Wat is onsterfelijkheid? Betekent het dat we voor eeuwig leven in hetzelfde fysieke lichaam, zoekend naar mechanische of gekloonde ankerpunten voor onze uitgedragen lichaamsdelen? Nee, het betekent totale bevrijding van de dualiteit van deze wereld en een absolute vrijheid door spiritueel meesterschap en hoger bewustzijn. Onsterfelijkheid is uw goddelijk recht en de lotsbestemming van uw ziel. De onderwerpen gaan over entiteiten op het astrale vlak, wat een boodschapper is, de gebieden van het bewustzijn en uw goddelijk rercht op onsterfelijkheid.
What is immortality? Does it mean living forever in the same physical body, seeking mechanical or cloned fixes for worn out body parts? No. It means total liberation from the duality of this world and absolute freedom through spiritual mastery and higher consciousness. Immortality is your divine right and the destiny of your soul. Topics include: entities on the astral plane, what is a messenger, planes of consciousness and your divine right to immortality.
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Spiritual techniques to heal Body, Mind & Soul allows a deeper connectiveness and understanding of how, in a fast-paced world, we can maintain spiritual cohesiveness.
Sound can change our Lives
Contents: 2 CDs and booklet - Running time: 92 minutes.
To love and be loved is central to life. Yet all around us, we see people looking for love and not finding it--often settling for something less.
One reason is that love is not just about attraction and feelings--as powerful as these can be. There is a spiritual dimension that is even more important, yet often overlooked or not understood.
Wanting to Be Loved provides a higher perspective on the quest for love. Here are just a few of the keys you will find in this inspiring book:
How to recognize a twin flame or soul mate
How to avoid wrong relationships
How to attract the right partner in life
Marriage as an initiation on the spiritual path
How to deal with karma in relationships
Understanding sex as a Sacred Energy eXchange
Explore the mystery and beauty of love in all its dimensions, and find the love you are looking for.
Neroli Duffy with Peter Duffy
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