Ascendance - (songs) MP3
Songs of Courage and Inspiration
“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This magnificent collection of ten original songs has been composed to transport your soul into a higher state of consciousness. The blissful harmonies and light-filled vibrations offer you a greater sense of well-being. Featuring lyrics inspired by legendary poets and sages, these powerful words of wisdom fill the booklet included within. Sing along with ASCENDANCE and rise above the temporal stresses of today’s modern world. As the challenges of daily life take hold, return to this soothing music again and again to uplift your spirit. ASCENDANCE is an invaluable ‘must have’ for any spiritual music collection.
The Excelsior Choir is comprised of loving singers who get together to harness the power of their hearts and voices in song. The choir sings original music reflecting their shared values, hopes and dreams, and records it in the beautiful sanctuary of St. Mark’s in Livingston, Montana.
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The Crowning Rose - Songs of Love for All Seasons
The Crowning Rose - Songs of Love for All Seasons by Excelsior
Tracks; 17 Total time 71:00 min.
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A Soul Journey
Four instrumental renditions of "Come, Holy Dove!" (Maha Chohan 1).
(Note: This rendition is not the music spoken of by the masters. If that is what you are looking for, please see the original music by Dorothy Lee Fulton, Musical Meditations For Mystical Union #D98065 ).
A soul Journey is a profound musical piece. The melody soothes the body as it uplifts the spirit. Perfect for meditation, inner work or relaxation. Approximately 1 hour of uninterrupted intrumental music.
1 CD. 59 minutes. Four instrumental renditions of "Come, Holy Dove!" (Maha Chohan 1). Total time 58:37
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Sacred Songs from the Heart of India
Bhajans to Lord Krishna, Ganesha and God Surya
Bhajans are the beautiful devotional songs of India. Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells us they are unique coils of energy. As you sing them you are giving your devotions to the divinity within you as Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mother. She explains that the bhajan always begins in the base-of-the-spine chakra with the adoration to the Mother light. As the rhythm accelerates, the energies of the Mother light rise through the seven chakras, uniting with the light of the Father and releasing the potential of the Christ consciousness. The final acceleration is the whirling of the energies of the crown chakra.
The Gayatri is probably the most important mantra we will ever recite throughout our lifetime. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Disc 1 To Lord Krishna:
1. The Maha Mantra
2. Jaya Hare Krsna
3. Hare Narayana Govinda
4. Nanda-Lala Yadu Nanda-Lala
5. Govinda Narayana
6. Jai Jai Prabhu Giridhari
7. Radha-Krsna Karna-Lola
8. Atmarama Ananda-Nama
Total time 58:09
Disc 2, To Lord Krishna:
1. Rama Krsna Jaya Bolo
2. Mitha-Smita
3. Rama Rama Rama
4. Hari Ananda Maya Jaya Narayana
To Ganesha:
5. Gaja-Vadana Gananatha
6. Vinayaka
To God Surya:
7. The Gayatri Mantra
8. Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
Total time 55:41, 2 Audio CDs: 1 hr. 54 min. Includes booklet.
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Waltzes by the Messenger of Music
By the Messenger of Music
Dorothy Lee Fulton
Dedicated to Beloved Cylcopea and Virginia, Elohim of Music
In winkelwagen- Song 358A: All-Seeing Eye of God
- Song 467: To the God of Harmony
- Song 513: The Lighthouse of Love
- Song 197: El Morya, We Love You
- Song 300: Beloved Jophiel and Christine
- Song 279: Faith, Hope and Charity (3x)
- Song 305: Beloved Zadkiel and Amethyst
- Song 17: Prayer of Saint Francis
- Song 304: Beloved Uriel and Aurora
- Song 804: Violet Fire, I Love Thee!
- Song 816: Waltzing in the Sunset
Hail, Freedom Flame!
Dit album bevat twintig klassieke vrijheidsliederen, die samengesteld zijn door de boodschapper Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1 uur, 18 minuten.
This album contains twenty classic freedom songs, compiled by the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1 hour 18 minutes
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Higher Ground 2 Inspirational Songs from The Summit Lighthouse
Higher Ground 2 Inspirational Songs from The Summit Lighthouse
Includes 16- page song booklet - 1 Audio CD total time: 1 hr. 10 min, 18 tracks:
1. The Violet Singing Flame (6:24)
2. Love Confines Not (3:49)
3. Welcome to My Heart, Beloved Jesus (2:29)
4. I AM a Threefold Flame (1:49)
5. Kuthumi Dear (3:56)
6. Introit to the Holy Christ Self (3:13)
7. Neaere I AM to thee (3:01)
8. Lullaby, Angel Eyes (3:49)
9. Abundace of Every Good Gift (4:21)
10. How Great Thou Art (4:58)
11. God and Goddess Meru (3:20)
12. Precious Gautama (2:43)
13. Beloved Chananda (3:37)
14. Our God Star Home (3:42)
15. Heros and Amora, Come! (4:51)
16. I AM Coming Home (5:36)
17. Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor (2:54)
18. O Mother of the World (5:29)
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Hail to the Chief, a salute to El Morya
Hail to the Chief, a salute to El Morya (songs).
Tracks; 18 Total time 47.30 min.
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Sanctissima - Music for World Peace
Sanctissima - A Musical Mass for World Peace.
These 19 traditional and original hymns are a musical offering for world peace in response to Mary's Fatima message. From opening chimes to closing bells, this heavenly music brings the light of the angels and the Blessed Mother wherever it is played. Christmas music for every day of the year!
In winkelwagen- O Sanctissima, O Piissima, 2:35
- Ave Maria, 4:55
- Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above, 3:40
- Immaculate Mary, 4:10
- On This Day, O Beautiful Mother, 2:28
- The Hail Mary, 2:38
- The Sacred Name of Mary, 4:35
- The Magnificat, 3:06
- Mary, 3:11
- The Virgin of Guadelupe, 4:22
- Mother, Dear Mother, 2:34
- Beloved Archangel Raphael, 2:45
- Mary's Diamond Heart, 2:40
- Christ--The Immaculate Concept, 3:12
- Beloved Raphael and Mary, 6:20
- What Child Is This, 3:38
- Gesu Bambino, 3:49
- O Holy Night, 5:26
- The Bells of Saint Mary's, 2:45
Totaal (13)
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