
Heart, Head and Hand Decrees - Booklet (PDF)
Downloadable PDF of the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees booklet with color images, meditations, affirmations, mantras, prayers and decrees. After payment you recieve the invoice per e-mail. Click on "View order" to go to download page or go to "My account".                
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'Waak met mij' - Jezus' wake (PDF)
Gebed is de open deur waar alle zegeningen doorheen stromen. Het is de doorgang van licht tussen hemel en aarde. Het is praten met God; het is de smeekbede; het is de hunkering van het hart. Door gebed wordt het bewustzijn milder, angsten worden uitgebannen … Mensen over de hele wereld worden één als zij alles van zichzelf op het altaar van het gebed leggen, en zij de wonderlijke vreugde van de Christus voelen, die zijn wandeling met de mens voortzet. Ze voelen de kracht van de Heilige Geest en ze weten dat hun Verlosser leeft. Zijn belofte aan hen die hij achterliet, was: ‘Voorwaar, voorwaar, ik zeg u: Wie in mij gelooft, zal de werken die ik doe, ook doen, en hij zal grotere doen dan deze, want ik ga heen naar mijn Vader.’ Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
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Lightbearers of the World, Unite! - Booklet (PDF)
This handy e-book will empower you to invoke divine intercession and bring positive change in your life and the world at large through a wide selection of decrees, mantras and songs from the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.
This system of prayer and song, known as the Science of Invocation and the Science of the Spoken Word, includes visualization and breathing techniques. It is a great resource to help you connect with your real self, your I AM Presence, and become an a practical alchemist. Concise explanations for: Why use the Science of Invocation, also called the Science of the Spoken Word? What are mantras? What are decrees? Why decrees are like spiritual letters? Includes a Guide to Seven the Rays a complete chart with color, day, chakra, chohan, archangel, Elohim and qualities for each. Basic instruction on creating and leading decree sessions, including invocations and having fun with decrees.
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Sacred Ritual for Children of Keepers of the Flame (PDF)
Every member of the family will delight in giving this devotional Sunday service – a shortened version of the regular Sacred Ritual. The Sacred Ritual was dictated by the Maha Chohan and Saint Germain for use by Keepers of the Flame in group services and individual worship. It is a holy ritual to consecrate the flame of life in fourfold action of understanding, diligence of application, willingness to serve, and purity of purpose. Contains complete instructions for giving the service. Selected Bible quotes accompany illustrations by Gustave Dore. Children's booklet, 56 pages. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.        
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Sacred Ritual for Keepers of the Flame (PDF)
The Sacred Ritual is a Sunday service of prayers, affirmations, decrees, and songs. Plus instructions on the altar set up and conducting a service (PDF Download).
Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.          
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The Creation of the Cloud - Booklet (PDF)
Saint Germain explains that the creative cloud, once it is dispersed by your fiat at the conclusion of your creative ceremony, will continue to expand and expand and expand throughout the universe as a globe of translucent white fire, eddying in ever-widening spheres. The active participation in the ritual of the cloud by lightbearers throughout the world will enhance the forcefield of the cloud around the entire planetary body for the victory of the light in the golden age. Downloadable PDF of the Creation of the Cloud booklet. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.              
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Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon - Booklet (PDF)
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon booklet of prayers, decrees and hymns. Call to Archangel Michael and his angels to help solve your problems. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.              
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The Fourteenth Rosary - Booklet (PDF)
This is the downloadable PDF of the Mystery of Surrender Rosary. Turn over your problems to God and release all sense of struggle into the fires of the Holy Spirit. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.        
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Violet Flame Meditation - Booklet (PDF)
Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation.              
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Totaal (12)

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