Continued study in Alchemy
Voltaire called him "the man who never dies and knows everything." And that is an understatement. The Count Saint Germain turned base metals into gold, removed impurities from diamonds and discovered the elixir of eternal youth. He was the confidant of kings and a friend of the poor - he used his alchemical abilities to alleviate poverty so prevalent in the eighteenth century. However, his extensively documented "miracles" were in reality the natural result of his application of alchemy.
In our time, the Ascended Master Saint Germain brings you the secrets he taught you centuries ago. Perhaps they will enable you to turn base metals into gold - but the true purpose of alchemy is: To change yourself. To change your country. To change your planet.
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Karma and reincarnation
The word "karma" has become a common term. But not everyone knows what it really means or how to deal with it. This enlightening book helps you get a handle on karmic commitments from past lives that have contributed to your current life circumstances.
You will discover how your actions - good and bad - from past lives affect what family you were born into, who you are attracted to, and why some people irritate you so much. You will learn about group karma, what we do between lives, and what the great enlightened figures of the East and West, such as Jesus, have to say about karma and reincarnation. But most of all, you'll find out how to turn your karmic encounters into great opportunities to shape the future the way you want it.
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How to collaborate with Angels
Have you ever thought about building a relationship with an angel?
How to collaborate with Angels shows you how to befriend angels so they can help you in practical and personal ways - while protecting, inspiring, healing and comforting you.
The more you learn to work with angels, the better they can help you effectively.
They can even take you on an upward climb, giving you a glimpse of your Higher Self.
Learn in ten steps to make angels a part of your life. And be prepared for miraculous changes when you make invocations and they give you answers.
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The unknown years of Jesus
Notovitch, Abhedananda, Roerich and Caspari had one thing in common. At first they were by no means looking for documents on antiquity until they came in contact with a lama who knew a lot about a holy prophet - someone from Palestine and known in the East as Issa. When Notovitch was finally handed a document by one of the chief lamas, little did he know how much influence it would later have on the religious and scientific interpretation of the formative years of Jesus.
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Creative Power of Sound, The
Recent scientific research confirms the knowledge known to the mystics for thousands of years: sound is the key to creating the Universe. And it can also bring about spiritual and material changes in your life.
Prayer is the sound and language of the soul. Loudly spoken, it can unlock the dynamic energy of Spirit. In The Creative Power of Sound, you will learn seven fundamentals for applying prayers, mantras and affirmatives in your daily life. You will discover an effective way to harness spiritual energy to create positive change in your life and the world around you.
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The answer you seek lies within you
In The answer you seek lies within you, Mark Prophet interweaves anecdotes from everyday life with universal truths, creating a profound yet enjoyable guide to spiritual growth.
Mark Prophet, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time, possessed a unique approach to spirituality. He believed that our search for the meaning of life, while often challenging, should also be enjoyable. And that we can often find the answers we seek in the most unlikely places.
This spontaneous and engaging little book leads us to those places: to hidden resources and situations all around us that offer countless opportunities for personal awakening. It offers fresh insights and practical techniques to self-mastery that you can apply immediately during your own life journey.
In a lighthearted yet down-to-earth way, he puts you in touch with your heart and with the truth at the heart of all the world's mystical traditions: that you can experience your own intimate relationship with your divine Source.
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Wanting to Be Born - The soul's cry for help
Picture this
you are a soul
waiting to be born -
who wants to be born...
The fate of the unborn child is one of the most controversial topics of our time. This book looks at this issue in a new way, from the perspective of the soul - the soul of the parent and the soul of the child. Beyond the stereotypes and slogans, this is a book that will touch your heart and excite your soul.
Your outlook on life will never be the same again.
Author: [field author]
Binding Method: [field binding]
Number of page: [field paginas]
Version: [field print version]
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Discover the power of your Higher Self
Discover the Power of Your Higher Self describes simple techniques that can help you develop a close partnership with Spirit, and experience the joy, peace and power that belong to your spiritual birthright.
When you are in alignment with your Higher Self, you become more loving and sensitive to the needs of yourself and others. You will fulfill your life purpose and express your greatest creativity.
Learn ten dynamic steps that will lead you to spiritual awakening and will help you realize your full potential.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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Meeting with Saint Germain Part 1
The Ascended Master Saint Germain takes you on a spiritual journey of discovery that reveals to you the breathtaking beauty of life in higher dimensions.
Mysteries Unveiled
Many ancient civilizations, are revived by Saint Germain, and displayed to the protagonist Godfré Ray King - his former son and friend. These show him that this earth has known several golden ages in the past.
Step by step the Master unfolds the picture of the now approaching golden age, in which we will once again have the opportunity to obtain such mastery over life, and express it in a perfect society.
In this book you will find many stories, instructions and exercises that show Godfré and the reader the way to the goal of every soul on earth: divine mastery.
Author: [field author]
Translation: Carla Groenewegen
Binding Method: [field binding]
Number of page: [field paginas]
Edition: [field print version]
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