SPENSER OLIVER (1866-1899) at his Northern California home near Mount Shasta over a period of three years, beginning when he was seventeen. The true author, according to Oliver, was Phylos the Thibetan, a spirit and one-time inhabitant of the lost continent of Atlantis. Oliver claimed not to have written any of the text, asserting here that he was merely transmitting that which Phylos revealed to him. In fact, professed Oliver, the manuscript was dictated to him out of sequence (much of it backward) so that he could not interfere with the outcome. In this classic of new age and spiritual literature, Phylos describes in rich detail the culture, politics, architecture, and science of Atlantis, as well as its demise. He addresses karma and reincarnation, and predicts technological innovations in the 20th century that match and even exceed those of Atlantis. Supporters maintain that many of those predictions came true. Read for yourself and decide.
This book explores the inner dimensions of the Higher Self, the spiritual presence that abides within each of us. It describes how to connect with the Higher Self, how to access its unlimited energy, and how to protect and sustain this contact throughout the day. Includes prayers, meditations, visualisations and engaging stories of miracles that people have experienced by applying these principles.
Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this great self-study book for personal help, Saint Germain reveals techniques that will help you transform your life, your hometown and even your planet. He talks about how to arm yourself with spiritual energy, gain control over your emotions and rid yourself of fear. This book also includes a story about the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the wonder man of Europe. In addition, the book includes a glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this greatest of all self-help books, Saint Germain reveals techniques to help you transform your life, your town, your planet. He tells you how you can harness spiritual energy, control your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Includes sections on the mystical origins of America and Saint Germain as the Wonderman of Europe. Includes 117-page glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.
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