De auteurs heroveren het hart van de boodschap van de Meester - dat u, net zoals Jezus, bestemd bent om uw eigen innerlijke Goddelijkheid te realiseren. U bent bestemd om één te worden met uw eigen Hogere Zelf, uw 'Christus-Zelf'. Lang geleden onderdrukten de Kerkvaders Jezus' oorspronkelijke leringen over de Christus van binnen. Maar vandaag onthullen Mark en Elizabeth Prophet onze werkelijke innerlijke identiteit en het waarachtige doel van ons leven op aarde. Herontdek Jezus' verloren sleutels om God te vinden van binnen en leer hoe u contact kunt maken met uw innerlijke bron en toegang krijgt tot uw onbeperkte potentieel.
The authors recapture the heart of the Master's message -- that you, like Jesus, are meant to realise your own innate Divinity. You are destined to become one with your own Higher Self, your 'Christ Self'. Long ago, Church Fathers suppressed Jesus' original teaching on the Christ within. But today, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet reveal our true inner identity and the true goal of our life on earth. Rediscover Jesus' lost keys to finding God within and learn how to contact your own inner source and access your unlimited potential.
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This handbook of 48 lessons outlines fundamentals of the spiritual path, with rare insights on love, mercy, brotherhood, charity, the soul, vision, mission and faith. The authors unveil new interpretations of the Bible. A perfect companion for those who would experience fully the joys and challenges of the spiritual quest.
"When I was embodied as Francis of Assissi, I came to realize through studying the birds and animals that my power of concentration, saturated as it was with the love of God and his love in man, would draw me into an understanding of the God-intelligence acting in Nature." - Kuthumi Lal Singh
Using the latest scholarly annotations and evidence from the Dead Sea Scriptures and the Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work revisits the history of reincarnation in Christianity - from Jesus and earlier Christians to the Church Councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity--from Jesus and early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
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