Heart Meditation II: 3 hr. 51 min. Includes: Invocations, Meditations, Visualizations, Instruction and Teaching, and: Songs: Beloved Saint Germains Coronation Hymn, Glory Be to the Father, Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ, I Love You Waltz to Saint Germain, Deep in My Heart (Mark L. Prophet), Introit to the Holy Christ Flame, Holy Christ Flame, Djwal Kul, Come!, The I AM Lords Prayer, Adoration to the Great Central Sun, I Love You Waltz to Saint Germain, Praise the Lord?, Great Central Sun, Adoration to the Great Central Sun, Adoration to the I AM, Because, The Lords Prayer, O Love That Will Not Let Me Go, A Ballad from Beloved Paul the Venetian, Buddhist Mantras. Mantras and Fiats: I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Gods Purity in Me Now!, AUM, I AM a Being of Violet Fire! I AM the Purity God Desires!, O Lord, I AM Worthy, Make Me Worthier Still!, In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I Trust!, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Gods Purity in Me Now!, Come, Holy Spirit, Enlighten Me!, O Holy Spirit, Come unto Me, Lo, I AM That I AM, O God!, Let My Heart Be Thy Heart!, Lo, I AM That I AM, O God!, O Beloved I AM Presence, Let Thy Forgiveness Descend through My Christ, My Husband!, O Thou Forgiving Heart, O Thou Forgiving Heart, Have Mercy upon Me, O God!, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Gods Purity in Me Now!, Come, Holy Spirit, Enlighten Me!, O Holy Spirit, Come unto Me, Cut Me Loose and Set Me Free from All Thats Not Christ Victory!, Charge Us with Thy Crystal Light!, OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM, OM VAIROCHANA OM, OM AKSHOBHYA HUM, OM RATNASAMBHAVA TRAM, OM AMITABHA HRIH, OM AMOGHASIDDHI AH, OM HUM TRAM HRIH AH, MAIM, Hear, O Universe, I AM Grateful! Decrees 0.01: Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree, 1.00: The Keepers Daily Prayer, 20.03: Balance the Threefold Flame in Me, 0.07A: I AM the Light of the Heart, 6.05: Traveling Protection, 10.11: I AM Presence, Thou Art Master, 1.01: Call to the Fire Breath, 5.00: Calls to the Unfailing Light of God, 60.06: Beams of Essential Light, 0.06: O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life, 7.10B: Meditation on Self. "Neglect not my Heart Meditations, for as you increase the fire of the heart, so, beloved, I increase my presence in your heart. The increase of the threefold flame is your key to the all-power in heaven and in earth that may be given unto you?.Seek it, beloved?.Do not think I will be offended if you cannot give 100-percent attention to these meditations. You need to imbibe them, to assimilate them, to drink them in, to hear my invocations given through the messenger and to accept them."Saint Germain, July 4, 1991 Decree Pace: Devotional to Intermediate+. Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.   Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.  
Moeder Maria
Afmeting | size : 12,5 cm x 17 cm (donker)
The Fourteenth Rosary, The Mystery of Surrender - Booklet
The Fourteenth Rosary - The Mystery of Surrender - Booklet Edition 2010. Dit booklet kan in combinatie gebruikt worden met de gelijknamige CD.
Watch With Me, Jesus' Vigil of the Hours - Booklet
In 1964 the Ascended Master Jesus Christ inaugurated the "Watch With Me" Jesus' Vigil of the Hours--a worldwide service of prayers, affirmations and hymns for the protection of the Christ consciousness in every son and daughter of God. This service commemorates the vigil the Master kept alone in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said: "Could ye not watch with me one hour?" The Lord Jesus has called students of the Ascended Masters to give the Watch individually or in group action once a week, at the same time each week, so that at every hour of the day and night someone somewhere is keeping the vigil. In a dictation given October 4, 1987, Jesus asked us to renew this commitment. He promised: "I shall be in your midst, beloved, as you give this prayer service in my name weekly" (see 1987 PoW, pp. 494-95). A powerful devotional service to Jesus and the ascended hosts with prayers, songs and decrees. Note: This is the booklet it does not include the CD. Booklet, 44 pages. The audio CD is the companion product for the Watch With Me booklet.
Watch With Me, Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours – Booklet PDF
In 1964 the Ascended Master Jesus Christ inaugurated the “Watch With Me” Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours–a worldwide service of prayers, affirmations and hymns for the protection of the Christ consciousness in every son and daughter of God. This service commemorates the vigil the Master kept alone in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said: “Could ye not watch with me one hour?” The Lord Jesus has called students of the Ascended Masters to give the Watch individually or in group action once a week, at the same time each week, so that at every hour of the day and night someone somewhere is keeping the vigil. In a dictation given October 4, 1987, Jesus asked us to renew this commitment. He promised: “I shall be in your midst, beloved, as you give this prayer service in my name weekly” (see 1987 PoW, pp. 494-95). A powerful devotional service to Jesus and the ascended hosts with prayers, songs and decrees. The Booklet is a PDF version of the original. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
Save the World with Violet Flame! 1 by Saint Germain
Violette Flame decrees en liederen naar Saint Germain en de Elohim van de 7e Straal - transformeer uw wereld! Langzaam tempo. Booklet inbegrepen. Violet Flame decrees and songs to Saint Germain and the Elohim of the 7th Ray - transform your world! Slower pace. Booklet included
Chakra Meditations
Chakra Meditations and the Science of the Spoken Word - MP3. Timeless Teachings from the Ascended Masters -  From my Heart to Buddha - Before a live Audience. 1 MP3 Audio CD Total Length 10 hr. 41 min. The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.  
Decrees and Songs with Mark L. Prophet
Mark Prophet walked before us a a friend on the spiritual path. This album is a wonderful way to connect with Mark's heart, experience his joy, and let him teach you how to decree. Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, "This is a very, very special album, because it transfers an enormous quantity of Mark's causal body by the fact that his spoken Word is on it." Two Audio CDs, 2 hours 38 minutes. Devotional Pace. Disc 1 1. Decree 0.01 - Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree 3:27 2. Decree 1.01 - Call to the Fire Breath 2:45 3. Decree 1.30 - Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees 6:31 4. Decree 4.01 - Decree for the Worlds children 3:21 5. Decree 5.00 - Six Mighty Cosmic Light calls 2:59 6. Decree 6.03 - Protection of the Beloved Messengers 5:29 7. Decree 7.08 - World Peace 3:20 8. Decree 7.11 - Entity Decree 9:30 9. Decree 7.22 - Friends of Freedom 3:58 10. Decree 7.29 - Great Karmic Board 3:56 11. Decree 8.01 - Forget Me Not 1:49 12. Decree 10.07 - I AM Michael, Michael, Michael! 2:29 13. Decree 10.08 - The Great Divine Director 2:13 14. Decree 10.09 - El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power 2:35 15. Decree 10.13 - Beloved Surya 2:02 16. Decree 20.00 - Invocation of Illumination 4:02 17. Decree 30.02 - Introit to the Holy Christ Self 1:42 18. Decree 30.03 - Adoration to God 2:59 19. Decree 30.09 - Prayer to the World Mother 3:02 20. Decree 30.11 - Behold Love! 2:06 21. Decree 40.07 - Goddess of Purity 2:06 22. Decree 40.08 - Decree to the Queen of Light 2:06 23. Decree 50.04 - I Seek Thee 2:45 24. Decree 50.05 - Beloved Cyclopea, Beholder of Perfection 2:21 Disc 1, 1 hour 20 minutes Disc 2 1. Decree 60.00 - Beloved Flame of Resurrection, 1:36 2. Decree 60.01 - Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ, 0:55 3. Decree 70.11 - I AM the Violet Flame, 2:34 4. Decree 70.12 - Radiant Spiral Violet Flame, 1:54 5. Decree 70.17 - Violet-Purple-Pink, 1:54 6. I AM a Being of Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires!, 1:22 7. A Story of El Morya When He Was Embodied as Thomas Moore, 3:25 8. Song 2 - Glory Be to the Father, 1:49 9. Song 416 - The Great Divine Director, 3:02 10. Song 599 - Be Still and Know, 3:46 11. Song 37 - Deep In My Heart, 3:48 12. Song 358 - Dear Silent Watcher, 4:14 13. Song 462 - My Wonderful One, 3:33 14. Song 45 - Glory and Praise, 2:33 15 Song 123 - Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, 3:31 16. Song 25 - I AM the Tree of Life, 2:59 17. Song 33 - O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life, 4:13 18. Song 476 - Goddess of Light, 3:59 19. Song 419 - Beloved Nada, Our Chohan Divine, 2:54 20. Song 224 - All Hail, Mighty Serapis Bey, 5:26 21. Song 682 - Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, 1:32 22. Song 686 - God Bless America, 2:20 23. Song 146 - The Birthday of a King, 3:19 24. Song 73 - How Great Thou Art, 3:35 25. Song 601 - You Are a Child of the Light, 2:13 26. Song 64 - God, God, God!, 1:17 27. Song 198 - El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power, 4:28 Disc 2: 1 hour 18 minutes Two Audio CDs, 2 hours 38 minutes NOTE: These decrees and songs by Mark Prophet are available in MP3 format on Album 5 of "Discourses on Cosmic Law" #M12005.DG12003
Book of Hymns & Songs (losbladig)
Words to our hymns, songs and mantras that are set to music. For services, meditation, singing with the audio or to a capella to God, the ascended masters and angels--or to your Holy Christ Self! Over 120 songs here were penned by the ascended masters through the Messenger of Music, Dorothy Lee Fulton. Knighted by Saint Germain through Mark Prophet as Lady Edelweiss, Dorothy Lee brought the music of the spheres for the age of Aquarius. Note: This songbook contains words, but not sheet music. Binder not included Loose leaf, 8.5" x 5.5", 3-hole punched, 800+ pages  
Decrees & Songs of the 2th Ray
