Morya and You: Power
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and love. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you, and he’s ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 27 messages on power in this book. Let Morya speak to your heart. You’ll be grateful you recon- nected with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time! 470 pages.
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Morya and You: Wisdom
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he? He is the ascended master El Morya. Now a purely spiritual being, he’s had many earthly embodiments where millions of souls knew him intimately—as father, brother, teacher, ruler and friend. He was Abraham. He was Sir Thomas More. He was Akbar the Great. And he had many more lives as the exemplar of fatherly guidance and wisdom. You may well have been one of those millions who knew him in the past. The problem is, you’ve forgotten all about him as you entered your present life. Master Morya hasn’t forgotten you. He’s looking for his students and friends of old, and his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings to convey to you. He is ready to take you by the hand and lead you to your next step on your spiritual path. Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul, expressed in his own words in the 23 messages on wisdom in this book.
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Discourses on Cosmic Law - # 1
Mark Prophet had a life of many challenges. He left high school during the Great Depression to support his widowed mother. He laid track on the Soo Line Railroad, served in the Air Force in World War II, was the head of an electrical workers’ union in the Midwest. Finally, he achieved the American dream—the house, the job, the new car—only to see it all taken in a great spiritual test. But through all of this, it was his quest for God that was the driving force for his life. As a boy, he would pray for hours at an altar he built in the attic of his house. He received all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit while yet a teenager. And then he found that his search for Reality could not be contained within that path. He studied the Western arcana. He pursued the Eastern paths of yoga and meditation. And above all, he was guided by his Guru, the Ascended Master El Morya. Also available in audio. Mark Prophet was never afraid to let the Holy Spirit express through him. He used no notes—each discourse was a fresh revelation from the heart of God. They were delivered with grace and disarming spontaneity —and often a dose of humor. (Who can forget “The Chevy Is My Auto”?) He often quoted the words of Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, “Was it I who spoke? Was I not also a listener?” Mark's messages, the product of a profound love for God and man, provide us with glimpses of the Infinite—the Wisdom of the Ages—made practical for our daily life. Volume 1 contains eighteen discourses, including: • Penetration, Focalization and Control of Consciousness • Developing Ascended Master Love • The Artisan in the Temple   Also available on audio CD
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Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness
De Heren van de Zeven Stralen nodigen iedereen uit op een reis naar hun etherische verblijf om daar te leren over vorige levens. De toepassing van de violette vlam op de herinneringen van vorige levens kan iedereen helpen om zich af te stemmen en de balans te herstellen. The Lords of the Seven Rays invites one to journey to their etheric retreat in order to learn from past lives. Application of the violet flame to past life memories can adjust them until balance is restored. (Philosophy/Metaphysics)
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Maitreya on Initiation: The Coming Buddha Who Has Come
A compilation of Elizabeth Clare Prophets lectures and writings on Maitreya throughout the years, plus five messages on initiation from the Great Initiator himself. Maitreya, the Coming Buddha, the Future Buddha, plays many roles in the various Buddhist traditions throughout the Far East:
  • The guardian of the Dharma
  • An intercessor and protector
  • A guru who personally initiates his devotees
  • A messenger sent by the Eternal Mother to rescue her children
  • A messiah who descends when the world is in turmoil to judge the wicked and save the righteous
  • The Laughing Buddha.
Softbound, trade paperback, 256 pages.
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Morya I
In this book, Morya reveals himself as the inimitable guru. By what he tells his chelas, you discover somewhat the kind of master he is. For masters do indeed have personalities, and very strong ones at that. He also reveals the state of consciousness of chelas and their chelaship, both in general and in particular. Through the words and sentences punctuated by his unspeakable love and the fierceness of his zeal to set you free from mortal delusion and dalliance with the lesser self, you will find the Morya you have always known and loved--both in this life and in the worlds of preexistence of your soul. Download free chapter
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Opening of the Seventh Seal
Teachings for the new dispensation of Aquarius. This text contains profound messages from Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is spoken about as the Ancient of Days in the Bible and as Dipamkara in the Buddhist tradition. Here you will find insight into mystical passages from the Book of Revelation and the Book of Ezekiel on the opening of the seven spheres of cosmic consciousness. Gain keys to re-creating your soul in the likeness of God. Download free chapter
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Opening of the Temple Doors, The
In the heaven-world there are many retreats and temples of light. Many of those who have gone through a near death experience have been there. What is not so well known is that by soul travel you can journey there in your higher consciousness while you sleep. This book opens the door to these retreats and describes some of what you will see and learn there. Download free chapter
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Sacred Adventure with Light from Heavenly Lanterns, The
The Sacred Adventure is counted among the richest of gifts in the mystical literature of East and West. These letters on the Will of God were originally written by the ascended master El Morya to his students throughout the world. They are treasures of timeless Truth that will give you inspiration for living a life that will lead you to your inner destiny. This new, expanded edition also includes El Morya's classic work "Light from Heavenly Lanterns," a meditation in poetry and prose on the drama of the ascent of the soul. Includes original artwork by Auriel Bessemer.
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Totaal (19)