Are you ready for your true self?

The Summit Lighthouse is a global center for inner awakening. We are a community of people committed to a meaningful path of selfless service, spiritual freedom and inner realization. 

Welcome to the website of The Summit Lighthouse Holland

Who are you?

The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. Understanding the Self is the most important insight a person can have in their life.

The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause from which the effect arises. We call this cause the I AM WHO I AM, the Presence of the I AM or the I AM Presence.

Your Higher Self

Between the sphere of light above and the soul developing below is the consciousness of the mediator. 

We call this mediator the Higher Self, the Higher Mental Body, the Real Self or the Holy Christ Self. The Christian mystics sometimes referred to the Mediator as the "inner man of the heart."

The Science of the Spoken Word

The Science of the Spoken Word as taught by the ascended masters is a method of accessing the power of God that combines prayers, mantras, affirmations, meditations and visualizations with what are called "dynamic decrees."


Karma and reincarnation

Karma and reincarnation teach us that the soul following the patterns of nature is on a journey along a path of birth, maturation, death and then is given another opportunity for rebirth. They teach us that we are part of a moving stream of consciousness and that our soul evolves through many life experiences.


Do you want to?

Getting more out of life.

The path of ascension

The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. Understanding the Self is the most important insight a person can have in their life.

The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause from which the effect arises. We call this cause the I AM WHO I AM, the Presence of the I AM or the I AM Presence.

Who are the ascended masters?

The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. Understanding the Self is the most important insight a person can have in their life.

The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause from which the effect arises. We call this cause the I AM WHO I AM, the Presence of the I AM or the I AM Presence.

The essence of your immortality

The triple flame burning in your heart is your divine spark and the essence of your immortality.

It is the seat of cosmic consciousness, the sign of the son or daughter of God. It is your link to Reality, to Being and to Eternal Life. It is the anointing by the True Self of all souls who choose to uphold the standard of the Law of the One.

The messengers

The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. Understanding the Self is the most important insight a person can have in their life.

The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause from which the effect arises. We call this cause the I AM WHO I AM, the Presence of the I AM or the I AM Presence.

Would you also like to work with Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael is your protector!

The Flame of Community

In every era, the great spiritual teachers founded their communities - Gautama Buddha and his sangha, Jesus and his disciples, St. Francis and his brothers. Community is the flame of the Holy Spirit, hence it is the flame of love.

The lords of the rays

The Lords of the Seven Rays offer unique paths to spiritual mastery. By exploring these paths, you will receive comfort, inspiration and valuable keys to your own life journey.

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