Ascendance - (songs) MP3
Songs of Courage and Inspiration
“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This magnificent collection of ten original songs has been composed to transport your soul into a higher state of consciousness. The blissful harmonies and light-filled vibrations offer you a greater sense of well-being. Featuring lyrics inspired by legendary poets and sages, these powerful words of wisdom fill the booklet included within. Sing along with ASCENDANCE and rise above the temporal stresses of today’s modern world. As the challenges of daily life take hold, return to this soothing music again and again to uplift your spirit. ASCENDANCE is an invaluable ‘must have’ for any spiritual music collection.
The Excelsior Choir is comprised of loving singers who get together to harness the power of their hearts and voices in song. The choir sings original music reflecting their shared values, hopes and dreams, and records it in the beautiful sanctuary of St. Mark’s in Livingston, Montana.
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Joy in the Heart - DVD/ MP3 (Freedom 1992)
Freedom Conference 1992 - Timeless teachings from the Ascended Masters with items replayed at the 2022 Freedom conference.
Experience God through the Mystical Paths of the World Religions
5 DVD's & 1 MP3 Audio CD
DVD 1 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.)
El Morya as the Patriarch Abraham - June 26, 1992 - 46 min.
Saint Joseph - June 27, 1992 - 50 min.
Lord Lanto - June 28, 1992 - 21 min.
Holy Justinius - June 28, 1992 - 18 min.
DVD 2 (Length: 2 hr.)
Mighty Victory with Justina - June 28, 1992 - 20 min.
Lord Shiva - June 30, 1992 - 51 min.
Zarathustra - July 1, 1992 - 30 min.
A Spokesman for the Delegation
of the Priesthood of Melchizedek - July 1, 1992 - 19 min.
DVD 3: (Length: 2 hr. 35 min.)
Omega - July 1, 1992 - 27 min.
Alpha - July 1, 1992 - 47 min.
The Goddess Sarasvati - July 2, 1992 - 22 min.
The Goddess Lakshmi - July 2, 1992 - 13 min.
Gautama Buddha - July 4, 1992 - 46 min.
DVD 4 (Length: 1 hr. 58 min.)
Lord Maitreya - July 4, 1992 - 38 min.
Elohim of Peace - July 4, 1992 - 15 min.
Saint Germain - July 4, 1992 - 39 min.
Goddess of Freedom - July 4, 1992 - 26 min.
DVD 5 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.)
Archangel Michael - July 5, 1992 - 33 min.
Archangel Jophiel - July 5, 1992 - 10 min.
Archangel Chamuel and Charity - July 5, 1992 - 5 min.
Archangel Gabriel and Hope -July 5, 1992 - 7 min.
Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary -July 5, 1992 - 24 min.
Archangel Uriel and Aurora -July 5, 1992 - 10 min.
Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst -July 5, 1992 - 12 min.
Lanello -July 5, 1992 - 34 min.
MP3 Audio CD (Length: 11hr. 28 min.)
Includes the above items.
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Rise and Shine! 2 - CD
Morning decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet - protection and violet flame decrees to start your day.
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I AM the Light of the World (New Year 1990-91) DVD/MP3
The 7 dictations and 2 lectures from the New Year's 1990-91 conference. 3 DVDs and 1 MP3
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I AM Your Guard Visualizations - DVD
Archangel Michael and blue flame visualizations with intermediate paced decrees for protection.
Archangel Michael has numberless angels at his command who job is to protect the children of God from physicaland spiritual dangers. He is the guardian angel who oversees our spiritual practice.
Experience the empowerment of spiritual visualization and dynamic decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet for your personal protection.
Blue-Flame Visualizations:
Archangel Michael with Blue-flame sword 24:00
The Earth in Blue Rays 20:00
The Earth in Blue Flame 20:00
Decree Pace: Intermediate + You can also turn off the audio and decree at your own pace.
1 DVD (1:04 hrs.) widescreen format.
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Creation of the Cloud Ritual - CD - Special Edition
The powerful Creation of the Cloud ritual plus violet flame decrees recorded with staff at the Inner Retreat.
Saint Germain teaches how to magnetize millions of "focal points of light" into a brilliant pulsating "cloud of infinite energy" that can be directed into personal and planetary problems for the healing of specific conditions, such as disease, pollution, crime and war.
A powerful decree ritual recorded with staff at the Inner Retreat.
• A special 20 minute abbreviated version of "The Creation of the Cloud" by the ascended master Saint Germain
• Approximately 28 minutes of violet flame decrees plus additional decrees
1 Audio CD, 80 minutes
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain as dictated to his Messengers Mark L. Prophet & Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
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The Seduction of Socialism and The Responsibility of Freedom
Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3 Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3
In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the psychology of socialism and the economic philosophy of Jesus Christ. 2 DVDs, 1 MP3.
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Defeat the negatives - The Future is in Your Hands
Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the fallen angels' strategies - their agenda of control, subjugation and destruction. 2 DVDs and 1 MP3
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Morya and You: Power (AUDIO)
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?
He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love.
You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life.
Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Read about his previous lives in the Appendix. Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 26 messages in this book.
Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you reconnected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time!
2 MP3 CDs
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