Using the latest scholarly annotations and evidence from the Dead Sea Scriptures and the Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work revisits the history of reincarnation in Christianity - from Jesus and earlier Christians to the Church Councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic texts, this groundbreaking work traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity--from Jesus and early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.
FDR, Al Capone, Henry Ford ...
What were they doing on Atlantis? And how did that set the stage for future lives?
Elizabeth Clare Prophet penetrates the veils of akasha to reveal the past lives of individuals who helped shape the modern world. As she traces threads of karma, we see how their choices in many lives set their destiny and the karmic challenges they would face in the twentieth century.
Their stories are intriguing. More importantly, they show that while karma may determine the cards we are dealt in life, we each choose how we will play our hand. We can rise to our higher calling and balance our karma-or wrap ourselves more tightly in its bonds.
The message is that we can transcend our past-and our past lives-and find a new freedom and joy in life each day.
To love and be loved is central to life. Yet all around us, we see people looking for love and not finding it--often settling for something less.
One reason is that love is not just about attraction and feelings--as powerful as these can be. There is a spiritual dimension that is even more important, yet often overlooked or not understood.
Wanting to Be Loved provides a higher perspective on the quest for love. Here are just a few of the keys you will find in this inspiring book:
How to recognize a twin flame or soul mate
How to avoid wrong relationships
How to attract the right partner in life
Marriage as an initiation on the spiritual path
How to deal with karma in relationships
Understanding sex as a Sacred Energy eXchange
Explore the mystery and beauty of love in all its dimensions, and find the love you are looking for.
Neroli Duffy with Peter Duffy
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