Journey through Cancer
One in four people will be faced with cancer during their lifetime. No matter what the location or type of tumor, the most effective treatment addresses the whole person.Journey through Cancer provides a road map for healing at all levels--body, mind, and spirit. It shows how to: - Get the best results from medical treatment- Minimize side effects- Evlaluate and choose from the vast array of alternative therapies- Integrate traditional and complementary therapies- Work with the mind-body connection to fight cancer and strengthen the immune system- Maximize the effectiveness of prayer and other spiritual healing techniques- Understand the spiritual lessons that illness can teach- Integrate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual techniques for your own healing journey.
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Soul Freedom: The Life of a Spiritual Warrior
Rev. E. Gene Vosseler has been a warrior of the Spirit and a devotee of the Christ and the Buddha for decades. As he has walked this path he has seen his life unfold in three distinct phases. The first was his youth and service as a fourth-generation Lutheran minister. In those thirty-eight years he served as a missionary in British Guiana, raised five children, and built a thriving church in Hawaii. It was a life of outer success. But it did not feed his soul. The second phase was a time of "divine dis¬content." He left the Lutheran church, explored Taoism, became a Unitarian minister for two years, was arrested with Joan Baez in an antiwar protest, studied under a Buddhist master, and built and lost a multimillion dollar corporation--all in a twelve-year search for spiritual truth. The third phase began at the age of fifty, when Gene found the ascended masters and his spiritual teacher, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He also met his twin flame, Wanda. He says this was when his "real" life began. The mystic in Gene found expression as he travelled all over America and the world with a message of higher consciousness. He became a minister again, taught Buddhism and Taoism at Summit University, took on leadership roles, and went through the inner tests and trials of chelaship and the spiritual path. The warrior in Gene would take on anyone--from Marxist professors to movie stars to the political establishment in Washington--in the defense of the truth as he saw it. In this book Gene candidly reveals his inner walk as the mystic and the warrior became one. It is the story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life--a spiritual warrior and his personal quest for Soul Freedom. The life lessons he shares can assist each of us in the liberation of our own soul.
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Wanting to be Free
Millions of people are beset by addiction. Whether drugs, alcohol or behavioral addictions such as gambling and pornography, the human cost is enormous--both for the victims and their families. Many yearn for freedom but don't find this through existing treatment programs, where the relapse rate is often high.
A missing ingredient in most programs is an awareness of the unseen forces behind addiction. Known for centuries, these forces are often overlooked in the modern scientific approach to disease and healing.
Wanting to Be Free explores the spiritual dimension of addiction and presents an integrated approach to recovery. Combining spiritual techniques with the most effective mental, emotional and physical therapies, it outlines a unique pathway for those pursuing the path to true freedom.
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Wanting to be Loved
To love and be loved is central to life. Yet all around us, we see people looking for love and not finding it--often settling for something less.
One reason is that love is not just about attraction and feelings--as powerful as these can be. There is a spiritual dimension that is even more important, yet often overlooked or not understood.
Wanting to Be Loved provides a higher perspective on the quest for love. Here are just a few of the keys you will find in this inspiring book:
Read more- How to recognize a twin flame or soul mate
- How to avoid wrong relationships
- How to attract the right partner in life
- Marriage as an initiation on the spiritual path
- How to deal with karma in relationships
- Understanding sex as a Sacred Energy eXchange
Practical Mystic
A great sage once said, "Little keys unlock the biggest doors." For the serious student on the spiritual path, this book contains keys that can unlock many doors. They are drawn from episodes in the life of Annice Booth, who for more than forty years has been a student of Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Annice is a true mystic. She occasionally had transcendent spiritual experiences, and she was sometimes more in the etheric plane than the physical. Yet she knew that this was a lifetime to be in the world, and to work. Her stories-sometimes funny, often surprising-illustrate some unexpected truths about the spiritual path. They show the tests and initiations that come to anyone who would pursue higher consciousness.
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From the Darkness to the Light: My Journey with the Masters
My journey in this life began in a small village in Ghana, in West Africa. My father was a fetish priest, a practitioner of our traditional religion. As a boy, I became a Christian, the first in my family to do so. I served in the Methodist Church for many years, and I was known there as a fiery preacher. Then I found the ascended masters, the great souls of East and West, from all races and religions, who have returned to God in the ritual of the ascension. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, their messenger, became my mentor and teacher. I have followed the path of the masters and their teachings for nearly forty years. In those years I have witnessed miracles and passed through many tests and challenges. I have seen black magic and witchcraft and felt their effects. I have seen how the Light overcomes the Darkness. Through it all, the masters have never left me. This is the story of my journey. My hope is that what I have written may shed some light on the path for those who follow.
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Wind of the Spirit
Wind of the Spirit is the autobiographical spiritual journey of Gene Vosseler spanning five decades -as a poet, minister, political activist, friend of freedom, and valiant defender of the faith. As Gene likes to say, Wind of the Spirit is an extraordinary journey by an ordinary man. Yet, when you read Gene's sermons, his freedom messages or any of his many poems, you will recognize that Gene's dedication, and inner wisdom is extraordinary. You will come to know Gene as the flame of freedom that speaks a friend of Christ and a respected spiritual elder. Formerly a fourth generation Lutheran minister, Gene ultimately broke free from Lutheran orthodoxy and discovered the teachings of the ascended masters and his guru, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. There he found the path to ever-lasting freedom and the love of his life, Wanda. Gene became a minister a Church Universal and Triumphant and a founding Elder appointed by El Morya. Gene traveled internationally to promote these teachings during which time he also counseled, baptized and married hundreds of community members. Gene also promoted the defense of freedom and of America, working with top Congressional leaders and other freedom fighters, inspiring many along the way. Wind of the Spirit honors our spiritual heritage and gives inspiration to those on the path of soul freedom and immortality. "Gene has done what everybody would like to do. He has taken Saint Germain's message to the airwaves, he has taken it on television, and he has taken it to the newspapers." -Elizabeth Clare Prophet "We commend our representative Reverend Gene Vosseler and his beloved wife, Wanda for their great service to us and to America...What they have done, you can join them and do also." -Saint Germain "Thank you, Gene, for a lifetime of friendship and for providing such a worthy example of striving for righteousness." -Michael Utter.
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