Prayers, decrees and songs to the Archangel and Masters of Wisdom for world peace, illumined action and the guidance of the youth of the world. Booklet of words included. Medium pace. Lanto, Beloved Lanto 3:30 Preamble to: Invocation of Illumination 1:41 Invocation of Illumination 20:31 And in full Faith... 0:27 God and Goddess Meru 2:44 Golden Waves of Peace 5:56 And in full Faith... 0:24 Helios and Vesta! 2:30 Preamble to: Balance the Threefold Flame in Me! 1:13 Balance the Threefold Flame in Me! 7:51 And in full Faith... 0:31 Lanto's Prayer 1:12 Beloved Lanto, Lead Us to Shamballa Again 5:07 Preamble to: Call for Illumination 0:49 Call for Illumination 5:12 And in full Faith... 0:24 Seven Calls for Illumined Action 3:02 Blaze Illumination's Flame Thru Us 2:10 Glorious Apollo and Lumina 3:01 "Freedom is always hard won, as is true illumination. Therefore the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas have raised up the kindling fire of the crown; and we bring our crown chakras as we walk, almost physical, through the earth this day, those Buddhas in heaven and all of their disciples. And the fire of our crown chakras is as the fire of a candle and we make ourselves fiery candles walking, walking through the earth. I bid you, then, take the tape of decrees on the Second Ray of illumination that we have called for and that is now manifest and I also bid you, as a messenger of the Eightfold Path and of the Inner Buddha and of the Holy Christ Self, vow to carry that flame of wisdom, of illumination (which is of wise dominion and of illumined action). Messengers are ye all of the Middle Way, tethering not to the right or to the left of the world's various isms but knowing that Truth is above them all." - Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 29
Decrees & Songs of the 4th Ray
Total time: 1 hr. 14 min. 1 Audio CD Before a live audience. Prayers, decrees and songs to the Archangel and Masters of the Fourth Ray. Expand the fire of your heart. Includes booklet of decrees and songs. Song 1: I AM Light 5:30 Preamble to Decree 40.05: Decree for Purity 0:32 Decree 40.05: Decree for Purity 2:20 Decree 40.06: I AM Pure 6:49 Preamble to Decree 40.00: Prayer for Purity 0:40 Decree 40.00:Prayer for Purity 6:45 Preamble to Decree 40.01: Flood Us with Purity 0:39 Decree 40.01: Flood Us with Purity 5:18 Preamble to Decree : Blaze Ascension's Flame through Us 0:32 Decree : Blaze Ascension's Flame through Us 5:32 Song 298: All Hail, Mighty Serapis Bey 4:52 Preamble to Decree 40.04: Golden Pink Glow Ray 0:56 Decree 40.04: Golden Pink Glow Ray 8:11 Preamble to Decree 40.07: Goddess of Purity 0:35 Decree 40.07: Goddess of Purity 9:36 Song 228: Purity 2:20 Preamble to 40.08: Decree to the Queen of Light 0:29 Decree 40.08: Decree to the Queen of Light 7:48 And in full Faith... 1:27 Song 290: Beloved Gabriel 3:11  
Decrees & Songs of the 5th Ray
Total time: 1 hr. 10 min. Before a live audience 1 Audio CD. Prayers, decrees and songs to the healing Archangel and Masters of the Fifth Ray. Expand the fire of your heart. Includes booklet of decrees and songs. Song 303 Beloved Raphael and Mary 6:17 Decree 7.10A: I AM Light 1:11 Decree 7.10B: Meditation on Self 1:01 Preamble to Decree 50.00: Living Truth 1:23 Decree 50.00: Living Truth (3x) 4:04 Preamble to Decree 50.04: I Seek Thee 0:53 Decree 50.04 I Seek Thee (3x) 9:01 The Magnificat Song 98 3:03 Preamble to Decree 50.03: Come We Now Before Thy Flame 0:33 Decree 50.03: Come We Now Before Thy Flame (15x) 8:40 Preamble to Decree 50.02: Christ Wholeness 1:27 Decree 50.02: Christ Wholeness (3x) 7:17 Song 100: The Virgin of Guadalupe 4:34 Preamble to Decree 50.01: Flame of Healing 1:04 Decree 50.01: Flame of Healing (3x) 3:29 Preamble to Decree 50.05: All-Seeing Eye of God 0:47 Decree 50.05: All-Seeing Eye of God (7x) 10:13 Decree 7.09A: The Balm of Gilead (3x) 1:56 And in full Faith... 0:48 Song 109: The Bells of Saint Mary's 2:45  
Devotions, Decrees And Spirited Songs to Archangel Michael - CD
Archangel Michael, the most revered angel in Jewish, Christian and Islamic scriptures, is your personal bodyguard. Contains decrees and songs to invoke his protection for yourself, your loved ones and people in need around the world. 1) To the Seven Archangels – Song 282 2:03 min 2) Blue Cross-Blue Flame Protection (9x) – Decree 10.10 7:03 min 3) I AM Presence, Thou Art Master (9x) – Decree 10.11 3:25 min 4) Blue-Flame Power from the Heart of God (1x) – Decree 10.12 2:10 min 5) The Sweetest Psalm – Song 285 2:39 min 6) Guard, Guard, Guard Us! (3x) – Decree 1.32 0:54 min 7) Invincible Protection of the Light I AM! (6x) – Decree 1.33 1:13 min 8) Decree to Archangel Michael (9x) – Decree 10.00 12:03 min 9) Archangel Michael's Grand Parade – Song 299 5:37 min 10) Faith In Divine Purpose – Decree 10.14A 0:52 min 11) I AM the Guard In Archangel Michael's Name! (9x) (Affirmation) 0:35 min 12) Traveling Protection (9x) – Decree 6.05 2:40 min 13) Michael's Sword of Blue Flame – Song 283 2:18 min 14) Blue Lightning Is Thy Love (3x) – Decree 10.16 1:48 min 15) Light's Protection (3x) – Decree 10.01 4:45 min 16) Micah, Angel of Unity – Song 286 1:44 min 17) Archangel Michael, Help Me! – Decree 10.22 1:29 min 18) Michael, Archangel of Faith (3x) – Decree 10.15 2:55 min 19) Beloved Archangel Michael (3x) – Decree 10.06 4:29 min 20) Archangel Michael Help Me, Help Me, Help Me! (3x) (fiat) 0:15 min 21) Glory and Praise – Song 45 3:01 min 22) I AM Michael, Michael, Michael! (3x) – Decree 10.07 3:38 min 23) Archangel Michael's Victory March – Song 298 4:45 min 1 CD 72:29 min. Devotional pace. Includes booklet of words.
Hail to the Chief, a salute to El Morya
Hail to the Chief, a salute to El Morya (songs). Tracks; 18 Total time 47.30 min.
Sanctissima - Music for World Peace
Sanctissima - A Musical Mass  for World Peace. These 19 traditional and original hymns are a musical offering for world peace in response to Mary's Fatima message. From opening chimes to closing bells, this heavenly music brings the light of the angels and the Blessed Mother wherever it is played. Christmas music for every day of the year! Songs: O Sanctissima, O Piissima, 2:35 Ave Maria, 4:55 Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above, 3:40 Immaculate Mary, 4:10 On This Day, O Beautiful Mother, 2:28 The Hail Mary, 2:38 The Sacred Name of Mary, 4:35 The Magnificat, 3:06 Mary, 3:11 The Virgin of Guadelupe, 4:22 Mother, Dear Mother, 2:34 Beloved Archangel Raphael, 2:45 Mary's Diamond Heart, 2:40 Christ--The Immaculate Concept, 3:12 Beloved Raphael and Mary, 6:20 What Child Is This, 3:38 Gesu Bambino, 3:49 O Holy Night, 5:26 The Bells of Saint Mary's, 2:45 1 CD 70 minutes. Booklet with words to songs included. “So your inner child and your inner soul are one. Now see the great birth of that Child, Christ in you, and cradle that one and love that one and rock that one and use my songs on Sanctissima to heal the soul, to heal the inner child, to bring the inner child to the place where the child can enter in and be that Manchild. “Sing for the transmutation of the anger, the hurt, the pain, the separation, the loss, the abandonment and all things that have been done to [your inner] child or that you have done to your own self.” - Mother Mary, October 10, 1992 The Ascended Master Djwal Kul has spoken of Sanctissima as “a magnificent crystal chalice of music that comes from the heights of Elohim,” and Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary have said: “It is indeed a chalice into which the heavenly hosts pour their light unceasingly.”
Shiva! Sacred Chants from the heart of India
The bhajan is a form of sacred music from India. It begins slow, with a lone voice that reaches a place deep within your soul. It builds with a chorus of voices. Then comes the rhythm of the tabla, the Indian drum, to unleash your inner fire and liberate you. Shiva is the Hindu lord of music, dispeller of illusion and liberator of souls. Enter his world through these songs, performed in Sanskrit and Hindi by singers and musicians dedicated to preserving the sacred music of the world. Let the sacred tones and harmonies of Shiva! liberate you. SIVA SAMBHU HARA MAHADEVA HE SIVA SANKARA SAMBHU SA NKARA MANASA BHAJORE JAYA SRI SANKARA JAYA GURU OMKARA NA TARAJA Image on back of album is Mount Kailas (22,027 ft.) in the Himalayas, southwestern Tibet, revered by Hindus as the most sacred mountain in the world and the abode of Shiva. (Photo by Hugh Swift) Tracks; 8  Total time 74:33 min.
Decrees & Songs of the 3th Ray
Prayers, decrees and songs to the Archangel and Masters of Love. Expand the fire of your heart. Booklet of words included. Let Love Be the Dividing of the Way 6:27 Adoration to God 10:13 Introit to the Holy Christ Self 5:43 I AM the Light of the Heart 1:34 Keep My Flame Blazing 2:09 O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life 2:36 Beloved Chamuel and Charity 4:41 The Balm of Gilead 1:58 The Covenant of the Magi 2:39 Forever Thine 6:47 Love Me 6:50 Blessed Heros and Amora—Elohim of Love 2:54 Behold Love! 2:54 The Way of Love 1:15 Preamble to: Rose of Light, O Come 0:37 Rose of Light, O Come 1:40 Djwal Kul, Come! 3:08 And in full Faith... 0:45 The Angels' Song at Twilight 7:58 "Hence, as you develop the heart chakra and become a just steward of the heart, you must learn to release the resources of the Spirit through the spoken Word and to give decrees in time and space that are for the transmutation of that place into the dominion and the domain of the kingdom of God." - Djwal Kul Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 17 No. 39 Audio CD 73 minutes.  
How to Work with Angels: Your Guides, Guardians and Friends
A video lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Why should we work with angels? Because they are our guides, guardians and friends and because God created them to help us and to do many wonderful things for us. We should feel absolutely comfortable talking with our angels, walking with our angels, calling to them, giving them assignments, asking for their assistance in the most difficult personal and very private mattersand also in matters of global concern such as mans inhumanity to man, the world economy and all that we see outplaying before us on the screen of life. Working with angels is a joyous opportunity that awaits us all. You will learn: About the origin of angels How to meet your angel of protection How you can interact with angels How you can enlist angels to work with you The heavenly hierarchy And much more Before a live audience 1 DVD, total length: 1 hr. 38 min.
How to Work with Angels - Meeting Your Guardian Angel!
How to Work with Angels - Meeting Your Guardian Angel Your guardian angel already knows you.  He or she knows you better than anyone else in the universe.... Before a live Audience -  1 DVD total length; 1 hr. 51 min.
How to Work with Angels: Contacting Your Higher Self
How to Work with Angels: Contacting Your Higher Self. Before a live  audience  1 DVD total Length 1 hr. 41 min.
Heart, Head & Hand Decrees - Booklet
Dit Engelstalige booklet bevat Meditatie, Mantra's, Gebeden en Decree's voor het verruimen van de Drievoudige Vlam binnen het hart. (44 pagina's).
Hail, Freedom Flame!
