Ervaar de bekrachting door middel van spirituele visualisaties en dynamische decrees met Elizabeth Clare Prophet voor persoonlijke transformatie. Concentreer op het visualiseren van een violette vlam die een grote eivorm van licht wordt die uw gehele aura opvult. Voel de andere dimensie van energie dat binnendringt, alsmede om uw heen, en boven en onder het krachtveld waar u bent.
Experience the empowerment of spiritual visualization and dynamic decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet for personal transformation. Concentrate on visualizing a violet flame becoming a giant ovoid of light, filling your entire aura. Sense another dimension of energy penetrating through and around, above and below the forcefield which you are.
The Earth in Violet Flame: 7:32
Violet-Flame Waterfall: 7:36
Violet-Flame Chalice: 7:53
Saint Germain with Violet Rays: 7:55
Intermediate-paced decrees: 70.14, 5.01, 7.28
1 DVD, Length 31 minutes
Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this great self-study book for personal help, Saint Germain reveals techniques that will help you transform your life, your hometown and even your planet. He talks about how to arm yourself with spiritual energy, gain control over your emotions and rid yourself of fear. This book also includes a story about the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the wonder man of Europe. In addition, the book includes a glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this greatest of all self-help books, Saint Germain reveals techniques to help you transform your life, your town, your planet. He tells you how you can harness spiritual energy, control your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Includes sections on the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the Wonderman of Europe. Includes 117-page glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
Dit boek vormt de hoeksteen van de metafysische literatuur en biedt een veelvoud aan belangrijke onderwerpen aan elke zoeker voor spirituele vervulling. Dit boek is onderdeel van de "Climb the Highest Mountain series".
This cornerstone of metaphysical literature explores a cornucopia of topics important to every seeker of spiritual fulfillment.
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