Ervaar de bekrachting door middel van spirituele visualisaties en dynamische decrees met Elizabeth Clare Prophet voor persoonlijke transformatie. Concentreer op het visualiseren van een violette vlam die een grote eivorm van licht wordt die uw gehele aura opvult. Voel de andere dimensie van energie dat binnendringt, alsmede om uw heen, en boven en onder het krachtveld waar u bent.
Experience the empowerment of spiritual visualization and dynamic decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet for personal transformation. Concentrate on visualizing a violet flame becoming a giant ovoid of light, filling your entire aura. Sense another dimension of energy penetrating through and around, above and below the forcefield which you are.
The Earth in Violet Flame: 7:32
Violet-Flame Waterfall: 7:36
Violet-Flame Chalice: 7:53
Saint Germain with Violet Rays: 7:55
Intermediate-paced decrees: 70.14, 5.01, 7.28
1 DVD, Length 31 minutes
For teachers, parents and all whose lives touch children. 8 lectures plus 5 dictations. In these inspiring lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet traces the foundations of education taught by the Great White Brotherhood from Lemuria and Atlantis to the present.
Mark L. Prophet walked before mankind as a friend on the spiritual path. He illustrated Truth as a day-to-day experience of God that could come to all. For him, the path of Truth led to cosmic consciousness. This book captures Mark Prophet's rare compassion and deep sensitivity. The author, a twentieth-century mystic, shares teachings on the Divine Mother, the presence of love, the eternality of being, and the aura as an expanding egg of cosmic consciousness. Includes a guided meditation for nourishing the heart and the soul.
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