Guided Meditations by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Set to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, meditate on the Ten Perfections of the Buddha.
The meditations on this recording are excerpted from the original text of the book Quietly Comes the Buddha and were given at a spiritual retreat in California. They are delivered in the first person so that you can commune directly with the heart of this precious Buddha.
"I owe praise and gratitude to the Lalitavistara and Jataka stories of the past lives of Buddha. It was my meditation on these texts that prepared me to receive the revelations from Gautama Buddha on the Ten Perfections for the book Quietly Comes the Buddha. These are the original perfections that Gautama taught. They are eternal and they complement perfections adopted by later Buddhist schools." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet
1 audio CD, 58 min. Before a live audience.
Mono. Remastered from the out of print item #D99020, CD, Quietly Comes the Buddha.
The bodhisattva Avalokitesvara has been venerated in China as Kuan Yin in thirty-three distinct forms. These DVDs contain the unique teachings and mantras of these manifestations, which Elizabeth Clare Prophet says " represent the thirty-three steps." She explains how to use these mantras for spiritual healing, transmuting troublesome habits, and resolving personal and planetary problems.
Also includes the lecture:
" The Cross of Divine Love and the Not-Self."
Free bonus audio CD
All thirty-three mantras for use in your spiritual practice.
Disc1: Thirty-Three Manifestations Part 1 120 min.
Disc2: Thirty-Three Manifestations Part 2 87 min.
Disc3: The Cross of Divine Love and the Not-Self 60 min.
Disc4:Thirty-Three Mantras of the Thirty-Three Manifestations 75 min.
Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon - Intermediate pace -.
Released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, this is a one-hour service of prayers, decrees and hymns to invoke the assistance of Archangel Michael, the hosts of the Lord and the nine choirs of angels for the resolution of personal and planetary problems and for the binding of the forces of Evil attacking the children and youth of the world. As you give it, the armour and shield of Archangel Michael are immediately yours. Use this rosary for the exorcism of malevolent, nonphysical forces of annihilation affecting children, youth and adults alike, societies, economies, governments and nations.
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