Dit album bevat twintig klassieke vrijheidsliederen, die samengesteld zijn door de boodschapper Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1 uur, 18 minuten. This album contains twenty classic freedom songs, compiled by the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1 hour 18 minutes
Sacred Songs from the Heart of India
Bhajans to Lord Krishna, Ganesha and God Surya Bhajans are the beautiful devotional songs of India. Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells us they are unique coils of energy. As you sing them you are giving your devotions to the divinity within you as Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mother. She explains that the bhajan always begins in the base-of-the-spine chakra with the adoration to the Mother light. As the rhythm accelerates, the energies of the Mother light rise through the seven chakras, uniting with the light of the Father and releasing the potential of the Christ consciousness. The final acceleration is the whirling of the energies of the crown chakra. The Gayatri is probably the most important mantra we will ever recite throughout our lifetime. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet Disc 1 To Lord Krishna: 1. The Maha Mantra 2. Jaya Hare Krsna 3. Hare Narayana Govinda 4. Nanda-Lala Yadu Nanda-Lala 5. Govinda Narayana 6. Jai Jai Prabhu Giridhari 7. Radha-Krsna Karna-Lola 8. Atmarama Ananda-Nama Total time 58:09 Disc 2, To Lord Krishna: 1. Rama Krsna Jaya Bolo 2. Mitha-Smita 3. Rama Rama Rama 4. Hari Ananda Maya Jaya Narayana To Ganesha: 5. Gaja-Vadana Gananatha 6. Vinayaka To God Surya: 7. The Gayatri Mantra Benediction 8. Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Total time 55:41, 2 Audio CDs: 1 hr. 54 min. Includes booklet.
Waltzes by the Messenger of Music
By the Messenger of Music Dorothy Lee Fulton Dedicated to Beloved Cylcopea and Virginia, Elohim of Music Song 358A: All-Seeing Eye of God Song 467: To the God of Harmony Song 513: The Lighthouse of Love Song 197: El Morya, We Love You Song 300: Beloved Jophiel and Christine Song 279: Faith, Hope and Charity (3x) Song 305: Beloved Zadkiel and Amethyst Song 17: Prayer of Saint Francis Song 304: Beloved Uriel and Aurora Song 804: Violet Fire, I Love Thee! Song 816: Waltzing in the Sunset   1 Audio CD;  Total length: 56 min.
Hercules Thou Elohim (60x) (Advanced Pace - without image)
Without image. Decree 10.05: O Hercules Thou Elohim given 60 times. Total time 70:58 min.
Astrea's Circle and Sword
Astrea's Circle and Sword Over Regions of the Earth. Animated spiritual Visualizations Audio:  Decree 10.14 (72x)  DVD Total time;  1 hr. 10 min.  
Healing Power of Angels
In this groundbreaking seminar, Elizabeth Clare Prophet introduces the seven archangels, who have always been the teachers and initiators of mankind, our true friends and helpers. She teaches how we can invite them to work with us and intercede for us. When we call to them, they come with armies of angels in their command. They bind the forces of darkness and bring solutions to the most challenging problems on the world scene. In answer to our calls, they also come with the greatest love and care to help us resolve the most difficult situations in our personal lives. They comfort, protect and heal us. They teach, instruct and guide us. This album also contains powerful messages from each of the seven archangels to inspire us and to help us navigate through these uncertain times. 2 MP3 Audio CDs. Total Length: 17 hr. 39 min. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.
Afra broeder van licht - spirituele leringen van een ten hemel gevaren meester
De Eerste Opgevaren Meester van Afrika. Afra is de patroon van Afrika en van het zwarte ras. Lang geleden wijdde hij 'naam en faam' aan het sponsoren van een uitgestrekt werelddeel en een machtig volk.Toen Afra zijn hemelvaart maakte, vroeg hij om eenvoudig 'broeder' of 'frater' te worden genoemd. En zo werd frater de naam Afra. Het zwarte ras maakte oorspronkelijk deel uit van een ras dat als het blauwe en het violette ras bekend stond. Hun huidskleur had  of een blauwe, of een violette tint.
Boeddha, De - Tien Dictaties
Tien dictaties van de Boeddha over verschillende oprechte levensonderwerpen.
Graaf de St. Germain, De
Bij het opnieuw uitbrengen van dit vertaalde boek van Mevrouw Cooper Oakley is de oorspronkelijke nederlandse vertaling gehandhaafd, daar het zijn charme behoudt en de lezer meer in de geest van een vervlogen tijd plaats.
Kosmische Klok, De
De kosmische klok is een nieuwtijdse vorm van astrologie, die door Moeder Maria aan Elizabeth Clare Prophet is doorgegeven. Door onze levenscycli ( jaren, maanden, weken, dagen) op een bepaalde wijze uit te zetten over de tekens van de dierenriem, kunnen we aflezen in welke hoedanigheid ons karma voor die bepaalde cyclus naar ons toekomt. Op die manier kunnen we ons daarop voorbereiden en passende voorzorgsmaatregelen treffen. Men zou het zo kunnen zien: normaal gesproken benadert ons karma ons van achteren, als een steen die naar ons toevliegt. We zien deze steen niet en kunnen erdoor worden geveld. Met behulp van de kosmische klok kunnen we de steen voortijdig herkennen en maatregelen nemen, bijvoorbeeld door te bukken of hem te verpulveren door het geven van gerichte gebeden. Met behulp van deze brochure leert u hoe u uw eigen kosmische klok kunt maken en hoe u er dagelijks mee kunt werken. Auteur: [field auteur] Aantal pagina: [field paginas]
Scheppende Kracht van het Geluid, De
Recente wetenschappelijke onderzoeken bevestigen de kennis die al duizenden jaren bekend was aan de mystici: geluid is de sleutel tot het creëren van het Universum. En het kan ook spirituele en materiele veranderingen teweeg brengen in uw leven. Gebed is het geluid en de taal van de ziel. Luid uitgesproken, kan het de dynamische energie van de Geest ontsluiten. In De Scheppende Kracht van Geluid leert u zeven grondbeginselen voor het toepassen van gebeden, mantra’s en affirmatives in uw dagelijkse leven. U zult een effectieve manier ontdekken om spirituele energie te benutten voor het scheppen van positieve veranderingen in uw leven en de wereld om u heen.
Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary - Booklet (PDF)
Friend, companion, helper, teacher, intercessor… Known in East as the compassionate protector and Saviouress, and in the West as the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin is far more than a statue of a distant deity. She is as near as prayer, as concerned as a mother. If you seek union with your Higher Self and desire to overcome the conditions and circumstances of your karma, you need Kuan Yin. Her assistance is tangible as you lovingly invoke her presence in a magnificent New Age ritual of hymns, prayers and Chinese mantras: 10 Vows of Kuan Yin 14 Kuan Yin Mantras for the Woman and Her Seed The New Age Hail Mary with the Magnificat and the Ave Maria 33 Mantras to the Manifestations of Avalokite´svara as Kuan Yin 7 Songs to Kuan Yin and Gods Flame of Mercy and Forgiveness 9 Dynamic Decrees to the Heavenly Hosts, including 1.30 “Forgiveness” (33x), 10.00 (3x), 10.01 (9x), 10.11 (1x), 10.14 (9x), 70.15 (9x), 70.16 (3x), and 70.18 (5x). This is the PDF version of the Booklet. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
Vials of the Seven Last Plagues
And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues... Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation begins with this vision of seven angels who pour their vials over the earth—the vials of the seven last plagues. As these vials are poured out, the Apostle John describes rivers and seas turned to blood, thunders and lightning, a great earthquake, and darkness. What does this prophecy mean for us today? In Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, the seven archangels give us keys to the understanding of these signs. They speak of the end of an age, of darkness descending, and of the collective return of our just and unjust dealings with one another and with our God. They also speak of a great light, of opportunity to achieve soul resolution, and a new era of hope and enlightenment. Here is the real story of what is happening on planet earth today—and what will happen—from the point of view of the seven archangels. Read their words and learn how you can navigate through these challenging times. "Choose love this day, and live in love, and live peacefully in the land ... Choose love, and you will prosper and all will go well... Choose love this day and live..." from Vials of the Seven Last Plagues. Download free chapter
Meeting The Masters- Sacred Adventure series #2
Deze prijs alleen voor deelnemers aan de Cursus A Sacred Adventure die start op zaterdag 25 februari 2023. Een cursus zelfbeheersing De materiële wereld waarin we leven vertegenwoordigt slechts een klein deel van een breed spectrum van zijn, van het rijk van de nederigste natuurgeesten tot dat van de meest verheven aartsengelen. Dit tweede boek in de serie Sacred Adventure gaat in op de aanwezigheid van meesterlijke spirituele wezens net achter de sluier.Ontdek verborgen dimensies in deze onthullende hoofdstukken: Verken de levende kosmos Ontdek de kracht van de goddelijke wil Leer te reizen met je ziel Aanschouw de schittering van goddelijke wijsheid Treed binnen in het engelenrijk Ontvang de troost van de goddelijke liefde Leef in het eeuwige nu van je drievoudige vlam Verdiep je in de levens en kwaliteiten van de opgevaren meesters van de eerste drie stralen Softbound, 277 pagina's. A course in self-mastery. The material world in which we live represents only a small slice of a broad spectrum of beingfrom the realm of the humblest nature spirits to that of the most exalted archangels.This second book in the Sacred Adventure series expounds on the presence of masterful spiritual beings just beyond the veil. Explore hidden dimensions in these revealing chapters: Exploring our Teeming Cosmos The Strength of Divine Will Soul Travel The Brilliance of Divine Wisdom The Angelic Kingdom The Comfort of Divine Love The Threefold Flame Softbound, 277 pages.
Essential Affirmations Mantras and Decrees for Personal and World Transformation
In Essential Affirmations, Mantras and Decrees you will discover how to use the power of sound to harness spiritual energy. Create positive change for yourself and the world around you.
Binder - 221 -
Deze ringband is speciaal gemaakt voor decreeboeken en songboeken en geeft niet alleen bescherming maar vergemakkelijkt eveneens het gebruik van de decrees.
Reisaltaar 18 cm x 35 cm
A five-panel altar: the Chart of Your Divine Self with portraits of Jesus Christ, Saint Germain, Kuthumi and El Morya printed on heavy card stock. 10 x 18.7 cm.
Portrait image of the I AM Presence & four Masters
Dit is het volledige altaar van The Summit Lighthouse. Dit altaar bestaat uit de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (posterkwaliteit 29,8 cm x 16,4 cm | 300 g/m2 ), El Morya, Saint Germain, Jezus Christus en Kuthumi (17 cm x 13 cm).  
Portrait of El Morya
De opgevaren meester El Morya. Afmeting: 13 x 17 cm
Poster van de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid & de vier Meesters | Poster of the I AM Presence & the four Masters
Dit is het volledige altaar van The Summit Lighthouse. Het altaar bestaat uit de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (33,2 cm x 60,0 cm | 250 g/m2), en Jezus Christus, Saint Germain, Kuthumi en El Morya (29,7 x 37,8 cm | 135 g/m2). This is the full altar of The Summit Lighthouse. The altar consists of the I AM Presence (33.2 cm x 60.0 cm | 250 g/m2), and Jesus Christ, Saint Germain, Kuthumi and El Morya (29.7 x 37.8 cm | 135 g /m2).
