Morya and You: Power
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?
He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love.
You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life.
Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 27 messages on power in this book.
Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you recon- nected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time! 470 pages.
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Morya and You: Wisdom
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?
He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and wisdom.
You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life.
Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you. He is ready to take you by the hand and lead you to your next step on your spiritual path.
Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 23 messages on wisdom in this book.
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9 Cats 9 Lives
FDR, Al Capone, Henry Ford...
What were they doing on Atlantis? And how did that set the stage for future lives?
Elizabeth Clare Prophet penetrates the veils of akasha to reveal the past lives of individuals who helped shape the modern world. As she traces threads of karma, we see how their choices in many lives set their destiny and the karmic challenges they would face in the twentieth century.
Their stories are intriguing. More importantly, they show that while karma may determine the cards we are dealt in life, we each choose how we will play our hand. We can rise to our higher calling and balance our karma—or wrap ourselves more tightly in its bonds.
The message is that we can transcend our past—and our past lives—and find a new freedom and joy in life each day.
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Messages from Heaven: Amazing Insights on Life After Death, Life's Purpose and Earth's Future
A recently departed soul speaks from heaven about his amazing experiences on the other side. He tells us of life's true purpose and urges us to make the most of our sojourn on earth.
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Embraced By The Light
'- The Most Profound and Complete Near-Death Experience Ever -
On the night of November 19, 1973, following surgery, thirty-one-year-old wife and mother Betty J. Eadie died.... This is her extraordinary story of the events that followed, her astonishing proof of life after physical death. She saw more, perhaps than any other person has seen before and shares her almost photographic recollections of the remarkable details. Compelling, inspiring, and infinitely reassuring, her vivid account gives us a glimpse of the peace and unconditional love that awaits us all. More important, Betty's journey offers a simple message that can transform our lives today, showing us our purpose and guiding us to live the way we were meant to -- joyously, abundantly, and with love.
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Journey through Cancer
One in four people will be faced with cancer during their lifetime. No matter what the location or type of tumor, the most effective treatment addresses the whole person.Journey through Cancer provides a road map for healing at all levels--body, mind, and spirit. It shows how to: - Get the best results from medical treatment- Minimize side effects- Evlaluate and choose from the vast array of alternative therapies- Integrate traditional and complementary therapies- Work with the mind-body connection to fight cancer and strengthen the immune system- Maximize the effectiveness of prayer and other spiritual healing techniques- Understand the spiritual lessons that illness can teach- Integrate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual techniques for your own healing journey.
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All for the Love of God
This book offers a collection of stories written from individuals' one-on-one interactions with the late Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse.
Author: [field auteur]
Binding: [field bindwijze]
Pages: [field paginas]
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From the Darkness to the Light: My Journey with the Masters
My journey in this life began in a small village in Ghana, in West Africa. My father was a fetish priest, a practitioner of our traditional religion. As a boy, I became a Christian, the first in my family to do so. I served in the Methodist Church for many years, and I was known there as a fiery preacher. Then I found the ascended masters, the great souls of East and West, from all races and religions, who have returned to God in the ritual of the ascension. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, their messenger, became my mentor and teacher. I have followed the path of the masters and their teachings for nearly forty years. In those years I have witnessed miracles and passed through many tests and challenges. I have seen black magic and witchcraft and felt their effects. I have seen how the Light overcomes the Darkness. Through it all, the masters have never left me. This is the story of my journey. My hope is that what I have written may shed some light on the path for those who follow.
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Wind of the Spirit
Wind of the Spirit is the autobiographical spiritual journey of Gene Vosseler spanning five decades -as a poet, minister, political activist, friend of freedom, and valiant defender of the faith. As Gene likes to say, Wind of the Spirit is an extraordinary journey by an ordinary man. Yet, when you read Gene's sermons, his freedom messages or any of his many poems, you will recognize that Gene's dedication, and inner wisdom is extraordinary. You will come to know Gene as the flame of freedom that speaks a friend of Christ and a respected spiritual elder. Formerly a fourth generation Lutheran minister, Gene ultimately broke free from Lutheran orthodoxy and discovered the teachings of the ascended masters and his guru, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. There he found the path to ever-lasting freedom and the love of his life, Wanda. Gene became a minister a Church Universal and Triumphant and a founding Elder appointed by El Morya. Gene traveled internationally to promote these teachings during which time he also counseled, baptized and married hundreds of community members. Gene also promoted the defense of freedom and of America, working with top Congressional leaders and other freedom fighters, inspiring many along the way. Wind of the Spirit honors our spiritual heritage and gives inspiration to those on the path of soul freedom and immortality. "Gene has done what everybody would like to do. He has taken Saint Germain's message to the airwaves, he has taken it on television, and he has taken it to the newspapers." -Elizabeth Clare Prophet "We commend our representative Reverend Gene Vosseler and his beloved wife, Wanda for their great service to us and to America...What they have done, you can join them and do also." -Saint Germain "Thank you, Gene, for a lifetime of friendship and for providing such a worthy example of striving for righteousness." -Michael Utter.
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