Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul
This pocket guide describes how to use a high-frequency, spiritual energy to increase vitality, overcome blocks to healing, dissolve records of trauma and create positive change in our personal lives and for the planet. Learn how the violet flame can be used to increase vitality and to assist any healing process of the body, mind, emotions or spirit. Includes inspiring true stories, nine easy steps to begin using the violet flame with affirmations, mantras, and visualizations. Paperback Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality English By (author) Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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Initiations of the Heart
Did our hearts not burn within us?... In Initiations of the Heart, the ascended masters reveal the mysteries of the heart. Here you have the keys to develop your heart, expand your heart's fire, and balance your threefold flame.
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The Law of Cycles
From early childhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet observed the cyclic interaction of nature, planets and stars. Drawing on sources ranging from Hindu teachings on pralaya cycles, the ancient Greeks’ understanding of the golden ratio, to modern studies on the spirals of creation, she shows the rhythmic equation of God in man and nature. From this broad perspective, the wholeness and holiness of the universe are revealed. Is it time to get off the roller coaster of the circumstances of your life and find your point of peace?
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Saint Germain - Mystery of the Violet Flame
For millennia, mystics and alchemists have sought the keys to unlock secrets of life and eternity. Their discoveries were often veiled in esoteric symbolism—hiding their real knowledge from those who might use it for selfish ends. Saint Germain was one such seeker. Through many lifetimes as alchemist, adept and visionary, he found the priceless ancient formulas for self-transformation. In this day, he comes again, revealing some of that knowledge to those finally ready to receive it—mystics like you. Most importantly, he reveals the profound secrets of the violet flame—the key to personal and world transformation. Find your ultimate freedom through the mystery of the violet flame!
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The Lost Years of Jesus
The Gospels do not say where Jesus was between the ages of 12 and 30 - the "lost years." However, ancient Buddhist manuscripts say Jesus left Palestine and traveled to India, Nepal, Ladakh and Tibet during these lost years. For the first time, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings together the eyewitness accounts of four people who saw these remarkable manuscripts—plus three variant translations of the texts. "Puts together the missing pieces in the life of the Master that have baffled scholars for centuries." Jess Stearn, author of Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet "I commend you to the study of The Lost Years of Jesus with the purpose of gaining the understanding of your own path to the highest retreats of the Brotherhood, the necessity to pursue that path and to take advantage of all that we offer. "The world must face that there is more to the life of my Son than orthodox Christianity has allowed. They have not allowed my children to know the truth of his mission and work, and how that mission and work should apply to each and every one in all centuries." - Mother Mary, December 9, 1984 Illustrated with maps, drawings and photos
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The Lost Teachings of Jesus 3, Keys to Spiritual Progress
De schrijvers tonen aan dat veel van de leringen van Jezus verloren zijn gegaan - ofwel verwijderd van de geschriften, onderdrukt, of geheim gehouden voor degenen die ingewijd zijn in de diepere mysterieën, of zelfs nooit zijn opgeschreven. Dus in de moderne landstaal presenteren zij een stoutmoedige reconstructie over de essentie van Jezus' boodschap - de verloren leringen die Jezus aan zijn discipelen gaf 2000 jaar geleden over karma, reïncarnatie, goed en kwaad, en hoe te herenigen met het Hogere Zelf. Dit boek bevat 32 kunstreproducties en illustraties van Roerich over de charka's in het lichaam van de mens. The authors demonstrate that much of Jesus' teaching has been lost -- either removed from the Gospels, suppressed, kept secret for those being initiated into the deeper mysteries, or never written down at all. Then, in modern vernacular, they present a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message -- the lost teachings Jesus gave his disciples 2000 years ago on karma, reincarnation, good and evil, and how to reunite with the Higher Self. Includes 32 Roerich art reproductions and illustrations of the chakras in the body of man
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Saint Germain: Master Alchemist
This intriguing book reveals many key roles the master Saint Germain has played throughout history and today as the immortal sponsor of the Aquarian Age. It also shares his priceless alchemical secrets for personal transformation. Download free chapter
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Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millenium
Despite the negative events prophesied for the next millennium by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Mother Mary, Saint Germain introduces readers to a high-frequency spiritual energy that can bring both personal and planetary change and make the future a brighter day. Download free chapter
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How to Work with Angels
Learn ten steps to make angels a part of your life. Whether for love, healing, protection, guidance or illumination, angels stand ready to help you in many practical and personal ways. And as Elizabeth Clare Prophet says, working with angels also puts us in touch with our higher self. --Bodhi Tree Book Review Book trailer Download free chapter
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