Poster van de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (33,2 cm x 60,0 cm) 135 g/m2
De afbeelding van je Goddelijke Zelf De bovenste figuur vertegenwoordigt je IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid en zijn causale lichaam, of het lichaam van de Eerste Oorzaak. De middelste figuur staat bekend als het Hogere Zelf en daalt af vanuit de bovenste figuur om te functioneren in materie en verordent door de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid. Het Hogere Zelf wordt ook het Heilige Christus-Zelf genoemd. De onderste figuur vertegenwoordigt de ziel die zich ontwikkelt in materie en die ernaar streeft om zich te verenigen met haar Heilige Christus-Zelf en permanent met de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid. De papierdikte is 135 g/m2 en de afbeelding is voornamelijk bedoeld om in te lijsten of aan de muur te hangen bij je altaar. De afbeelding hoort in een gouden lijst zonder passe-partout. De afbeelding vormt het middelpunt van je altaar. Dagelijkse aanroepingen naar de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid door middel van de Buis van Licht of decree 0.01 in het decreeboek, heiligen het altaar, terwijl je je afstemt op de afbeelding. Afmeting & papierdikte: 33,2 cm x 60,0 cm | 135 g/m2
Portrait of El Morya (13 cm x 17 cm)
El Morya in de klederdracht van een eind 19e eeuwse Rajpoet prins. Je kunt een onmiddellijke zielenconnectie met hem voelen wanneer je in de ogen van de meester El Morya kijkt. Afmeting: 13 cm x 18 cm
Portrait of Jesus Christus (13 cm x 17 cm)
Portretafbeelding van Jezus Christus (by Charles Sindelar). Afmeting: 13 cm x 18 cm.
Portrait of Kuthumi (13 cm x 17 cm)
De opgevaren meester Kuthumi. Hij bekleedt het ambt van wereldleraar samen met Jezus Christus. Afmeting: 13  x 17 cm
Portrait of Saint Germain (13 cm x 17 cm)
Saint Germain (by Charles Sindelar) Afmeting : 13 x 18 cm
Portrait image of the I AM Presence & Jesus Christus and Saint Germain
Dit altaar is samengesteld uit de portretafbeeldingen van Saint Germain & Jezus Christus (17 cm x 13 cm), samen met een A4-formaat van de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (29,8 x 16,4 | 300 g/m2).
Morya and You: Love
Wie Is El Morya? Soms kijken we wel eens een vreemdeling in de ogen, en ontstaat er een vlaag van herkenning: we kennen dit persoon! U zou een onmiddellijke zielenconnectie kunnen ervaren terwijl u in de ogen kijk van het vurige wezen wiens portret op de voorzijde van het boek staat afgebeeld. Wie is hij? Hij is de Opgevaren Meester El Morya. Hoewel hij nu een spiritueel wezen is, heeft hij vele belichamingen op aarde gekend en kenden velen miljoenen hem als vader, broeder, leraar, heerser en vriend. Hij was Abraham. Hij was Heer Thomas more. Hij was Akbar de Grote. En er zijn nog veel meer levens waarin hij het voorbeeld was van de vaderlijke hulp en liefde. U kunt best één van die miljoenen zijn die hem gekend heeft in het verleden. Het probleem is dat u dit allemaal vergeten bent over hem terwijl u dit leven binnenstapte. Meester Morya is u echter niet vergeten. Hij zoekt naar zijn leerlingen en oude vrienden, en zijn oog is gefixeerd op jou. Zijn hart verlangt naar u. Hij heeft belangrijke leringen om aan u over te dragen, en hij is klaar om u bij de hand te nemen en u te leiden naar de volgende stap op het spirituele pad. Leer hem kennen! Lees over zijn vorige levens in de Appendix en verkrijg begrip over zijn karakter. Drink van zijn tedere zorg voor jouw ziel in zijn eigen woorden in deze 26 boodschappen en verkrijg een begrip over zijn hart. Who Is El Morya? Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the Ascended Master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love. You may well be one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Read about his previous lives in the Appendix and gain an understanding of his character. Drink in his tender care for your soul expressed in his own words in these 26 messages and gain an understanding of his heart. Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you reconnected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time!
Poster van Jezus Christus (37,8 cm x 29,7 cm)
De poster van Jezus Christus (samen met die van Saint Germain) lenen zich uitstekend als altaarafbeelding naast de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid. De afmeting is 37,8 cm (hoogte) x 29,7 cm (breedte). De papierdikte is 135 g/m2 en de afbeelding is bedoeld om in te lijsten of aan de muur te hangen bij je altaar.
Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosaries
Mother Mary gave the scriptural rosaries to Elizabeth Clare Prophet in the autumn of 1972 at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral in Colorado Springs. This is a new rosary and a new meditation upon the Mother flame. Mother Mary outlined a rosary for each of the seven rays and the seven days of the week. She gave a rosary for the eighth ray, and she gave five secret-ray rosaries that are for the evening. Mother Mary explained that the name Mary means “Ma-ray” and that all people, men and women alike, must meditate upon this Mother ray, this Mother flame, which is a fountain of living fire within us. It is a fountain of purity. It must be quickened, raised and released. The Mother quickens God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Mother on earth is the one who helps us to understand the Father and teaches us his laws; she enables us to understand the wisdom of the Son and shows us how the love of God is the action of the sacred labor in the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary said that the rosary is not an idolatrous adoration of her person. It is simply the giving of one’s energy through the science of the spoken Word to the Mother of the universe, the Mother of cosmos and the Mother force, the life-force that is in oneself. The quickening of this energy leads to the soul’s reunion with the Father.  Mother Mary said, “I am but a representative of the Cosmic Virgin and there are many mothers in heaven and on earth who follow in this service.” How To Pray the New Age Scriptural Rosary The recitation of the rosary each morning is a part of the ritual of our family and of students of the masters. It takes forty minutes to an hour to give the rosary, and it is a meditation upon events in the life of Jesus and Mary and on the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments. These matrices of scenes in the life of Jesus and Mary are intended to be niches of consciousness— and the word “niche” comes from “I-niche-I-action,” initiation. Each time you pass an initiation, you go into a new niche of God’s consciousness by your attainment. And so we are taught to meditate upon a particular scene, upon the words of the master, upon a particular event. And then, when we give the Hail Mary, it is to draw the energies of Mater—the Mother ray—to coalesce in us, to re-create that record and that consciousness right where we are so that we can experience the divine Manhood and the divine Womanhood of Jesus and Mary. “I extend to you by the rosary access to my causal body….I will be with you daily as you give the rosary and I charge you to speak to me of your problem, your need, your concern, whether small or great, and I promise you I will be there to offer the highest resolution acceptable according to the Great Law of God, limited only by the laws you have set in motion in your life.”—Mother Mary, July 3, 1984 CD Information: 2 Audio MP3 CDs:  12 hr. 6 min. CD Title: Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosary for the New AgeDescription: CD 1: 8 hours The Love Mysteries, Monday, The Third Ray, 61 min. The Joyful Mysteries, Tuesday, The First Ray, 60 min. The Healing Mysteries, Wednesday, The Fifth Ray, 59 min. The Initiatic Mysteries, Thursday, The Sixth Ray, 63 min. The Glorious Mysteries, Friday, The Fourth Ray, 64 min. The Miracle Mysteries, Saturday, The Seventh Ray, 63 min. The Teaching Mysteries, Sunday, The Second Ray, 57 min. The Masterful Mysteries, Sunday Evening The Eighth Ray, 62 min ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD 2: 4 hours The Inspiration Mysteries, Monday Evening, The First Secret Ray, 45 min. The Action Mysteries, Tuesday Evening, The Second Secret Ray, 48 min. The Revelation Mysteries, Wednesday Evening, The Third Secret Ray, 54 min. The Declaration Mysteries, Thursday Evening, The Fourth Secret Ray, 47 min. The Exhortation Mysteries, Friday Evening, The Fifth Secret Ray, 48 min. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDES: Explanatory liner notes, Biblical references, words to the prayers, the Consecration of Russia, China and America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, plus instructions on how to pray the new age scriptural rosary using traditional rosary beads
Is moeder natuur boos?
Een kans om elementair leven te helpen. Ieder van ons heeft mogelijk miljoenen elementen die van ons afhankelijk zijn. Zij zijn van ons afhankelijk om voor hen te bidden, om violet vuur voor hen te geven. Gezien de rampen die de afgelopen jaren al hebben plaatsgevonden, is het zeker in ons beste belang om te denken aan de elementen, om met hen om te gaan en te praten, tot hun hiërarchien te bidden, en om hen aan te moedigen, hun hoop te geven en hen bij te staan. Wil je het doen en je inzetten om de natuurgeest te helpen?  
Save The World with Violet Flame! 2 by Saint Germain
Save The World with Violet Flame! 2  by Saint Germain. Disc 1 Tracks; 13
Save The World with Violet Flame! 3 by Saint Germain
Save The World with Violet Flame! 3 door Saint Germain. Save The World with Violet Flame! 3 by Saint Germain.
Save The World with Violet Flame! 4 by Saint Germain
Save The World with Violet Flame! 4 by Saint Germain Disc 1  Tracks; 12
Violet Flame Meditation - Booklet (PDF)
Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation.              
Afmeting | size : 11,8 x 16,8 cm
Cyclopea (10 cm x 10 cm)
Elohim Cyclopea, het Alziend Oog van God. Afmeting: 10 cm x 10 cm
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet Afmeting: 12,5 x 19 cm
Lord Maitreya, de Kosmische Christus. Afmeting: 12,5 x 18 cm
Afmeting | Size : 12,8 x 15,8 cm (donker)
Afmeting | Size : 11,8 x 17,4 cm (moeder van de wereld)
Paul the Venetian
De opgevaren meester Paul the Venetian Afmeting: 13 cm x 17 cm
Serapis Bey - portret
Afmeting | Size : 12,5 x 18,8 cm (luxor portret)
Serapis Bey - landscape
Afmeting | Size : 17,8 x 12,5 cm (luxor landscape)
Threefold Flame
De Drievoudig Vlam: Kracht, Wijsheid & Liefde. Afmeting | Size : 12,5 x 17 cm
De vrouwelijke opgevaren meester Venus. Afmeting|: 13 cm x 17 cm
A Soul Journey
Four instrumental renditions of "Come, Holy Dove!" (Maha Chohan 1). (Note: This rendition is not the music spoken of by the masters. If that is what you are looking for, please see the original music by Dorothy Lee Fulton, Musical Meditations For Mystical Union #D98065 ). A soul Journey is a profound musical piece. The melody soothes the body as it uplifts the spirit. Perfect for meditation, inner work or relaxation. Approximately 1 hour of uninterrupted intrumental music. 1 CD. 59 minutes. Four instrumental renditions of "Come, Holy Dove!" (Maha Chohan 1). Total time 58:37
The Crowning Rose - Songs of Love for All Seasons
The Crowning Rose - Songs of Love for All Seasons by Excelsior Tracks; 17 Total time 71:00 min.
Music as a Magnet
DVD: 1 hr. 29 min. Linda and Robert Worobec Based on the Teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet What is a syncopated beat? How can I tell good music from bad? Why should I even care? This practical, down-to-earth DVD presents the foundational principles of the ascended masters' teachings on music and its effects on matter, both negative and positive. Professional musicians Linda and Robert Worobec present an informative workshop that includes a three-step “discernment toolbox” (rhythm, melody, harmony) to evaluate the quality of the music in your life. Now you will understand the profound effect music can have on your physical and spiritual well-being. Train your ear by listening to the many segments of music included in this presentation—classical, rock, jazz, Celtic, Broadway, country, new age and more. Identify and understand the syncopated or back beat. You will “measure” the piece of music with your tools and then discern how that specific piece of music makes you feel. As Elizabeth Clare Prophet has taught, music is a power that can be used to help or to harm. Gain a fresh perspective on this power that can change your world.
