Joy in the Heart - DVD/ MP3 (Freedom 1992)
Freedom Conference 1992 - Timeless teachings from the Ascended Masters with items replayed at the 2022 Freedom conference.
Experience God through the Mystical Paths of the World Religions
5 DVD's & 1 MP3 Audio CD
DVD 1 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.)
El Morya as the Patriarch Abraham - June 26, 1992 - 46 min.
Saint Joseph - June 27, 1992 - 50 min.
Lord Lanto - June 28, 1992 - 21 min.
Holy Justinius - June 28, 1992 - 18 min.
DVD 2 (Length: 2 hr.)
Mighty Victory with Justina - June 28, 1992 - 20 min.
Lord Shiva - June 30, 1992 - 51 min.
Zarathustra - July 1, 1992 - 30 min.
A Spokesman for the Delegation
of the Priesthood of Melchizedek - July 1, 1992 - 19 min.
DVD 3: (Length: 2 hr. 35 min.)
Omega - July 1, 1992 - 27 min.
Alpha - July 1, 1992 - 47 min.
The Goddess Sarasvati - July 2, 1992 - 22 min.
The Goddess Lakshmi - July 2, 1992 - 13 min.
Gautama Buddha - July 4, 1992 - 46 min.
DVD 4 (Length: 1 hr. 58 min.)
Lord Maitreya - July 4, 1992 - 38 min.
Elohim of Peace - July 4, 1992 - 15 min.
Saint Germain - July 4, 1992 - 39 min.
Goddess of Freedom - July 4, 1992 - 26 min.
DVD 5 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.)
Archangel Michael - July 5, 1992 - 33 min.
Archangel Jophiel - July 5, 1992 - 10 min.
Archangel Chamuel and Charity - July 5, 1992 - 5 min.
Archangel Gabriel and Hope -July 5, 1992 - 7 min.
Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary -July 5, 1992 - 24 min.
Archangel Uriel and Aurora -July 5, 1992 - 10 min.
Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst -July 5, 1992 - 12 min.
Lanello -July 5, 1992 - 34 min.
MP3 Audio CD (Length: 11hr. 28 min.)
Includes the above items.
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The Seduction of Socialism and The Responsibility of Freedom
Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3 Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3
In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the psychology of socialism and the economic philosophy of Jesus Christ. 2 DVDs, 1 MP3.
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Meer informatie
Morya and You: Power (AUDIO)
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?
He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love.
You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life.
Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Read about his previous lives in the Appendix. Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 26 messages in this book.
Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you reconnected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time!
2 MP3 CDs
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The Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism
The Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism
Capitalism and communism are the two major economic forces in the world today—two systems, two ideologies, seemingly at odds. Yet looking behind the scenes, a different picture emerges. In this visionary and soul-stirring message, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the illusions of Marxism and the contradictions of capitalism.
She unmasks the manipulators, East and West, who exploit both systems to reach their own goals: money, power, control.
Most importantly, her message is that the strategies of the manipulators may yet be overturned—if people understand what is really happening and answer the call to defend freedom.
“Freedom remains the great challenge of our time….”
– Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Recorded July 4, 1979. 2 DVDs Total time: 4 hr. 27 min.
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Habit by Jesus and Kuthumi
Habit by Jesus and Kuthumi - Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
This important album contains teachings given by the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, in the Corona Class Lessons series. They are the fundamentals that everyone who would be a teacher of mankind in God's name must know well. They include the most wondrous lectures that will enable you to understand that human habits are garments we wear and that we can get out of these habits by seeing what they are and making a conscious effort to correct them.
Includes liner notes. This album is tracked approximately every 15 minutes. Previously published in a cassette album in 1982.
11 hr. 52 min. 1 MP3 Audio CD
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The Control of the Human Aura through the Science of the Spoken Word
Scientists are beginning to prove what mystics have known all along – that the body is enfolded in a forcefield of energy that reflects our state of physical, mental and spiritual health.
But the human aura is not just a passive reflector of internal conditions. Its dynamic currents of force are constantly interacting with the many auras and external stimuli that impinge from beyond the boundaries of our skin.
Upon the backdrop of history and experimental research, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings the startling revelation that we can actually control the effects our auras have on the people we contact, and on the aura of planet Earth itself.
Through the profound Science of the Spoken Word we are taught to purify, strengthen, and direct our auric emanations to change the world within us and the world around us.
This will be the science of the future, but we can use it now!
Includes the original 25 color illustrations and photographs that were part of the original edition.
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Outpouring Spirit into Matter
Darshan #12 Elizabeth Clare Prophet onderwijst over het uitstorten van de Geest in de Materie uit de Meesters en het Pad, door C.W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #12 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on outpouring of Spirit into matter from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
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I'm Stumping for the Coming Revolution - MP3
Deze DVD biedt de basis aan van de leringen: De afbeelding van de Aanwezigheid, decrees, Saint Germain en nog veel meer. Deze DVD vormt een verzameling van de beste lezingen van Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures.
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