To love and be loved is central to life. Yet all around us, we see people looking for love and not finding it--often settling for something less.
One reason is that love is not just about attraction and feelings--as powerful as these can be. There is a spiritual dimension that is even more important, yet often overlooked or not understood.
Wanting to Be Loved provides a higher perspective on the quest for love. Here are just a few of the keys you will find in this inspiring book:
How to recognize a twin flame or soul mate
How to avoid wrong relationships
How to attract the right partner in life
Marriage as an initiation on the spiritual path
How to deal with karma in relationships
Understanding sex as a Sacred Energy eXchange
Explore the mystery and beauty of love in all its dimensions, and find the love you are looking for.
Neroli Duffy with Peter Duffy
A profound look into the life of the soul, her purpose and destiny. Serapis Bey shows that the soul's reunion with God through the ascension is the goal of life for all. He gives practical keys for spiritual growth that can lead to the attainment of the ascension. The author answers the ultimate questions about life after death.
Millions of people are beset by addiction. Whether drugs, alcohol or behavioral addictions such as gambling and pornography, the human cost is enormous--both for the victims and their families. Many yearn for freedom but don't find this through existing treatment programs, where the relapse rate is often high.
A missing ingredient in most programs is an awareness of the unseen forces behind addiction. Known for centuries, these forces are often overlooked in the modern scientific approach to disease and healing.
Wanting to Be Free explores the spiritual dimension of addiction and presents an integrated approach to recovery. Combining spiritual techniques with the most effective mental, emotional and physical therapies, it outlines a unique pathway for those pursuing the path to true freedom.
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