What is Gnosticism
Ancient mysteries revealed! Disc 1  What is Gnosticism? 1 hr. 22 min.
Mysteries of the Tao
Mystical Paths of the Worlds Religions series The Way … The mysteries of the Tao are unveiled by the sixth-century B.C. Chinese sage Lao Tzu in his mystical work the Tao-Te Ching. The Tao Te Ching is one of the most sacred works of the East. Next to the Bible, it has been translated more than any other book in the world. Tao is usually translated as the Way. The Tao is the all-pervading principle of the universe – the First Cause, the Absolute. The Tao gives birth to all things and sustains all things. It is that to which all things return. In Mysteries of the Tao, author and lecturer Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the keys to each one of us becoming the Perfect man. You can learn to: Lean on a pillar that is never shaken Travel a road that is never blocked Be endowed from a resource that is never exhausted Learn from a teacher that never dies Be successful in whatever you do Arrive wherever you go Govern the inside, not the outside… This 2-DVD set is part of the author's highly-acclaimed Mystical Paths of the Worlds Religions series.
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon - Booklet (PDF)
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon booklet of prayers, decrees and hymns. Call to Archangel Michael and his angels to help solve your problems. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.              
The Fourteenth Rosary - Booklet (PDF)
This is the downloadable PDF of the Mystery of Surrender Rosary. Turn over your problems to God and release all sense of struggle into the fires of the Holy Spirit. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.        
Morya and You: Love (AUDIO)
Morya and You: Love Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in these 23 messages on this album. Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you reconnected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time! Read about his previous lives in the Appendix of the companion book, Morya and You – Love.
Morya and You: Wisdom (AUDIO)
Morya and You: Wisdom Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose por- trait graces the cover of this album. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abra- ham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 23 audio messages on wisdom in this album. See also the companion book, Morya and You: Wisdom Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you reconnected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time!
Discourses on Cosmic Law #1
17 lectures by Mark L. Prophet. MP3 format. The antahkarana is the unseen web that connects all parts of life, the auric field of the entire cosmos. In his lecture "Antahkarana, the Web of Life," Mark explains how "you tremble the whole universe from the point in space where you are" and how each of us hurts or helps life by what we think and do moment by moment. In "The Use of Thoughtforms in the Expansion of Consciousness" Mark shows you how to enhance your sensitivity and creative abilities by visualizing certain geometric images, or thoughtforms, under the direction of your Higher Self. A master storyteller, Mark relates anecdotes from his life to show how thoughts produce action. Using thoughtforms can "give you creative power and control of your own life," he says. "You have all the energy that God has. All you have to do is learn to use it." With profound insight and depth, Mark describes the many facets of love. He explains that perfect love is practical and pragmatic, why a certain amount of self-love is necessary, and what prevents true love from coming into our life. He gives psychological keys on loving, including why some people are afraid to love and why love sometimes turns into hatred. His lectures on love include "Developing Ascended Master Love," "Purity of Heart," "Waves upon the Sea," "The Accent Is Love" and "Perfect Love." Also in Album 1: “The Avatar” “The Artisan in the Temple” “Exhalation and Inhalation of the Breath of God” “Creation” “Penetration, Focalization and Control of Consciousness” “Thoughts Are...” “The Threefold Flame and Identity” “Man's Identity and His Real Plan” “Why Callest Thou Me Good?” 1 MP3 Audio CD. 11 hours 38 minutes.
Discourses on Cosmic Law #2
15 lectures by Mark L. Prophet. MP3 format Mark reveals that each of us has a spiritual, divine spark from God in our hearts - a threefold flame. He describes the colors and attributes of the threefold flame and says that within that flame lies the potential for each of us to become a Christ. He also explains that the goal of life for each of us is to "ascend" back to God as Jesus did. Mark illustrates, with fascinating stories from his life, how karma influences health. Looking beyond the physical body for the causes of disease, he shows how wrong thoughts and feelings can be the biggest hindrance to wholeness. The secret to healing, he says, is becoming integrated with your God Self. Mark teaches how we can use the "resurrection flame" - the regenerative energy of God - to transform our lives. He shows us how to renew ourselves and how we can have our own personal resurrection. Mark also presents a new way of looking at the cross, not as a symbol of sorrow but as a symbol of freedom and opportunity. What's really the best antidepressant? The answer, Mark says, is joy - "the motor of life." In "The Miracle of Joy" he shows us how to extract joy from the beautiful things in life and amplify our joyous thoughts. He explains why the "violet flame" is one of God's greatest gifts to us and how we can use visualizations and mantras to the violet flame to transmute our karma. He also describes the "tube of light" and, with amazing stories, shows what it can do for us. In the Americana portion, Mark reminds us of America's spiritual heritage, the real meaning of the American dream and what it will take to make it a reality. Also in Album 2: “The Violet Flame for the Achievement of God Realization” “The Meaning of Freedom” “Explanation of the Chart of the I AM Presence” “The Gift of the Freedom of God-Expression” “The Destiny of America” “America, Christ Loves You! World, Christ Loves You!” “The American Dream” “Educating Your Vision” “How to Find Total Healing” “Understanding Karma” “Secrets of Prosperity” “Meditation on Christ Wholeness” “Finding Freedom through the Cross” “The Flame of the Resurrection” “Nothing Can Be Lost but Opportunity: ‘How Long, O Lord?’” 1 MP3 Audio CD. 11 hours 46 minutes.
The Mandate of Victory
All forty dictations from The Mandate of Victory - all the messages by Mighty Victory, unfolding for you the secrets of the Victory Consciousness. Success is the byword of our modern civilization. Yet, few people reach the pinnacles of succes the many dreams of us the sense of true accomplishment is moderate. Or we feel boxed in by the ideal of material success that leaves little room for living as it was meant to be - in richness of spiritual self- fulfillment. And our soul yearn for a higher way. The 40 audio dictations are companion to The mandate of Victory book and offer that higher way - framed within a personal challenge flung right at you: "Are you satisfied to spend your life conditioned by all-too human failure consciousness, or are you ready to embrace the Victory Consciousness?"   2 Audio MP3 CD's - Time 17 hrs. 49 min. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.  
Discourses on Cosmic Law - # 1
Mark Prophet had a life of many challenges. He left high school during the Great Depression to support his widowed mother. He laid track on the Soo Line Railroad, served in the Air Force in World War II, was the head of an electrical workers’ union in the Midwest. Finally, he achieved the American dream—the house, the job, the new car—only to see it all taken in a great spiritual test. But through all of this, it was his quest for God that was the driving force for his life. As a boy, he would pray for hours at an altar he built in the attic of his house. He received all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit while yet a teenager. And then he found that his search for Reality could not be contained within that path. He studied the Western arcana. He pursued the Eastern paths of yoga and meditation. And above all, he was guided by his Guru, the Ascended Master El Morya. Also available in audio. Mark Prophet was never afraid to let the Holy Spirit express through him. He used no notes—each discourse was a fresh revelation from the heart of God. They were delivered with grace and disarming spontaneity —and often a dose of humor. (Who can forget “The Chevy Is My Auto”?) He often quoted the words of Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, “Was it I who spoke? Was I not also a listener?” Mark's messages, the product of a profound love for God and man, provide us with glimpses of the Infinite—the Wisdom of the Ages—made practical for our daily life. Volume 1 contains eighteen discourses, including: • Penetration, Focalization and Control of Consciousness • Developing Ascended Master Love • The Artisan in the Temple   Also available on audio CD
Spiritual Techniques to Heal Body, Mind & Soul
Spiritual techniques to heal Body, Mind & Soul allows a deeper connectiveness and understanding of how, in a fast-paced world, we can maintain spiritual cohesiveness. Sound can change our Lives Contents:  2 CDs and booklet  -  Running time: 92 minutes.
Your Sacred Labor: Darshan with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Darshan #1 - Leringen van de Meesters en de pad door C.W. Leadbeater. "Het volledige doel van het leven is het vinden van God." - El Morya …God vinden in alle hoekjes en gaten in de bergen, de bossen, de bomen en de oceanen. …God vinden in het hart en bereid zijn de pijn van die liefde te voelen, zo groots is de liefde in ons hart. …God vinden in jezelf, in je talenten en je roeping, en je heilige werk begiftigd alles dat u doet met zijn geest. Uw heilige werk is: Het middel naar uw hemelvaart Een 'must' voor uw onsterfelijkheid 1 DVD, totale lengte, 1 uur, 10 min. Darshan #1 - Teachings from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater. "The entire purpose of life is finding God." - El Morya …Finding God in all the nooks and crannies in the mountains, in the forests, in the trees, in the oceans. …Finding God in the heart and being willing to feel the pain of that love, so great a love in our hearts. …Finding God in yourself, in your talents and your calling and your sacred laborand endowing anything that you do with his spirit. Your sacred labor is: The means to your ascension A must to achieve your immortality 1 DVD,Total length: 1 hr. 10 min.
The Creation of the Cloud - Booklet (PDF)
Saint Germain explains that the creative cloud, once it is dispersed by your fiat at the conclusion of your creative ceremony, will continue to expand and expand and expand throughout the universe as a globe of translucent white fire, eddying in ever-widening spheres. The active participation in the ritual of the cloud by lightbearers throughout the world will enhance the forcefield of the cloud around the entire planetary body for the victory of the light in the golden age. Downloadable PDF of the Creation of the Cloud booklet. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.              
Unveiling the Mysteries of Revelation
A previously unpublished lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet given March 7-8, 1978. In this unique and outstanding lecture Elizabeth Clare Prophet charts the Book of Revelation - all 22 chapters and 404 verses - on the cosmic clock as one giant spiral. This spiral is a mystical rendering by Jesus Christ to John the Beloved of our own path of initiation, as individuals and as twin flames. As Mrs. Prophet teaches, the mysteries of Revelation are unsealed. We learn that all initiates must meet and conquer by the sword of the Spirit the coming of the dragon, the beast, the false prophet and the great whore, which are all perversions of love. You can read the Book of Revelation again and again and it will never cease to reveal to you the mysteries of the unfoldment of your Inner Self. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 7, 1978 MP3 CD: 5 hours, 50 minutes
eBook Saint Germain over Alchemie
Voltaire noemde hem “de man die alles weet en nooit sterft”. En dat is een understatement. De graaf Saint Germain veranderde onedele metalen in goud, verwijderde onzuiverheden uit diamanten en ontdekte het elixer van de eeuwige jeugd. Deze “Wonderman van Europa” was de vertrouweling van koningen en een vriend voor de armen. Zijn goed gedocumenteerde “wonderen” waren in feite het natuurlijke uitvloeisel van zijn beoefening van alchemie. Zijn geheimen kunnen u in staat stellen om onedele metalen in goud te veranderen. De alchemistische principes draagt hij over in dit handboek - het beste op het gebied van persoonlijke ontwikkelingen en van de samenleving. De opgevaren meester Saint Germain je de geheimen aan die hij zelf eeuwen geleden reeds aanleerde: • Stap-voor-stap precipitatie – direct of indirect – van zichtbare, tastbare objecten. • Het aanboren van energieën van de schepping. • Formules om aan de Universele Bron alles te onttrekken wat je nodig hebt. • Hoe je een wolk kunt scheppen van oneindige energie om je spirituele kracht te vergroten. • Formules en leefregels voor hereniging met je Hogere Zelf. De basisboodschap van Saint Germain over Alchemie is dat je niet machteloos bent. Je kunt heerschappij nemen over je leven en je lotsbestemming veranderen. Je kunt je leven, je land en je planeet veranderen. En je kunt vandaag beginnen!
