Alchemy of Supply (CD)
D11009: Fiats and decrees for abundance led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
1. Preamble to Abundance of Every Good and Perfect Gift (Decree 55.00), (0:55)
2. Abundance of Every Good and Perfect Gift (Decree 55.00, 45x), (11:24)
3. Preamble to Lights Treasures (Decree 55.01), (0:49)
4. Lights Treasures (Decree 55.01, 45x), (13:16)
5. And in full Faith?, (0:17)
6. I AM the Light of the Heart (Decree 0.07A, 45x), (11:00)
7. Father-Mother Light Mantra (Decree 20.21, 45x) , (7:44)
8. And in full Faith?, (0:24)
9. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of my finances (3x) Now made manifest in my hands and use today! (Decree 55.02, mantra no. 1, 45x), (7:29)
10. Preamble to Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion (Decree 6.02), (0:42)
11. Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion (Decree 6.02 3x, verse no. 9 given 9x with each of the nine endings), (8:54)
12. And in full Faith?, (0:20)
13. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of Church Universal and Triumphant finances and my own! (3x) Now made manifest in my hands and use today! (Decree 55.02, mantra no. 2, 33x), (9:12)
14. Supply from Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 45x), (7:05)
15. And in full Faith?, (0:20)
Total time: 1 hours 20 minutes
"The idea is with all of us giving this tape, half of it or the whole tape, every day, we certainly expect the heavens to open and the supply to descend. So this is an alchemy that we are doing together. I am very grateful that we now have this tape and that all of you will make use of it in your life for precipitation and prove the Lord as he is proving us."Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 11, 1993
Original format: 1993 audio cassette tape
Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.
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Decrees & Songs of the 2th Ray
Prayers, decrees and songs to the Archangel and Masters of Wisdom for world peace, illumined action and the guidance of the youth of the world. Booklet of words included. Medium pace.
- Lanto, Beloved Lanto 3:30
- Preamble to: Invocation of Illumination 1:41
- Invocation of Illumination 20:31
- And in full Faith... 0:27
- God and Goddess Meru 2:44
- Golden Waves of Peace 5:56
- And in full Faith... 0:24
- Helios and Vesta! 2:30
- Preamble to: Balance the Threefold Flame in Me! 1:13
- Balance the Threefold Flame in Me! 7:51
- And in full Faith... 0:31
- Lanto's Prayer 1:12
- Beloved Lanto, Lead Us to Shamballa Again 5:07
- Preamble to: Call for Illumination 0:49
- Call for Illumination 5:12
- And in full Faith... 0:24
- Seven Calls for Illumined Action 3:02
- Blaze Illumination's Flame Thru Us 2:10
- Glorious Apollo and Lumina 3:01
"Freedom is always hard won, as is true illumination. Therefore the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas have raised up the kindling fire of the crown; and we bring our crown chakras as we walk, almost physical, through the earth this day, those Buddhas in heaven and all of their disciples. And the fire of our crown chakras is as the fire of a candle and we make ourselves fiery candles walking, walking through the earth.
I bid you, then, take the tape of decrees on the Second Ray of illumination that we have called for and that is now manifest and I also bid you, as a messenger of the Eightfold Path and of the Inner Buddha and of the Holy Christ Self, vow to carry that flame of wisdom, of illumination (which is of wise dominion and of illumined action). Messengers are ye all of the Middle Way, tethering not to the right or to the left of the world's various isms but knowing that Truth is above them all." - Gautama Buddha,
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 29
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Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael
Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael
Disc 1
1. To the Seven Archangels (Song 282) 2:04
2. Preamble to Blue Cross-Blue Flame Protection (Decree 10.10) 1:46
3. Blue Cross-Blue Flame Protection (body of decree 10.10 given 9x) 4:06
4. I AM Presence, Thou Art Master (Decree 10.11) (beginning 9x) 2:24
5. I AM Presence, Thou Art Master (Decree 10.11) (ending 3x) 1:24
6. Guard, Guard, Guard Us! (Decree 1.32) (5x) 1:09
7. Invincible Protection of the Light I AM! (Decree 1.33) (5x) 0:48
8. Preamble to Decree to Archangel Michael (Decree 10.00) 0:22
9. Decree to Archangel Michael (body of decree 10.00 given 36x) 24:50
10. And in full Faith? 0:23
11. Archangel Michaels Grand Parade (Song 299) 5:39
Disc 2
1. Traveling Protection (Decree 6.05) (3x) 1:06
2. Blue Lightning Is Thy Love (Decree 10.16) (6x) 2:12
3. Micah Angel of Unity (Song 286) 1:50
4. Lights Protection (Decree 10.01) (9x) 7:29
5. Preamble to Michael, Archangel of Faith (Decree 10.15) 0:25
6. Michael, Archangel of Faith (body of decree 10.15 given 12x) 6:11
7. And in full Faith? 0:20
8. Archangel Michael, Help Me! (Decree 10.22) 1:18
9. Michaels Sword of Blue Flame (Song 283) 2:21
10. Preamble to Beloved Archangel Michael (Decree 10.06) 0:24
11. Beloved Archangel Michael (body of decree 10.06 given 13x) 9:59
12. And in full Faith? 0:23
13. Archangel Michael, Help Me! Help Me! Help Me! (9x) 0:29
14. I AM the Guard in Archangel Michaels Name! (9x) 0:36
15. I AM Michael, Michael, Michael (Decree 10.07) (3x) 2:58
16. I AM the Guard! (Decree 1.31) 3:40
17. Archangel Michaels Victory March (Song 298) 4:44
Comes with 5.5" x 8.5" booklet of words.
2 Audio CDs.
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