Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine: Jesus' Lost Teachings on Women
Dit boek wijdt uit over de archetypische rol van het Goddelijke Vrouwelijke in de Oosterse en Westerse spiritualiteit en helpt de positie van Maria Magdalena te verduidelijken. Dit boek bevat ook 55 zwart/wit illustraties, 2 mappen met 12 discussievragen. Explores the archetypal role of the Divine Feminine in Eastern and Western spirituality and helps to clarify the position of Mary Magdalene. This book includes 55 black and white illustrations, 2 maps and 12 questions for discussion. Download free chapter
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Mary's Message for a New Day
In the twentieth century alone, more than two hundred appearances of Mary, the mother of Jesus, have been reported in over thirty countries. Some claim Mary has appeared to them as they pray. Others say they have watched her statues weep or have seen her images on walls or windows. And some tell us that Mary has revealed to them urgent prophecies and secrets. Mary has entrusted her messages to unlikely ambassadors--not prelates or popes, presidents or politicians, but children and simple folk, innocent ones who could receive her messages in humility and convey them with undiluted simplicity. For forty years Mother Mary gave messages through Mark and Elizabeth Prophet to comfort and enlighten spiritual seekers of all paths. This groundbreaking book records Mary's precious messages of wisdom, hope and peace to a troubled world. It also includes the text of eight nondenominational scriptural rosaries--one for each day of the week and Sunday evening. Download free chapter
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Mary's Message of Divine Love
This volume gives a fascinating account of Mary's life after Jesus' ascension, including her travels throughout Europe, where she established spiritual focuses. The appearances of Mary over the last 2,000 years are chronicled. Contains 28 heartfelt messages from Mother Mary and the text of five secret-ray rosaries. Download free chapter
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