Kuan Yin Special Purpose Mantra's
Now, beloved, the alchemy of the Kuan Yin mantras that is added to this violet flame provides, indeed, the secret-ray action of the violet flame [and] does afford you, then, a tremendous power of transmutation through the fullness of the attainment of Kuan Yin and does give a tremendous boost to Kuan Yin Whereby through many hands and hearts reaching out to her in the West she might also increase in her manifestation of the Amitabha Buddha. Thus beloved, you render Kuan Yin as well as the planet a great service. 17 Mantras - Total time 47 min.
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Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosaries
Mother Mary gave the scriptural rosaries to Elizabeth Clare Prophet in the autumn of 1972 at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral in Colorado Springs. This is a new rosary and a new meditation upon the Mother flame. Mother Mary outlined a rosary for each of the seven rays and the seven days of the week. She gave a rosary for the eighth ray, and she gave five secret-ray rosaries that are for the evening. Mother Mary explained that the name Mary means “Ma-ray” and that all people, men and women alike, must meditate upon this Mother ray, this Mother flame, which is a fountain of living fire within us. It is a fountain of purity. It must be quickened, raised and released. The Mother quickens God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Mother on earth is the one who helps us to understand the Father and teaches us his laws; she enables us to understand the wisdom of the Son and shows us how the love of God is the action of the sacred labor in the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary said that the rosary is not an idolatrous adoration of her person. It is simply the giving of one’s energy through the science of the spoken Word to the Mother of the universe, the Mother of cosmos and the Mother force, the life-force that is in oneself. The quickening of this energy leads to the soul’s reunion with the Father.  Mother Mary said, “I am but a representative of the Cosmic Virgin and there are many mothers in heaven and on earth who follow in this service.”

How To Pray the New Age Scriptural Rosary

The recitation of the rosary each morning is a part of the ritual of our family and of students of the masters. It takes forty minutes to an hour to give the rosary, and it is a meditation upon events in the life of Jesus and Mary and on the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments. These matrices of scenes in the life of Jesus and Mary are intended to be niches of consciousness— and the word “niche” comes from “I-niche-I-action,” initiation. Each time you pass an initiation, you go into a new niche of God’s consciousness by your attainment. And so we are taught to meditate upon a particular scene, upon the words of the master, upon a particular event. And then, when we give the Hail Mary, it is to draw the energies of Mater—the Mother ray—to coalesce in us, to re-create that record and that consciousness right where we are so that we can experience the divine Manhood and the divine Womanhood of Jesus and Mary.
“I extend to you by the rosary access to my causal body….I will be with you daily as you give the rosary and I charge you to speak to me of your problem, your need, your concern, whether small or great, and I promise you I will be there to offer the highest resolution acceptable according to the Great Law of God, limited only by the laws you have set in motion in your life.”—Mother Mary, July 3, 1984
CD Information: 2 Audio MP3 CDs:  12 hr. 6 min.

