People know that the soul is important, but they don’t know why

The soul is a popular topic today. People talk about and write about the soul. They know that the soul is important, but they don’t know why. Our souls have been evolving as long as we have been sojourning in the material universe. Yet few people really know what the soul is. Many give it no thought at all.

You could say that they are “soul illiterate.” If you took a random poll and asked people if they knew how to care for their souls, most people would say they didn’t have the slightest idea. What, then, is the soul, how does one care for the soul, and what is soul evolution all about? We must ask ourselves this question because our knowledge of the condition of our souls is the key to our success on the spiritual path. For starts, we can think of the soul as a glisteningly transparent sphere that is constantly evolving—or devolving. The soul is the mortal part of ourselves that can become immortal—that must become immortal if she is to survive.

To achieve immortality, the soul must be fused, or bonded, to her Higher Self, who is her Holy Christ Self. Yes, until this bonding takes place, the soul is impermanent and therefore can be lost. This is why souls who are not tethered to their Higher Self are in jeopardy on planet earth. Any one of us can lose our soul and become a castaway by blaspheming God or tormenting our soul (or another’s soul) until the soul welcomes death as a surcease from physical and spiritual abuse.

The Blessed Mother Mary has implored us to pray to God daily to send his angels to rescue souls who will be lost if we do not call for divine intercession in their behalf. Let us respond to her plea with soul fervor. Have you ever thought about the fact that in this life and past lives you might have neglected he development of your soul, choosing instead to develop your human ego? Or that you might not have nurtured your soul—this essential “life-essence” that mirrors both your personality and the Personality of God? What you have drawn from these two personalities, how you have integrated the two and incorporated them into your unique soul awareness, actually defines your soul identity.

If you have walled off your soul from the rest of yourself and disconnected your soul from your personality and the Personality of God, you are at a standstill in your spiritual evolution. And if you don’t know it, you’re even worse off: you’re in a minus position. Our souls are wise. Our souls know the past and its application to the present and the future. And they see the immediacy of the moment.

The soul is highly sensitive and at the same time she is innocent and defenseless. She is vulnerable to astral forces. She is impressionable and easily led astray. She is often colored by her surroundings. She suffers when subjected to violence of any kind. She is wounded by mental and emotional toxins and by physical or verbal abuse. Our souls urgently need our comfort and consolation, our soothing words. They need to know that we will protect them from all harm.

Pearls of Wisdom Vol.38 no.29  – July 2, 1995 – Published by The Summit Lighthouse – Copyright © 2020 The Summit Lighthouse, inc.

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