How to Develop Your Heart Chakra (DVD)
The way to heaven is through the Heart. It is essential to your advancement on the spiritual path, and this powerful presentation explains how to do it. The Heart is the central sun of your being and the seat of true Christ consciousness. Its twelve petals correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac-each a gateway to higher initiations on the Homeward path. Elizabeth Clare Prophet's lecture - including songs, decrees and invocations - leads you on a journey that will open your heart...and open the door to the highest realms of God consciousness. Enter in... Length: 1 hour, 35 minutes.
Guru-Chela Relationship, The
Darshan #16 met de boodschapper Clare Prophet die onderwijst over de Guru-Chela relatie op 20 februari 1997. Darshan #16 with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching about the Guru-Chela Relationship from February 20, 1997.
Way to the Master, The
Darshan #2 Elizabeth Clare Prophet onderwijst uit De Meesters en het Pad door C.W. Leadbeater. Darshan #2 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater.
Outpouring Spirit into Matter
Darshan #12 Elizabeth Clare Prophet onderwijst over het uitstorten van de Geest in de Materie uit de Meesters en het Pad, door C.W. Leadbeater. Darshan #12 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on outpouring of Spirit into matter from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
IK BEN jouw beschermer
Misschien een van de meest belangrijke boekjes die je ooit zult lezen… Terrorisme. Oorlog. Veranderingen van de aarde. Gewelddadige misdaad. De dreiging naar onze gezinnen, naties en omgeving is enorm. Nu hebben we Aarstengel Michaël meer dan ooit nodig. Dit baanbrekende boekje is een uittreksel van het pocketboek I AM Your Guard, en introduceert jou bij Aartsengel Michaël en hoe je zijn bescherming kunt aanroepen. Aartsengel Michaël wordt vereerd in zowel Joodse, Christelijke als Islamitische tradities, en kan jou en je geliefden beschermen in moeilijke tijden. Alles wat je hoeft te doen, is om zijn hulp te vragen. Dit boekje laat je zien hoe. Het bevat ook ware verhalen over de wonderbaarlijke tussenkomst van Aartsengel Michaël.
I'm Stumping for the Coming Revolution - MP3
Deze DVD biedt de basis aan van de leringen: De afbeelding van de Aanwezigheid, decrees, Saint Germain en nog veel meer. Deze DVD vormt een verzameling van de beste lezingen van Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.
De IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (10 pocketkaarten 54 mm x 92 mm) Dutch version
Koop een 'wallet card' 10-pack en geef ze aan vrienden of familie! De afbeelding van je Goddelijke Zelf is bedrukt op de achterzijde: DE AFBEELDING VAN JE GODDELIJKE ZELF De bovenste figuur in de afbeelding is je IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid, de IK BEN DIE IK BEN, de individualisatie van Gods Aanwezigheid voor elke zoon en dochter. De IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid wordt omringt door bollen van licht die samen het causale lichaam vormen, waarin je 'schatten in de hemel' zijn opgeslagen. De middelste figuur in de afbeelding is de middelaar tussen God en mens, Heilig Christus-Zelf of Hogere Zelf genaamd. De onderste figuur stelt jou voor, omringd door een buis van licht, die voortkomt uit het hart van je IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid wanneer je de mantra hieronder opzegt. Dit witte licht beschermt je 24 uur per dag zolang je je harmonie bewaart. BUIS VAN LICHT MANTRA Geliefde IK BEN, mijn Goddelijk gezicht; Verzegel rondom mij uw buis van licht. In Gods naam geroepen op dit uur; Vanaf opgevaren meester vuur. Houd deze tempel vrij en dicht; Voor onenigheid op mij gericht. Ik roep de violette vlam tevoorschijn. Laat ieder verlangen doorstraald en vernieuwd zijn; Blijf zo doorgaan in de naam der vrijheid; Tot IK violet vuur BEN in God-Eenheid.   The text on the back of the pocket card is in Dutch.  
I AM Presence (29,8 cm x 16,4 cm)
De IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid met papierdikte van 300 g/m2 met afmetingen 29,8 cm (hoogte) x 16,4 cm (breedte). The I-AM Presence with paper thickness of 300 g/m2 with dimensions 29.8 cm (height) x 16.4 cm (width).
Poster van de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid & Jezus Christus en Saint Germain | Poster of the I AM Presence & Jesus Christ and Saint Germain |
Dit altaar is samengesteld uit de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (60 cm x 33,2 cm | 250 g/m2) en Jezus Christus en Saint Germain (29,7 x 37,8 cm | 135 g/m2). This altar is composed of the I AM Presence (60 cm x 33.2 cm | 250 g/m2) and Jesus Christ and Saint Germain (29.7 x 37.8 cm | 135 g/m2).  
Poster van El Morya (37,8 cm x 29,7 cm)
Samen met Kuthumi, zijn goede vriend, heeft El Morya een plaats bij het altaar aan de zijden van Jezus Christus en Saint Germain. De afmeting is 37,8 cm (hoogte) x 29,7 cm (breedte). De papierdikte is 135 g/m2 en de afbeelding is bedoeld om in te lijsten of aan de muur te hangen bij je altaar.
Poster van Kuthumi (37,8 cm x 29,7 cm)
De poster van Kuthumi is 37,8 cm x 29,7 cm en vormt samen met de poster van El Morya de buitenste meesters van de altaarsetting. De papierdikte is 135 g/m2 en de afbeelding is bedoeld om in te lijsten of aan de muur te hangen bij je altaar.
Poster van Saint Germain (37,8 cm x 29,7 cm)
Deze poster van de opgevaren meester Saint Germain van 29,7 cm x 37,8 cm leent zich als altaarafbeelding in de gewijde ruimte. De papierdikte is 135 g/m2 en de afbeelding is bedoeld om in te lijsten of aan de muur te hangen bij je altaar.
Morya and You: Power
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 27 messages on power in this book. Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you recon- nected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time! 470 pages.
Morya and You: Wisdom
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and wisdom. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you. He is ready to take you by the hand and lead you to your next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 23 messages on wisdom in this book.
9 Cats 9 Lives
FDR, Al Capone, Henry Ford... What were they doing on Atlantis? And how did that set the stage for future lives? Elizabeth Clare Prophet penetrates the veils of akasha to reveal the past lives of individuals who helped shape the modern world. As she traces threads of karma, we see how their choices in many lives set their destiny and the karmic challenges they would face in the twentieth century. Their stories are intriguing. More importantly, they show that while karma may determine the cards we are dealt in life, we each choose how we will play our hand. We can rise to our higher calling and balance our karma—or wrap ourselves more tightly in its bonds. The message is that we can transcend our past—and our past lives—and find a new freedom and joy in life each day.
'Waak met mij' - Jezus' wake op ieder uur
Gebed is de open deur waar alle zegeningen doorheen stromen. Het is de doorgang van licht tussen hemel en aarde. Het is praten met God; het is de smeekbede; het is de hunkering van het hart. Door gebed wordt het bewustzijn milder, angsten worden uitgebannen … Mensen over de hele wereld worden één als zij alles van zichzelf op het altaar van het gebed leggen, en zij de wonderlijke vreugde van de Christus voelen, die zijn wandeling met de mens voortzet. Zij voelen de kracht van de Heilige Geest en zij weten dat hun Verlosser leeft. Zijn belofte aan hen die hij achterliet, was: ‘Voorwaar, voorwaar, ik zeg u: Wie in mij gelooft, zal de werken die ik doe, ook doen, en hij zal grotere doen dan deze, want ik ga heen naar mijn Vader.’
eBook Ontdek de kracht van je Hogere Zelf
Ontdek de kracht van je Hogere Zelf beschrijft eenvoudige technieken die je kunnen helpen een nauwe samenwerking met de Geest te ontwikkelen, en de vreugde, vrede en kracht te ervaren die tot je spirituele geboorterecht behoren. Als je in afstemming bent met je Hogere Zelf, word je liefhebbender en gevoeliger voor de behoeften van jezelf en van anderen. Je zult je levensdoel vervullen en je grootste creativiteit tot uiting brengen. Leer tien dynamische stappen die je leiden naar spiritueel ontwaken en je zullen helpen om je volledige potentieel te verwezenlijken. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
eBook Karma en reïncarnatie
Het woord ‘karma’ is een algemeen begrip geworden. Maar niet iedereen weet wat het werkelijk betekent of hoe we ermee om moeten gaan. Dit verhelderende boek helpt je greep te krijgen op karmische verbintenissen uit vorige levens, die hebben bijgedragen aan je huidige levensomstandigheden. Je zult ontdekken hoe je  – goede en slechte – handelingen uit vorige levens invloed hebben op het feit in welke familie je bent geboren, tot wie je je aangetrokken voelt, en waarom sommige mensen je zo irriteren. Je zult leren over groepskarma, wat we tussen twee levens doen, en wat de grote verlichte figuren uit het Oosten en het Westen, zoals Jezus, te zeggen hebben over karma en reïncarnatie. Maar bovenal zul je te weten komen hoe je je karmische ontmoetingen om kunt zetten in geweldige kansen om de toekomst te vormen zoals je die zelf wilt. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
De onbekende jaren van Jezus
Notovitch, Abhedananda, Roerich en Caspari hadden één ding gemeen. Ze waren aanvankelijk geenszins op zoek naar documenten over de oudheid totdat zij in contact kwamen met een lama die veel wist over een heilige profeet - iemand uit Palestina en die in het Oosten bekend stond als Issa. Toen Notovitch uiteindelijk een document overhandigd kreeg van één van de opperlama's, wist hij nog niet hoeveel invloed dit later zou hebben op de religieuze en wetenschappelijke invulling van de formatieve jaren van Jezus.
eBook De onbekende jaren van Jezus
Notovitch, Abhedananda, Roerich en Caspari hadden één ding gemeen. Ze waren aanvankelijk geenszins op zoek naar documenten over de oudheid totdat zij in contact kwamen met een lama die veel wist over een heilige profeet - iemand uit Palestina en die in het Oosten bekend stond als Issa. Toen Notovitch uiteindelijk een document overhandigd kreeg van één van de opperlama's, wist hij nog niet hoeveel invloed dit later zou hebben op de religieuze en wetenschappelijke invulling van de formatieve jaren van Jezus. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
Hoe samen te werken met Engelen
Heb je er ooit over nagedacht om een relatie met een engel op te bouwen? Hoe samen te werken met Engelen laat je zien hoe je bevriend kunt worden met de engelen zodat zij je kunnen helpen op praktische en persoonlijke manieren – terwijl zij je beschermen, inspireren, genezen en troosten. Hoe meer je leert met engelen samen te werken, hoe beter zij je effectief kunnen helpen. Zij kunnen je zelfs meenemen in een opwaartse klim, zodat je een glimp van je Hogere Zelf kunt opvangen. Leer in tien stappen om de engelen een deel van je leven te maken. En wees voorbereid op wonderlijke veranderingen als je aanroepingen maakt en zij je antwoorden geven.
