Heart, Head & Hand Decree 1.30

Let us turn to the decree 1.30, Heart, Head and Hand decrees. These decrees were written by beloved El Morya so they have his action of the will of God but they are dedicated to Jesus because they mark the measures of self-mastery in his life. Decree 1.30 is based on filling all your chakra’s with light and love.

Heart: Love, Pink.
Head: Illumination, Yellow.
Hand: Will of God in action everyday, Blue.

Together they activate the threefold flame in yourself.

The Heart Head and Hand decree:

Heart (1)
Violet Fire, thou Love divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art Mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you. (3x)

Head (1)
I AM Light, thou Christ in me,
Set my mind forever free;
Violet Fire, forever shine
Deep within this mind of mine.
God who gives my daily bread,
With Violet Fire fill my head
Till thy radiance heavenlike
Makes my mind a mind of Light. (3x)

Hand (1)
I AM the hand of God in action,
Gaining Victory every day;
My pure soul’s great satisfaction
Is to walk the Middle Way. (3x)

Tube of Light(2)
Beloved I AM Presence bright,
Round me seal your Tube of Light
From Ascended Master flame
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.
I AM calling forth Violet Fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in Freedom’s name
Till I AM one with the Violet Flame. (3x)

Forgiveness (3)
I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of cosmic Victory.
I AM calling in full power
For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving Grace. (3x)

I AM free from fear and doubt,
Casting want and misery out,
Knowing now all good Supply
Ever comes from realms on high.
I AM the hand of God’s own Fortune
Flooding forth the treasures of Light,
Now receiving full Abundance
To supply each need of Life. (3x)

I AM Life of God-Direction,
Blaze thy light of Truth in me.
Focus here all God’s Perfection,
From all discord set me free.
Make and keep me anchored ever
In the Justice of thy plan–
I AM the Presence of Perfection,
Living the Life of God in man! (3x)

Transfiguration (6)
I AM changing all my garments, Old ones for the bright new day; With the Sun of Understanding I AM shining all the way.
I AM Light within, without;
I AM Light is all about.
Fill me, free me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!
Until transfigured they describe me: I AM shining like the Son,
I AM shining like the Sun! (3x)

Resurrection (7)
I AM the Flame of Resurrection
Blazing God’s pure Light through me.
Now I AM raising every atom,
From every shadow I AM free.
I AM the Light of God’s full Presence, I AM living ever free.
Now the flame of Life eternal
Rises up to Victory.(3x)

Ascension (8)
I AM Ascension Light, Victory flowing free,
All of Good won at last For all eternity.
I AM Light, all weights are gone.
Into the air I raise;
To all I pour with full God Power
My wondrous song of praise.
All hail! I AM the living Christ,
The ever-loving One.
Ascended now with full God Power,
I AM a blazing Sun! (3x)

El Morya said that these decrees should be given every day, especially in the morning before you start with the day. If they were we could assure ourselves of bringing ourselves into alignment with the mission and the mastery of Jesus. By giving this decree you will get the feeling of a wide spiral beginning at the base, actually you are standing in the center of the pyramid of being. The 4 sides of the pyramid represent your four lower bodies, in the center of the pyramid is the flame.
As you stand in that pyramid and you begin your overcoming mastery you start a spiral at the base which begins wide and that would begin with #1 and that spiral continues in a clockwise direction. It has 33 levels and it continues to the top of the pyramid finally to the All seeing eye of God which is the capstone which represents the illumination to the third eye and the crown chakra, so that the pyramid actually represents the raising of the light through the seven chakras and these invocations will take us through those spirals. There are 33 turns in the spiral just as there are 33 points on the spine of man.

Explanation on the Hart, Head and Hand decree

Decree 1.30 is dedicated to Jesus because they mark the measures of selfmastery in his life. Here more explanation:

#1 The Violet Fire begins with the changing of the water into wine at the marriage at Cana which is the divine alchemy that everyone on that path must have a mastery over precipitation and dominion over the earth elements, over water air fire and earth.
#2 The tube of Light gave Jesus the ability to remove himself from the midst of a crowd and to be protected until the hour when his mission was fulfilled.
#3 The law of forgiveness enabled him to forgive sin to heal.
#4 Supply is the law and the pattern that enabled him to multiply the loafs and the fishes to take the coin out of the fishes’mouth to render unto Cesar  that which is Cesar’s.
#5 The Perfection is the realignment of the atoms of the 4 lower bodies of those whom he healed as well as himself in preparation for the crucifixion in his final tests.
#6 His Transfiguration brought the threefoldflame into that great height 9 feet  tall and as you remember he was seen by his disciples. There is an actual change that takes place in the atoms which is further preparation for the overcoming of death.
#7 The resurrection fires enabled him to raise his form and to immortalize that form.
#8 The Ascension through the form into the center of his God-presence where he was reunited with the Father and set the example for all of us to follow.

You find more information on the little book how to work with the Heart, Head and Hand decree: Ontdek de kracht van je Hogere Zelf.
Bron van Innerlijke kracht en transformatie.
Auteur: Elizabeth Clare Prophet


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