The Word - Volume 7
The Word Volume 7 is the mystical revelations of Jesus Christ to Elizabeth Clare Prophet covering November 1989-1992.
Jesus Christ is the avatar of the ages—the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light.
His message did not begin with the Bible, nor did it end with the Book of Revelation. He has never stopped speaking to his own.
Two thousand years ago, he foretold a time of tribulation—the end of an age. That time has come. It is the era when the mystery of God should be finished, when the Two Witnesses should prophesy “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”
And so Jesus once more delivers his Word to a world in transition. As always, the message is one of judgment to the fallen angels, admonishment to those who would walk in the light, hope for all who are striving on the path, and the vision of a golden age to come.
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Archangel Michael: Improve Your Life (pocket guide)
Now more than ever, we need Archangel Michael. This breakthrough book will introduce you to Archangel Michael and how you can call for his protection.
Revered in Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions, Archangel Michael can protect you and your loved ones in times of trouble.
Ask for his help. This book shows you how.
(Formerly titled I AM Your Guard.)
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Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul
This pocket guide describes how to use a high-frequency, spiritual energy to increase vitality, overcome blocks to healing, dissolve records of trauma and create positive change in our personal lives and for the planet. Learn how the violet flame can be used to increase vitality and to assist any healing process of the body, mind, emotions or spirit. Includes inspiring true stories, nine easy steps to begin using the violet flame with affirmations, mantras, and visualizations.
Paperback Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality English
By (author) Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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Discourses on Cosmic Law - vol. 2
Mark Prophet had a life of many challenges. He left high school during the Great Depression to support his widowed mother. He laid track on the Soo Line Railroad, served in the Air Force in World War II, was the head of an electrical workers’ union in the Midwest. Finally, he achieved the American dream—the house, the job, the new car—only to see it all taken in a great spiritual test. But through all of this, it was his quest for God that was the driving force for his life.
As a boy, he would pray for hours at an altar he built in the attic of his house. He received all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit while yet a teenager. And then he found that his search for Reality could not be contained within that path. He studied the Western arcana. He pursued the Eastern paths of yoga and meditation. And above all, he was guided by his Guru, the ascended master El Morya.
Mark Prophet was never afraid to let the Holy Spirit express through him. He used no notes—each discourse was a fresh revelation from the heart of God. They were delivered with grace and disarming spontaneity—and often a dose of humor. (Who can forget “The Chevy Is My Auto”?) Heoften quoted the words of Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, “Was it I who spoke? Was I not also a listener?”
Above all, his messages were the product of a profound love for God and man. They were glimpses of the In nite—the Wisdom of the Ages made practical for a modern world.
This volume contains fifteen discourses, including
• How to Find Total Healing
• The Miracle of Joy
• The American Dream
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Finding A Higher Love: Spiritual Guide to Transforming Relationships
In Finding a Higher Love, Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners.
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Teachings of the Cosmic Christ, Vol 1
To restore the thread of contact with the Guru, Maitreya would show you the way. Re-establish the thread of contact with your own Real Self. Enter the path of the Cosmic Christ. Regain the Edenic consciousness. Find your way back Home.
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Higher Consciousness
Over seventy years ago, historian Arnold Toynbee foresaw a “time of troubles” coming to America and the nations of the West. Our destiny depends on our response to these mounting crises.
In this landmark release on America’s bicentennial, Saint Germain and other ascended masters outlined the challenges that America and the nations would face. They spoke of the promise of a new day that lies beyond them. And key to our success today, they outlined what the free nations of the world need to do to reach a new era of peace and enlightenment.
We are facing those challenges today. Our requirement is nothing less than a new American Revolution. The revolution of 1776 secured the independence of a new nation, an unprecedented experiment in liberty. Today, it is a revolution in spiritual awareness that is needed.
There is a part for you to play in the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Find your role. Fulfill your mission. Take up the path that leads to your ultimate freedom.
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The Word Volume 8
Jesus Christ is the avatar of the ages—the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light.
His message did not begin with the Bible, nor did it end with the Book of Revelation. He has never stopped speaking to his own.
Two thousand years ago, he foretold a time of tribulation—the end of an age. That time has come. It is the era when the mystery of God should be finished, when the Two Witnesses should prophesy “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”
And so Jesus once more delivers his Word to a world in transition. As always, the message is one of judgment to the fallen angels, admonishment to those who would walk in the light, hope for all who are striving on the path, and the vision of a golden age to come.
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The Law of Cycles
From early childhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet observed the cyclic interaction of nature, planets and stars.
Drawing on sources ranging from Hindu teachings on pralaya cycles, the ancient Greeks’ understanding of the golden ratio, to modern studies on the spirals of creation, she shows the rhythmic equation of God in man and nature. From this broad perspective, the wholeness and holiness of the universe are revealed.
Is it time to get off the roller coaster of the circumstances of your life and find your point of peace?
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