Violet Flame for Elemental Life
2 Audio CD Set Decrees and Songs for Elemental Life.
The elementals need us, and we need them! Give violet flame decrees and songs with Elizabeth Clare Prophet on behalf of elemental life for the benefit of all.
Disc 1
1. The Disciple's Prayer - 0:53
2. Beloved Oromasis and Diana (Song 399) - 4:24
3. Preamble to: Set the Elementals Free (Decree 7.07) - 0:25
4. Set the Elementals Free (Decree 7.07, 3x) - 4:37
5. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:21
6. Preamble to: O Violet Flame, Come, Violet Flame (Decree 70.14) - 0:19
7. O Violet Flame, Come, Violet Flame! (Decree 70.14, 3x) - 5:32
8. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:23
9. More Violet Fire (Decree 5.02, 33x) - 17:25
10. Lovely God Presence Violet-Flame March (Song 705) - 1:54
11. And in full faith... - 0:18
12. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:22
13. Beloved Flame of Resurrection (Song 129) - 1:48
14. Beloved Flame of Resurrection (Decree 60.00) - 0:35
15. "Resurrection" from Heart, Head and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 3x) - 0:48
16. Eriel of the Light (Song 607) - 4:06
17. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! - 0:13
18. Beloved Aries and Thor (Song 400) - 4:24
19. The Living Flame of Cosmic Freedom (Decree 7.30) - 0:49
20. Decree for Freedom's Holy Light (Decree 5.01, 18x) - 8:52
21. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:22
22. I AM the Violet Flame (Decree 70.11, 33x) - 5:06
23. O Saint Germain, Send Violet Flame (Decree 70.15, 9x) - 9:08
24. And in full faith... - 0:18
25. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:22
26. Gratitude to the Elementals (Song 395) - 2:36
27. Three Violet Flame Fiats (3x each) - 0:54
28. Beloved Flame of Resurrection (Decree 60.00) - 0:35
29. "Resurrection" from Heart, Head and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 3x) - 0:50
Disc 1: 1 hour 19 minutes
Disc 2
1. Dear Omri-Tas (Song 752) - 2:14
2. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! - 0:12
3. Beloved Neptune and Luara (Song 401) - 3:51
4. Preamble to: Set the Elementals Free (Decree 7.07) - 0:25
5. Set the Elementals Free (Decree 7.07, 3x) - 4:37
6. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! - 0:08
7. Love to the Elementals (Song 393) - 2:52
8. Radiant Spiral Violet Flame (Decree 70.12, 27x) - 10:04
9. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! - 0:08
10. Beloved Flame of Resurrection (Decree 60.00) - 0:35
11. "Resurrection" from Heart, Head and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 3x) - 0:48
12. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! - 0:12
13. Beloved Virgo and Pelleur (Song 402) - 5:52
14. Preamble to: Set the Elementals Free (Decree 7.07) - 0:25
15. Set the Elementals Free (Decree 7.07, 3x) - 4:37
16. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:20
17. Sweet Amaryllis (Song 394) - 4:28
18. Violet Flame from the Heart of God (Decree 70.13, 9x) - 8:18
19. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:22
20. A Song of Spring (Song 392) - 3:04
21. Preamble to: Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright (Decree 70.18) - 0:52
22. Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright (Decree 70.18, 27x) - 16:10
23. And in full faith... - 0:22
24. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of All Elementals Fire, Air, Water and Earth! (3x) - 0:22
25. Beloved Flame of Resurrection (Decree 60.00) - 0:35
26. "Resurrection" from Heart, Head and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 3x) - 0:48
27. I AM the Light of the Heart (Decree 0.07A) - 0:25 28. Freedom for the Elementals (Song 396) - 3:17
29. The Disciple's Affirmation - 0:27
Total time: 1 hr. 17 min.
Total length of Audio CDs: 2 hours 36 minutes.
Words are not included. Please see decrees on item #1778, Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees (decree book) and songs on item #106, Book of Hymns and Songs (songbook).
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Alchemy of Supply (CD)
D11009: Fiats and decrees for abundance led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
1. Preamble to Abundance of Every Good and Perfect Gift (Decree 55.00), (0:55)
2. Abundance of Every Good and Perfect Gift (Decree 55.00, 45x), (11:24)
3. Preamble to Lights Treasures (Decree 55.01), (0:49)
4. Lights Treasures (Decree 55.01, 45x), (13:16)
5. And in full Faith?, (0:17)
6. I AM the Light of the Heart (Decree 0.07A, 45x), (11:00)
7. Father-Mother Light Mantra (Decree 20.21, 45x) , (7:44)
8. And in full Faith?, (0:24)
9. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of my finances (3x) Now made manifest in my hands and use today! (Decree 55.02, mantra no. 1, 45x), (7:29)
10. Preamble to Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion (Decree 6.02), (0:42)
11. Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion (Decree 6.02 3x, verse no. 9 given 9x with each of the nine endings), (8:54)
12. And in full Faith?, (0:20)
13. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of Church Universal and Triumphant finances and my own! (3x) Now made manifest in my hands and use today! (Decree 55.02, mantra no. 2, 33x), (9:12)
14. Supply from Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 45x), (7:05)
15. And in full Faith?, (0:20)
Total time: 1 hours 20 minutes
"The idea is with all of us giving this tape, half of it or the whole tape, every day, we certainly expect the heavens to open and the supply to descend. So this is an alchemy that we are doing together. I am very grateful that we now have this tape and that all of you will make use of it in your life for precipitation and prove the Lord as he is proving us."Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 11, 1993
Original format: 1993 audio cassette tape
Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.
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