A New Perception of the I AM Presence Chart

Thought Form of the Sine Wave to the Sun –A New Perception of the Chart of Your Mighty I AM Presence.

I would like to speak to you about the thought form that is in our poster for this retreat, the Sine Wave to the Sun. You might say that this is a different way of showing the Mighty I AM Presence, the Christ Self, and the individual who is ascending to God. You might also say that this sine wave is a ladder of light.

You can see the concentric rings in a dimension of the attitude of the soul climbing, or accelerating, the intensity of light and entering into the successive rings going into the Central Sun, which is the I AM Presence. And here it is depicted as an infinite galaxy of light.

If you can imagine the center of your Mighty I AM Presence as an infinite galaxy of light, you begin to think about a new perception of the Infinite One and the manifestation we have become so accustomed to meditating upon in the chart of the I AM Presence. This would be the individual, as you, clearly manifest as a ray of light coalesced in this dimension. The white fire in the center and the galaxy in the heart denotes the Christ Presence.

Many times we hear people ask, “Who is my Christ Self? Is it myself? Is it someone else? Is it someone with whom I can speak? Is it an energy? Is it a consciousness?” It is all of these things, depending upon your own positioning both on the outside of the sine wave–following it and becoming the sine wave–or being in the center of it, poised in that very perfect point of Cosmic Christ consciousness which is called the laya center….

We descended this ladder of light, each one having free will–each one, for various reasons, presenting himself before the Lord God Almighty in the Person of the Father/Mother God, Alpha and Omega. And therefore, we were given the opportunity to go into the outer universes, out from the original inner retreat in the heart of God. Some had the design of exercising the potential to be co-creator in the Matter spheres. Some wished to exercise free will independent of God. Others went forth as guardian spirits concerned about those who would go forth in a state of independence from the divine union.

For whatever reason, we find ourselves in the same octave, in the same frequency, which is a very narrow band of this physical universe. The outer universe is far more vast than this narrow band. Therefore finding ourselves together on the narrow band, we immediately have at least that in common. We can see one another, we can touch and feel one another, we can understand one another’s consciousness to a certain degree. And we understand one another’s problems because we share similar problems, similar karmic conditions….

This excerpt from a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet was delivered October 9, 1981 during the conference Sine Wave to the Sun and published in the 1981 Pearls of Wisdom Radiant Word Vol. 24 No. 47.

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