CD Title: Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosary for the New AgeDescription: CD 1: 8 hours The Love Mysteries, Monday, The Third Ray, 61 min. The Joyful Mysteries, Tuesday, The First Ray, 60 min. The Healing Mysteries, Wednesday, The Fifth Ray, 59 min. The Initiatic Mysteries, Thursday, The Sixth Ray, 63 min. The Glorious Mysteries, Friday, The Fourth Ray, 64 min. The Miracle Mysteries, Saturday, The Seventh Ray, 63 min. The Teaching Mysteries, Sunday, The Second Ray, 57 min. The Masterful Mysteries, Sunday Evening The Eighth Ray, 62 min ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD 2: 4 hours The Inspiration Mysteries, Monday Evening, The First Secret Ray, 45 min. The Action Mysteries, Tuesday Evening, The Second Secret Ray, 48 min. The Revelation Mysteries, Wednesday Evening, The Third Secret Ray, 54 min. The Declaration Mysteries, Thursday Evening, The Fourth Secret Ray, 47 min. The Exhortation Mysteries, Friday Evening, The Fifth Secret Ray, 48 min. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDES: Explanatory liner notes, Biblical references, words to the prayers, the Consecration of Russia, China and America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, plus instructions on how to pray the new age scriptural rosary using traditional rosary beads
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A Child's Rosary - Prayers for Personal and World Peace
Prayers for Personal and World Peace 1. Twelve 15-minute Child's Rosaries for children and adults. Conducted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Mother Mary requested that we recite the rosary daily for ourselves as well as for world peace. Through her rosaries, Mother Mary would strengthen and assist us to contact Gods love that is locked within our own hearts. When we give her our love, she returns her love to us to activate and unlock this fiery treasure from God. Those who have never experienced Mother Marys tender yet powerful love will discover in these brief meditations a love and peace unique in earthly experience. 3 Audio CDs, 3 hours 27 minutes -  Before a live audience. Disc 1 - 1 hour 7 minutes 1. Rosary 1 - I John 1:12:11, 16:15 2. Rosary 2 - I John 2:123:3, 16:50 3. Rosary 3 - I John 3:424, 15:55 4. Rosary 4 - I John 4:121, 15:52 5. Consecration of Russia and Fátima Prayers, 2:12 Disc 2 - 1 hour 9 minutes 1. Rosary 5 - I John 5:121, 15:54 2. Rosary 6 - II John 1:1III John 1:14, 19:19 3. Rosary 7 - James 1:121, 15:44 4. Rosary 8 - James 1:222:14, 15:39 5. Consecration of Russia and Fátima Prayers, 2:12 Disc 3 - Length: 1 hour 11 minutes 1. Rosary 9 - James 2:153:9, 16:04 2. Rosary 10 - James 3:104:17, 17:02 3. Rosary 11 - James 5:120, 15:50 4. Rosary 12 - Jude 1:125, 17:21 5. Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 4:44 Album length: 3 hours 27 minutes More Rosaries MP3 format for the Childs Rosaries to Mother Mary, #MG10008. MP3 format for the 45-minute rosaries, Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosaries for the New Age, #M10026. DVD with Animated Spiritual Visualizations of Mother Mary, #DV11008.  
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Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon (Devotional Pace) + 3 dictaties (3 CD's)
Archangel Michael is our very real friend in this hour of need. He is the Angel of the LORD who comes in answer to our call to quicken the elect of God, to teach the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and to deliver the true and righteous judgments of God upon the seed of the wicked. By offering this rosary, the armor and shield of Archangel Michael can be yours as you ask him to save our world in this time of trouble. Includes 3 dictations by Archangel Michael. 3 Audio CDs, Devotional Pace (with Elizabeth Clare Prophet), 2:41 hours.  The booklet is apart verkrijgbaar.  
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Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon - Intermediate pace -. Released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, this is a one-hour service of prayers, decrees and hymns to invoke the assistance of Archangel Michael, the hosts of the Lord and the nine choirs of angels for the resolution of personal and planetary problems and for the binding of the forces of Evil attacking the children and youth of the world. As you give it, the armour and shield of Archangel Michael are immediately yours. Use this rosary for the exorcism of malevolent, nonphysical forces of annihilation affecting children, youth and adults alike, societies, economies, governments and nations.
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Enoch's Rosary
Over 12 hours of illuminating, inspiring and totally unique content, including the complete Enoch Rosary, a lecture by Mark Prophet, four ascended master dictations from the Ascended Master Enoch, plus songs, invocations, mantras and prayers. Enoch, a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, anointed prophet of God, and ascended master, was so favored that God revealed to him the secrets of creation, the true stories of fallen angels, Adam and Eve, the Great Flood, details about the nature and use of sacred fire and much more. Now Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet lift the veil on these ancient mysteries in this compelling, one-of-a-kind collection. A unique and powerful rosary for our time. Highlights:
  • Enoch and the Meaning of Arhatship
  • The Second Book of Adam and Eve
  • The Book of Enoch
  • The Book of the Secrets of Enoch
  • The Rosaries of Jude and Enoch
Enochs rosary "will strengthen you in your Christhood. It will empower you to deal with Antichrist and meet all the challenges that will come to you." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet Dictations from the Ascended Master Enoch:
  • Transfigured by Christ’s Immortality MLP 6-17-1962
  • Resonant Hearts of Fire MLP 7-2-1967
  • The Walk with God MLP 4-5-1969
  • The Elect One Cometh—At the Convergence of Golden-Ratio Spirals Ascending and Descending: The Watchers and the Great Day of Judgment ECP 12-29-1980
  • The Mysteries of Enoch and the Meaning of Arhatship MLP 10-9-1971
The teaching of Enoch tells us there is an end to mercy for the fallen ones….When you say the Enoch Rosary, you implement the Word of God to Enoch….These rosaries go on by the hour and you can play them in your sanctuaries, in your homes even when you are not able to give them. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1 MP3 disc, 12.25 hours. Includes liner notes.  (Previously produced as an audio cassette album.) Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.
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The Fourteenth Rosary
The Fourteenth Rosary - The Mystery of Surrender 1 Audio CD plus Booklet. Total Length: 1 hr. 20 min.    
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A Child's Rosary to Mother Mary
A nondenominational rosary for the New Age. All 62 Child's rosaries ever published, conducted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet as revealed by Mother Mary. The rosary has the power to transform your life, your family, your community and your nation. Mother Mary has requested that we daily give the rosary for the saving of Earth and her people: "These are not words. These are the energies upon which the very salvation of?this hemisphere and the planet rest. The garland of the rosary that you weave is the very rope of Almighty God whereby he intends to rescue Earth." Mother Mary asked Elizabeth Clare Prophet to teach us to pray the Hail Mary for her intercession now and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease and death, thereby drawing our attention to the hour of victory over all conditions of time and space which her Son Jesus proved in his life and in the hour of his victorious ascension. Following the recitation of the rosary of your choice you can also offer the prayer for The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary followed by the Fatima Prayers. You can also meditate on a song of your choice either before and/or after reciting the rosary. These have been placed throughout the CD for your convenience. The rosaries on these CDs have been adapted from longer scriptural rosaries, which are published in the first two books of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's beautiful three-book collection, the Golden Word of Mary series: Mary's Message for a New Day and Mary's Message of Divine Love. 2 MP3s: 18 hour 47 minutes DISC 1: 9 hours 31 minutes DISC 2: 9 hours 16 minutes More Rosaries Audio CD format for the Childs Rosaries to Mother Mary, #DG12007. MP3 format for the 45-minute rosaries, Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosaries for the New Age, #M10026. Audio: 2 MP3  
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