The Lost Years of Jesus
The Gospels do not say where Jesus was between the ages of 12 and 30 - the "lost years." However, ancient Buddhist manuscripts say Jesus left Palestine and traveled to India, Nepal, Ladakh and Tibet during these lost years. For the first time, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings together the eyewitness accounts of four people who saw these remarkable manuscripts—plus three variant translations of the texts. "Puts together the missing pieces in the life of the Master that have baffled scholars for centuries." Jess Stearn, author of Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet "I commend you to the study of The Lost Years of Jesus with the purpose of gaining the understanding of your own path to the highest retreats of the Brotherhood, the necessity to pursue that path and to take advantage of all that we offer. "The world must face that there is more to the life of my Son than orthodox Christianity has allowed. They have not allowed my children to know the truth of his mission and work, and how that mission and work should apply to each and every one in all centuries." - Mother Mary, December 9, 1984 Illustrated with maps, drawings and photos
Gardens of the Heart: Forgiveness
In today's fast-paced world we all need a simple way to quickly step out of day-to-day experiences and into a place that will renew and inspire us. The "Gardens of the Heart" series is a collection of meaningful quotes from Elizabeth Clare Prophet that can lift your spirit, open your understanding and gently guide you to the garden within your own heart. "Forgiveness" is the author’s first book in this beautiful new series.
Gardens of the Heart: Hope
There is hope in the sunshine. There is hope in the birds' songs at dawn. There is hope all through life, and the flowers of hope bloom in every garden. And you in a way are a miniature flower, a miniature sun, a scintillating flame caught in the web of time.
Gardens of the Heart: Joy
Bring joy to your life, joy to your family and even joy to your goldfish. Be a dispenser of joy. Then, when people see you coming, they’ll say, “Why, the sun just came out!” And that will be the truth because joy is the sunshine of your heart. Joy, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, is something precious that is without price, for it comes directly from the heart.
Gardens of the Heart: Kindness
Kindness is a series of actions that go forth from your loving thoughts and feelings. And the circles of your kindness never cease even as the rings of the stone thrown in the pond go to the very edges of creation.
Gardens of the Heart: Peace
Come with me to the garden of the heart. Raise the latch of your attention and watch the great golden gate swing inward. See the peaceful, winding pathway, the verdant, protective hedges, the trellised roses of love, and heart the thinkling of fallng water. Be enfolded in the surrounding peace.
Karma en reïncarnatie
Het woord 'karma' is een algemeen begrip geworden. Maar niet iedereen weet wat het werkelijk betekent of hoe we ermee om moeten gaan. Dit verhelderende boek helpt je greep te krijgen op karmische verbintenissen uit vorige levens, die hebben bijgedragen aan je huidige levensomstandigheden. Je zult ontdekken hoe je  - goede en slechte - handelingen uit vorige levens invloed hebben op het feit in welke familie je bent geboren, tot wie je je aangetrokken voelt, en waarom sommige mensen je zo irriteren. Je zult leren over groepskarma, wat we tussen twee levens doen, en wat de grote verlichte figuren uit het Oosten en het Westen, zoals Jezus, te zeggen hebben over karma en reïncarnatie. Maar bovenal zul je te weten komen hoe je je karmische ontmoetingen om kunt zetten in geweldige kansen om de toekomst te vormen zoals je die zelf wilt.
Het Violette Vuur 10-pack (54 x 92 mm)
Wil je anderen laagdrempelig laten kennismaken met het violette vuur? Koop een 10-pack om uit te delen aan vrienden en familie. De voorkant bevat een visualisatie van violet vuur met een krachtig kort mantra in Engels en Nederlands.
Sacred Ritual for Keepers of the Flame (PDF)
The Sacred Ritual is a Sunday service of prayers, affirmations, decrees, and songs. Plus instructions on the altar set up and conducting a service (PDF Download). Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.          
The Control of the Human Aura through the Science of the Spoken Word
Scientists are beginning to prove what mystics have known all along – that the body is enfolded in a forcefield of energy that reflects our state of physical, mental and spiritual health. But the human aura is not just a passive reflector of internal conditions. Its dynamic currents of force are constantly interacting with the many auras and external stimuli that impinge from beyond the boundaries of our skin. Upon the backdrop of history and experimental research, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings the startling revelation that we can actually control the effects our auras have on the people we contact, and on the aura of planet Earth itself. Through the profound Science of the Spoken Word we are taught to purify, strengthen, and direct our auric emanations to change the world within us and the world around us. This will be the science of the future, but we can use it now! Includes the original 25 color illustrations and photographs that were part of the original edition.
Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin - lid van de karmische raad | 17cm (h) x 13cm (b).
The Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism
The Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism Capitalism and communism are the two major economic forces in the world today—two systems, two ideologies, seemingly at odds. Yet looking behind the scenes, a different picture emerges. In this visionary and soul-stirring message, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the illusions of Marxism and the contradictions of capitalism. She unmasks the manipulators, East and West, who exploit both systems to reach their own goals: money, power, control. Most importantly, her message is that the strategies of the manipulators may yet be overturned—if people understand what is really happening and answer the call to defend freedom. “Freedom remains the great challenge of our time….” – Elizabeth Clare Prophet Recorded July 4, 1979. 2 DVDs Total time: 4 hr. 27 min.
Habit by Jesus and Kuthumi
Habit by Jesus and Kuthumi - Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet This important album contains teachings given by the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, in the Corona Class Lessons series. They are the fundamentals that everyone who would be a teacher of mankind in God's name must know well. They include the most wondrous lectures that will enable you to understand that human habits are garments we wear and that we can get out of these habits by seeing what they are and making a conscious effort to correct them. Includes liner notes. This album is tracked approximately every 15 minutes. Previously published in a cassette album in 1982. 11 hr. 52 min. 1 MP3 Audio CD
Lightbearers of the World, Unite! - Booklet (PDF)
This handy e-book will empower you to invoke divine intercession and bring positive change in your life and the world at large through a wide selection of decrees, mantras and songs from the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. This system of prayer and song, known as the Science of Invocation and the Science of the Spoken Word, includes visualization and breathing techniques. It is a great resource to help you connect with your real self, your I AM Presence, and become an a practical alchemist. Concise explanations for: Why use the Science of Invocation, also called the Science of the Spoken Word? What are mantras? What are decrees? Why decrees are like spiritual letters? Includes a Guide to Seven the Rays a complete chart with color, day, chakra, chohan, archangel, Elohim and qualities for each. Basic instruction on creating and leading decree sessions, including invocations and having fun with decrees.                  
Sacred Ritual for Children of Keepers of the Flame (PDF)
Every member of the family will delight in giving this devotional Sunday service – a shortened version of the regular Sacred Ritual. The Sacred Ritual was dictated by the Maha Chohan and Saint Germain for use by Keepers of the Flame in group services and individual worship. It is a holy ritual to consecrate the flame of life in fourfold action of understanding, diligence of application, willingness to serve, and purity of purpose. Contains complete instructions for giving the service. Selected Bible quotes accompany illustrations by Gustave Dore. Children's booklet, 56 pages. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.        
Poster van de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid (33,2 cm x 60,0 cm) 250 g/m2
De afbeelding van je Goddelijke Zelf De bovenste figuur vertegenwoordigt je IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid en zijn causale lichaam, of het lichaam van de Eerste Oorzaak. De middelste figuur staat bekend als het Hogere Zelf en daalt af vanuit de bovenste figuur om te functioneren in materie en verordent door de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid. Het Hogere Zelf wordt ook het Heilige Christus-Zelf genoemd. De onderste figuur vertegenwoordigt de ziel die zich ontwikkelt in materie en die ernaar streeft om zich te verenigen met haar Heilige Christus-Zelf en permanent met de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid. De afbeelding is geschikt om in een gouden lijst zonder passe-partout te zetten. De afbeelding vormt het middelpunt van je altaar. Dagelijkse aanroepingen naar de IK-BEN-Aanwezigheid door middel van de Buis van Licht of decree 0.01 in het decreeboek, heiligen het altaar, terwijl je je afstemt op de afbeelding. Afmeting & papierdikte: 33,2 cm x 60,0 cm | 250 g/m2.  
Cursus boek : The Spiritual Quest - Sacred Adventure Series #1
The Spiritual Quest, Book 1 of the Sacred Adventure Series, is a seven-chapter course designed by the staff of Summit University to help you study and apply the basic teachings of the ascended masters. Includes links to online audio meditations and exercises. Offers an in-depth look at your spiritual origin and destiny and provides ways for you to more intimately connect with your Higher Self. The book has exercises, meditations and spiritual techniques—practical tips to help you apply these teachings in your daily life. A wonderful way to deepen your understanding of the profound wisdom of the ascended masters.
'Waak met mij' - Jezus' wake (PDF)
Gebed is de open deur waar alle zegeningen doorheen stromen. Het is de doorgang van licht tussen hemel en aarde. Het is praten met God; het is de smeekbede; het is de hunkering van het hart. Door gebed wordt het bewustzijn milder, angsten worden uitgebannen … Mensen over de hele wereld worden één als zij alles van zichzelf op het altaar van het gebed leggen, en zij de wonderlijke vreugde van de Christus voelen, die zijn wandeling met de mens voortzet. Ze voelen de kracht van de Heilige Geest en ze weten dat hun Verlosser leeft. Zijn belofte aan hen die hij achterliet, was: ‘Voorwaar, voorwaar, ik zeg u: Wie in mij gelooft, zal de werken die ik doe, ook doen, en hij zal grotere doen dan deze, want ik ga heen naar mijn Vader.’ Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
Parels van Wijsheid
Diverse Parels van Wijsheid - 14 willekeurige exemplaren en diverse jaargangen. Normaal 2,50 per stuk. Per bundel van 14 voor 29,95.
Morya and You: Power (AUDIO)
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Read about his previous lives in the Appendix. Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 26 messages in this book. Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you reconnected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time! 2 MP3 CDs
Meditations to Become the Buddha - MP3 Download
Take a moment and commune with the heart of the Buddha Meditations to Become the Buddha are guided meditations by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the heart of Gautama Buddha and your soul's path to becoming the Buddha. These meditations are set to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D. Meditate on the Ten Perfections of the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama was born of royal lineage. He left his wife and newborn son, palace and power, and set out to discover the cause of old age, disease and death. After six year and numerous experiments with yogis and ascetics, he communed under the bo tree for forty-nine days and brought forth out of nirvana the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path which have become a way of life for millions. Gautama also brought us the Ten Perfections, the basic foundation for mindful living: Alms – Giving of yourself Precepts – Attaining enlightenment Renunciation – Centering in ultimate Reality Wisdom – Transcending the human mind Courage – Overcoming fear and unworthiness Patience – Refining the soul through communion Truth – Freeing yourself from the effects of error Resolution – Conquering self-destructive habits Goodwill – Interating the Divine into your daily life Indifference – Sustaining intensity and equanimity as you fulfill your goals Elizabeth Clare Prophet was inspired by the Buddha to write down these meditations which have brought peace to thousands in a world of uncertainty. These inspirational meditations in this edition of The Prophet Archives are excerpted from her book Quietly Comes the Buddha.
