Meeting with Saint Germain Part 1
The Ascended Master Saint Germain takes you on a spiritual journey of discovery that reveals to you the breathtaking beauty of life in higher dimensions. Mysteries Unveiled Many ancient civilizations, are revived by Saint Germain, and displayed to the protagonist Godfré Ray King - his former son and friend. These show him that this earth has known several golden ages in the past. Step by step the Master unfolds the picture of the now approaching golden age, in which we will once again have the opportunity to obtain such mastery over life, and express it in a perfect society. In this book you will find many stories, instructions and exercises that show Godfré and the reader the way to the goal of every soul on earth: divine mastery. Author: [field author] Translation: Carla Groenewegen Binding Method: [field binding] Number of page: [field paginas] Edition: [field print version]
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