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All for the Love of God
This book offers a collection of stories written from individuals’ one-on-one interactions with the late Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse.
Er zijn Meesters die vanuit alle spirituele tradities van de wereld gekomen zijn. Deze grote Lichten van het Oosten en Westen zijn afgestudeerd van de aardse klaslokalen en zijn herenigd met de Geest in het proces dat bekend staat als de hemelvaart. De Meesters vertellen ons dat zij voorbeelden zijn en geen uitzonderingen op de regel. Wij zijn ook voorbestemd om ons levensdoel te vervullen en ons te herenigen met de geest. Dit intrigerende werk biedt een vernieuwend perspectief op het universum en uw rol daarin. De relatie tussen de hemelvaart, nirvana, en samadhi. De parallelle structuur van de spirituele en het materiële universum. Het verschil tussen opgevaren en onopgevaren meesters. Het nut van de spirituele hiërarchie en de rol van de Meesters; een unieke meditatie over de zaligheid van hereniging met de Geest; een ademoefening om u te helpen balanceren en uw bewustzijn uit te breiden.
There are Masters who have come out of all the world's great spiritual traditions. These great lights of East and West have graduated from earth's schoolroom and reunited with Spirit in the process know as the ascension. The Masters tell us that they are examples and not exceptions to the rule. We, too, are destined to fulfill our life's purpose and reunite with Spirit. This intriguing work offers an innovative perspective on the universe and your role in it: The relationship between the ascension, nirvana and samadhi; The parallel structure of the spiritual and material universes; The difference between ascended and unascended masters; The function of the spiritual hierarchy and the role of the Masters; A unique meditation on the bliss of union with Spirit; A breathing exercise to help you balance and expand consciousness.
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The dark side. The synthetic self. The not-self. The Gnostics called it the counterfeiting spirit and the Theosophists called it the 'dweller-on-the-threshold'. There exists within all of us a collective consciousness of all our misdeeds, momentums of many lifetimes, which emerges as a pseudo-identity that wields human power and causes us to do those things we so often regret. The encounter with the enemy within has been vividly portrayed in classic works of literature such as Sir Bulwer-Lytton's Zanoni , Mary Shelley's Frankenstein , Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and in modern movie masterpieces such as Star Wars . From time to time, we contact the tip of the iceberg in our tendency to fear, to be jealous or to get angry and we see those who have become one with their dweller committing rape and mass murder.
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Christian mysticism combined with Eastern meditations. Enlightening instruction applicable to all philosophies and religions. A handbook of peace and comfort for seekers of truth. Learn how to contact the great source of life for inspiration and strength. Helps bring a greater depth of meaning and grace to prayers, meditation and daily life. Includes 18 original Chinese brush paintings of world teachers.
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