I AM the Ressurrection and the Life!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life! Previously published as Easter Conclave 1982.

2 DVDs & 1 MP3 audio CD. Total time: 13 hr. 4 min.

Eight Easter 1982 conference dictations plus the Palm Sunday dictation by Lord Maitreya and the Palm Sunday lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

MP3 Contents:

  1. Elizabeth Clare Prophet Palm Sunday Sermon: The Hour Is Come (April 4, 1982)
  2. Lord Maitreya: The Living Book (April 4, 1982)
  3. Plus the audio of the Easter conference dictations on the DVDs.

2 DVD Contents:

  1. John the Beloved: The Confluent Stream of the Universal Christ (April 7, 1982)
  2. Archangel Uriel: Look to the Mountain! (April 8, 1982)
  3. Magda and Jesus: Believability, A Message to the American Woman “The Work Is Not Yet Finished” (April 9, 1982)
  4. El Morya: Changes Are in Order (April 9, 1982)
  5. Surya and Cuzco: Echoing the Affirmation of Being: Victory unto Life within You (April 10, 1982)
  6. Archangel Michael: Because We Need You (April 11, 1982)
  7. Jesus: Truth Is Truth Where It Is Found My Easter Message to Christians and All Who Set Themselves in the Seat of Authority in the Churches of the World Who Will Plead the Cause of the Innocent Ones? (April 11, 1982)
  8. Ray-O-Light: Concerning Those Things That Ought to Be REvealed and Are Not (April 11, 1982)

2 DVDs & 1 MP3 audio CD. Total time: 13 hr. 4 min.



Gewicht 0,19 kg


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