Despite the negative events prophesied for the next millennium by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Mother Mary, Saint Germain introduces readers to a high-frequency spiritual energy that can bring both personal and planetary change and make the future a brighter day.
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Wat is onsterfelijkheid? Betekent het dat we voor eeuwig leven in hetzelfde fysieke lichaam, zoekend naar mechanische of gekloonde ankerpunten voor onze uitgedragen lichaamsdelen? Nee, het betekent totale bevrijding van de dualiteit van deze wereld en een absolute vrijheid door spiritueel meesterschap en hoger bewustzijn. Onsterfelijkheid is uw goddelijk recht en de lotsbestemming van uw ziel. De onderwerpen gaan over entiteiten op het astrale vlak, wat een boodschapper is, de gebieden van het bewustzijn en uw goddelijk rercht op onsterfelijkheid.
What is immortality? Does it mean living forever in the same physical body, seeking mechanical or cloned fixes for worn out body parts? No. It means total liberation from the duality of this world and absolute freedom through spiritual mastery and higher consciousness. Immortality is your divine right and the destiny of your soul. Topics include: entities on the astral plane, what is a messenger, planes of consciousness and your divine right to immortality.
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Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this great self-study book for personal help, Saint Germain reveals techniques that will help you transform your life, your hometown and even your planet. He talks about how to arm yourself with spiritual energy, gain control over your emotions and rid yourself of fear. This book also includes a story about the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the wonder man of Europe. In addition, the book includes a glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this greatest of all self-help books, Saint Germain reveals techniques to help you transform your life, your town, your planet. He tells you how you can harness spiritual energy, control your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Includes sections on the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the Wonderman of Europe. Includes 117-page glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
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