The Law of Cycles
From early childhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet observed the cyclic interaction of nature, planets and stars.
Drawing on sources ranging from Hindu teachings on pralaya cycles, the ancient Greeks’ understanding of the golden ratio, to modern studies on the spirals of creation, she shows the rhythmic equation of God in man and nature. From this broad perspective, the wholeness and holiness of the universe are revealed.
Is it time to get off the roller coaster of the circumstances of your life and find your point of peace?
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Higher Consciousness
Over seventy years ago, historian Arnold Toynbee foresaw a "time of troubles" coming to America and the nations of the West. Our destiny depends on our response to these mounting crises.
In this landmark release on America's bicentennial, Saint Germain and other ascended masters outlined the challenges that America and the nations would face. They spoke of the promise of a new day that lies beyond them. And key to our success today, they outlined what the free nations of the world need to do to reach a new era of peace and enlightenment.
We are facing those challenges today. Our requirement is nothing less than a new American Revolution. The revolution of 1776 secured the independence of a new nation, an unprecedented experiment in liberty. Today, it is a revolution in spiritual awareness that is needed.
There is a part for you to play in the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Find your role. Fulfill your mission. Take up the path that leads to your ultimate freedom.
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9 Cats 9 Lives
FDR, Al Capone, Henry Ford ...
What were they doing on Atlantis? And how did that set the stage for future lives?
Elizabeth Clare Prophet penetrates the veils of akasha to reveal the past lives of individuals who helped shape the modern world. As she traces threads of karma, we see how their choices in many lives set their destiny and the karmic challenges they would face in the twentieth century.
Their stories are intriguing. More importantly, they show that while karma may determine the cards we are dealt in life, we each choose how we will play our hand. We can rise to our higher calling and balance our karma-or wrap ourselves more tightly in its bonds.
The message is that we can transcend our past-and our past lives-and find a new freedom and joy in life each day.
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Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ vs. The Religious Philosophy of Karl Marx, The
In this groundbreaking book Elizabeth Clare Prophet compares and contrasts the world views of two prominent thinkers not often mentioned in the same breath.
On the one hand, a holistic and practical economic philosophy promoted by none other than Jesus Christ—a religious giant not normally associated with economic theories. On the other hand, the religious underpinnings of the economic and political philosophies of Karl Marx, a revolutionary thinker commonly believed to be an atheist.
This unique analysis offers enlightening new answers to the pursuit of a just, more prosperous world.
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Karma and Reincarnation
We zijn allemaal al eens hier geweest. Het woord karma heeft zich een weg verworven in de hedendaagse cultuur. Maar niet iedereen weet daadwerkelijk wat het betekent of hoe ze ermee o moeten gaan. Dit heldere boek zult u helpen om karmische verbindingen uit vorige levens te snappen, en die de hedendaagse omstandigheden hebben doen ontstaan. U zult ontdekken hoe uw daden in vorige levens - goed en fout - beïnvloedt in welk gezien je geboren wordt, tot wie u zich aangetrokken voelt, en waarom sommige mensen u tot het uiterste brengen. U zult leren over groepskarma, wat we tussen de levens in doen, en wat de Grote Lichten van het Oosten en het Westen, inclusief Jezus, te zeggen hebben over Karma & Reïncarnatie. U zult voornamelijk uitvinden hoe u uw karmische ondervindeingen in grote mogelijkheden kunt laten veranderen en om de toekomst te scheppen die u wilt.
We have all been here before...The word Karma had made it into the mainstream. But not everyone knows what it really means or how to deal with it. This insightful book will help you come to grips with karmic connections from past lives that have helped create the circumstances of your life today. You will discover how your actions in past lives -- good and bad -- affect which family you are born into, who you are attracted to, and why some people put you on edge. You will learn about group karma, what we do between lives, and what the great lights of East and West, including Jesus, have to say about karma and reincarnation. Most of all, you will find out how to turn your karmic encounters into grand opportunities to shape the future you want.
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Lost Teachings of Jesus vol. 1
Jezus onderwees uitgebreid gedurende zijn spirituele bediening. En toch tekenen de Geschriften slechts een fractie van wat hij gezegd heeft. Mark en Elisabeth Prophetlaten zien dat het Nieuwe Testament onherroepelijk tekenen bevat waaruit blijkt dat er grote delen van Jezus' leringen missen.Veel daarvan was nooit opgetekend. En datgene wat werd opgetekend, werd door talloze auteurs mee geknoeid of ging verloren door toedoen van de "beschermers van het geloof" die het volledig onderdrukten. Dit volume is een stoutmoedige reconstructie van de essentie van Jezus'boodschap - zowel zijn openbare leerlingen aan de massa als zijn privéleringen die hij enkel gaf aan zijn dichtstbijzijnde discipelen - toen en nu. Oprecht, verassend, zeer pakkend. De verloren leringenv an Jezus verheldert het Nieuwe Testament - en ook de Oude- en gaat verder tot de Eeuwigdurende Boodschap. Een ongeëvernaarde gids voor allen die de uitdagingen van deze tijden zouden willen aangaan met de eeuwenoude wijsheid van God - net als de toekomst met het verloren Woord.
Jesus taught extensively during his ministry. Yet the Gospels record only a fragment of what he said. Mark and Elisabeth Prophet show that the New Testament itself contains unmistakable signs that major portions of Jesus' teaching are missing. Much of it was never recorded. And some of what was recorded was tampered with by numerous editors or lost at the hands of "guardians of the faith" who suppressed it entirely. This volume is a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message - both his public teachings to the multitudes and private teachings given in secret to his closest disciples -then and now. Profound, surprising, thoroughly engaging. The Lost Teachings of Jesus, illumines the New Testament - and the Old- and then goes beyond to the Everlasting Gospel. An unparalleled guide for all who dare meet the challenges of these times with the ancient wisdom of God - and the future with the lost Word.
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Lost Teachings on Your Higher Self
In Book One of The Lost Teachings of Jesus series, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet demonstrate that many of Jesus' original teachings were lost. In Book Two they go one step further. They show how early churchmen--aided and abetted by the Roman emperors Constantine and Justinian--distorted Jesus' true teachings. And robbed you of what he wanted you to know about the power of your own inner Christ.
In modem vernacular, parable and story, the Prophets provide the missing links. They explain the difference between "Jesus" and "the Christ." They show how the Church's doctrines on sin and the only begotten Son of God have obscured what Jesus really taught about salvation.
And how Eastern concepts like karma can be found wrapped in the mysteries he gave the disciples. But most importantly, they recapture the heart of his message--that you, like Jesus, can reconnect with your Divine Source to realize your full potential.
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Understanding Yourself: A Spiritual Approach to Self-Discovery and Soul-Awareness
This insightful work offers unique perspectives into ways to master the components of being: the ego, karma, and the Self beyond the self.
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Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
Using the latest scholarly annotations and evidence from the Dead Sea Scriptures and the Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work revisits the history of reincarnation in Christianity - from Jesus and earlier Christians to the Church Councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity--from Jesus and early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
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