Using the latest scholarly annotations and evidence from the Dead Sea Scriptures and the Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work revisits the history of reincarnation in Christianity - from Jesus and earlier Christians to the Church Councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity--from Jesus and early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
As parents, we care about our children's well-being. We yearn to help our children develop full and meaningful lives, and we seek to create a family life that nourishes the heart and soul of each one. How can we do this? How can we develop and maintain that spark of love and joy that enriches relationships and deepens each one's spirituality?
The Gift of the Violet Flame is an inspirational book to help parents teach spirituality using bonding activities using the violet flame. The violet flame is an uplifting spiritual energy that can improve your family life. The teachings and activities in this book assist in deepening each family member's connection with loved ones and with their Higher Self. The violet flame will embrace your family in a sense of spiritual oneness.
Cultivate joy and peace in your family life through giving violet-flame mantras and prayers.
Engage your family members in fun, interactive activities that are simple to prepare.
Violet Flame visualizations and decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Beginner pace - or turn off audio to meditate and decree visualizations at your own pace.
Violet flame visualizations and decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Beginner pace - or mute the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.
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