Higher Consciousness
Over seventy years ago, historian Arnold Toynbee foresaw a “time of troubles” coming to America and the nations of the West. Our destiny depends on our response to these mounting crises. In this landmark release on America’s bicentennial, Saint Germain and other ascended masters outlined the challenges that America and the nations would face. They spoke of the promise of a new day that lies beyond them. And key to our success today, they outlined what the free nations of the world need to do to reach a new era of peace and enlightenment. We are facing those challenges today. Our requirement is nothing less than a new American Revolution. The revolution of 1776 secured the independence of a new nation, an unprecedented experiment in liberty. Today, it is a revolution in spiritual awareness that is needed. There is a part for you to play in the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Find your role. Fulfill your mission. Take up the path that leads to your ultimate freedom.
The Word Volume 8
Jesus Christ is the avatar of the ages—the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light. His message did not begin with the Bible, nor did it end with the Book of Revelation. He has never stopped speaking to his own. Two thousand years ago, he foretold a time of tribulation—the end of an age. That time has come. It is the era when the mystery of God should be finished, when the Two Witnesses should prophesy “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” And so Jesus once more delivers his Word to a world in transition. As always, the message is one of judgment to the fallen angels, admonishment to those who would walk in the light, hope for all who are striving on the path, and the vision of a golden age to come.
The Law of Cycles
From early childhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet observed the cyclic interaction of nature, planets and stars. Drawing on sources ranging from Hindu teachings on pralaya cycles, the ancient Greeks’ understanding of the golden ratio, to modern studies on the spirals of creation, she shows the rhythmic equation of God in man and nature. From this broad perspective, the wholeness and holiness of the universe are revealed. Is it time to get off the roller coaster of the circumstances of your life and find your point of peace?
Saint Germain - Mystery of the Violet Flame
For millennia, mystics and alchemists have sought the keys to unlock secrets of life and eternity. Their discoveries were often veiled in esoteric symbolism—hiding their real knowledge from those who might use it for selfish ends. Saint Germain was one such seeker. Through many lifetimes as alchemist, adept and visionary, he found the priceless ancient formulas for self-transformation. In this day, he comes again, revealing some of that knowledge to those finally ready to receive it—mystics like you. Most importantly, he reveals the profound secrets of the violet flame—the key to personal and world transformation. Find your ultimate freedom through the mystery of the violet flame!
Initiations of the Heart
Did our hearts not burn within us?... In Initiations of the Heart, the ascended masters reveal the mysteries of the heart. Here you have the keys to develop your heart, expand your heart's fire, and balance your threefold flame.
The Seduction of Socialism and The Responsibility of Freedom
Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3 Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3 In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the psychology of socialism and the economic philosophy of Jesus Christ. 2 DVDs, 1 MP3.
Teachings of the Cosmic Christ, Vol 1
To restore the thread of contact with the Guru, Maitreya would show you the way. Re-establish the thread of contact with your own Real Self. Enter the path of the Cosmic Christ. Regain the Edenic consciousness. Find your way back Home.
Finding A Higher Love: Spiritual Guide to Transforming Relationships
In Finding a Higher Love, Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners.
Discourses on Cosmic Law - vol. 2
Mark Prophet had a life of many challenges. He left high school during the Great Depression to support his widowed mother. He laid track on the Soo Line Railroad, served in the Air Force in World War II, was the head of an electrical workers’ union in the Midwest. Finally, he achieved the American dream—the house, the job, the new car—only to see it all taken in a great spiritual test. But through all of this, it was his quest for God that was the driving force for his life. As a boy, he would pray for hours at an altar he built in the attic of his house. He received all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit while yet a teenager. And then he found that his search for Reality could not be contained within that path. He studied the Western arcana. He pursued the Eastern paths of yoga and meditation. And above all, he was guided by his Guru, the ascended master El Morya. Mark Prophet was never afraid to let the Holy Spirit express through him. He used no notes—each discourse was a fresh revelation from the heart of God. They were delivered with grace and disarming spontaneity—and often a dose of humor. (Who can forget “The Chevy Is My Auto”?) Heoften quoted the words of Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, “Was it I who spoke? Was I not also a listener?” Above all, his messages were the product of a profound love for God and man. They were glimpses of the In nite—the Wisdom of the Ages made practical for a modern world. This volume contains fifteen discourses, including • How to Find Total Healing • The Miracle of Joy • The American Dream
Heart, Head and Hand Decrees - Booklet (PDF)
Downloadable PDF of the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees booklet with color images, meditations, affirmations, mantras, prayers and decrees. After payment you recieve the invoice per e-mail. Click on "View order" to go to download page or go to "My account".                
Reality of your Ascension
Teachings of Serapis Bey The Ascension is the goal of life! In fact, it is the culmination of many lifetimes of soul evolution and balancing karma. But it is not the end. Having learned all the lessons of earth's schoolroom, the sould is erborn in the realms of Spirit. But what is the ascension? Is it something that just happens because you lead a good life? Is it a miraculous transition, like Elijah's chariot of fire? Or is it a goal that must be sought an won? In Reality of Your Ascension, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores these and many other mysteries of the path of the ascension. Most importantly, she introduces us to Serapis Bey and other masters of the ascension flame—those who have walked that path before us. They present a practical and transcendent wisdom for all who seek the ultimate goal. The door of the Ascension Temple is opened in this age. The Brotherhood of Luxor bids you enter. Dare to cross the threshold into an experience of reality beyond imagination.
Creative Thought FORMS
The Art and Science of Spiritual TransformationMark Prophet, a modern-day adept, shows how you can use color, sound, and geometry to create thoughtforms that have a reality far beyond mere imagination.Have you noticed how advertisers use thoughtforms to program your desires? How the news media use thoughtforms to program your mind?There is real power in the science of thoughtforms. And this science can be used for many purposes—including the healing of mind and body. Thoughtforms can even precipitate in the physical plane. But of far greater value is their power to transform your mind and emotions.How will you use thoughtforms to brighten your life, your mind and emotions with the balance, symmetry, and harmony of light?
The Word - Volume 7
The Word Volume 7 is the mystical revelations of Jesus Christ to Elizabeth Clare Prophet covering November 1989-1992. Jesus Christ is the avatar of the ages—the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light. His message did not begin with the Bible, nor did it end with the Book of Revelation. He has never stopped speaking to his own. Two thousand years ago, he foretold a time of tribulation—the end of an age. That time has come. It is the era when the mystery of God should be finished, when the Two Witnesses should prophesy “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” And so Jesus once more delivers his Word to a world in transition. As always, the message is one of judgment to the fallen angels, admonishment to those who would walk in the light, hope for all who are striving on the path, and the vision of a golden age to come.
Portrait of El Morya (20 cm x 25 cm - sealed)
El Morya in de klederdracht van een eind 19e eeuwse Rajpoet prins. Je kunt een onmiddellijke zielenconnectie met hem voelen wanneer je in de ogen van de meester El Morya kijkt. Afmeting: 20 cm x 25 cm - sealed (groot formaat)
Joy in the Heart - DVD/ MP3 (Freedom 1992)
Freedom Conference 1992 - Timeless teachings from the Ascended Masters with items replayed at the 2022 Freedom conference. Experience God through the Mystical Paths of the World Religions 5 DVD's & 1 MP3 Audio CD DVD 1 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.) El Morya as the Patriarch Abraham - June 26, 1992 - 46 min. Saint Joseph - June 27, 1992 - 50 min. Lord Lanto - June 28, 1992 - 21 min. Holy Justinius - June 28, 1992 - 18 min. DVD 2 (Length: 2 hr.) Mighty Victory with Justina - June 28, 1992 - 20 min. Lord Shiva - June 30, 1992 - 51 min. Zarathustra - July 1, 1992 - 30 min. A Spokesman for the Delegation of the Priesthood of Melchizedek - July 1, 1992 - 19 min. DVD 3: (Length: 2 hr. 35 min.) Omega - July 1, 1992 - 27 min. Alpha - July 1, 1992 - 47 min. The Goddess Sarasvati - July 2, 1992 - 22 min. The Goddess Lakshmi - July 2, 1992 - 13 min. Gautama Buddha - July 4, 1992 - 46 min. DVD 4 (Length: 1 hr. 58 min.) Lord Maitreya - July 4, 1992 - 38 min. Elohim of Peace - July 4, 1992 - 15 min. Saint Germain - July 4, 1992 - 39 min. Goddess of Freedom - July 4, 1992 - 26 min. DVD 5 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.) Archangel Michael - July 5, 1992 - 33 min. Archangel Jophiel - July 5, 1992 - 10 min. Archangel Chamuel and Charity - July 5, 1992 - 5 min. Archangel Gabriel and Hope -July 5, 1992 - 7 min. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary -July 5, 1992 - 24 min. Archangel Uriel and Aurora -July 5, 1992 - 10 min. Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst -July 5, 1992 - 12 min. Lanello -July 5, 1992 - 34 min. MP3 Audio CD (Length: 11hr. 28 min.) Includes the above items.
Archangel Michael 10-pack (55 x 92 mm) English version
Archangel Michaels cards contains short powerful mantras for protection. When invoking Violet Flame or using other mantras, it is important to invoke protection first. The front contains an image of Archangel Michael for visualization. The back side the mantra. The 10-pack contains 10 cards for your own use or to give to friends, family or acquaintances. On the backside of the pocketcard the text is shown in English so not in Dutch.  
Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul
This pocket guide describes how to use a high-frequency, spiritual energy to increase vitality, overcome blocks to healing, dissolve records of trauma and create positive change in our personal lives and for the planet. Learn how the violet flame can be used to increase vitality and to assist any healing process of the body, mind, emotions or spirit. Includes inspiring true stories, nine easy steps to begin using the violet flame with affirmations, mantras, and visualizations. Paperback Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality English By (author) Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Rise and Shine! 2 - CD
Morning decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet - protection and violet flame decrees to start your day.
Creation of the Cloud Ritual - CD - Special Edition
The powerful Creation of the Cloud ritual plus violet flame decrees recorded with staff at the Inner Retreat. Saint Germain teaches how to magnetize millions of "focal points of light" into a brilliant pulsating "cloud of infinite energy" that can be directed into personal and planetary problems for the healing of specific conditions, such as disease, pollution, crime and war. A powerful decree ritual recorded with staff at the Inner Retreat. Includes: •  A special 20 minute abbreviated version of "The Creation of the Cloud" by the ascended master Saint Germain • Approximately 28 minutes of violet flame decrees plus additional decrees 1 Audio CD, 80 minutes By the Ascended Master Saint Germain as dictated to his Messengers Mark L. Prophet & Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
I AM the Light of the World (New Year 1990-91) DVD/MP3
The 7 dictations and 2 lectures from the New Year's 1990-91 conference. 3 DVDs and 1 MP3
I AM Your Guard Visualizations - DVD
Archangel Michael and blue flame visualizations with intermediate paced decrees for protection. Archangel Michael has numberless angels at his command who job is to protect the children of God from physicaland spiritual dangers. He is the guardian angel who oversees our spiritual practice. Experience the empowerment of spiritual visualization and dynamic decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet for your personal protection. Blue-Flame Visualizations: Archangel Michael with Blue-flame sword 24:00 The Earth in Blue Rays 20:00 The Earth in Blue Flame 20:00 Decree Pace: Intermediate + You can also turn off the audio and decree at your own pace. 1 DVD (1:04 hrs.) widescreen format.
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