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All for the Love of God
This book offers a collection of stories written from individuals’ one-on-one interactions with the late Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse.
In the Lost Teachings of Jesus series, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet show that many of Jesus' original teachings were lost. Some were never written down. Others were altered by Church councils. And those that were recorded in the Bible are misinterpreted to this day. The Prophets set the record straight with a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message. In this fourth volume of their landmark series, they show you how to put the teachings of Jesus into action to meet the challenges of life in the modern world. And they share effective techniques you can use to access the creative power of your Real Self.
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Acquisition is the goal of the spiritual path. It is not the power to perform miracles or control others, but the gift of giving and receiving energy in harmony. This volume of the Climb the Highest Mountain series explains the important keys about attainment, such as how to connect with the masters, how to navigate through the cycles of positive and negative karma, a greater understanding about twin flames, soulmates and karmic relationships.
Attainment is the goal of the spiritual path. It is not the power to perform miracles or to control others, but the ability to give and receive energy in harmony. This volume of the Climb the Highest Mountain series explains important keys to attainment, including: how to connect with the masters; how to chart cycles of positive and negative karma; a greater understanding of twin flames, soul mates and karmic relationships.
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This handbook of 48 lessons outlines fundamentals of the spiritual path, with rare insights on love, mercy, brotherhood, charity, the soul, vision, mission and faith. The authors unveil new interpretations of the Bible. A perfect companion for those who would experience fully the joys and challenges of the spiritual quest.
"When I was embodied as Francis of Assissi, I came to realize through studying the birds and animals that my power of concentration, saturated as it was with the love of God and his love in man, would draw me into an understanding of the God-intelligence acting in Nature." - Kuthumi Lal Singh
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