Violet Flame visualizations and decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Beginner pace - or turn off audio to meditate and decree visualizations at your own pace.
Violet flame visualizations and decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Beginner pace - or mute the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.
Millions of people are beset by addiction. Whether drugs, alcohol or behavioral addictions such as gambling and pornography, the human cost is enormous--both for the victims and their families. Many yearn for freedom but don't find this through existing treatment programs, where the relapse rate is often high.
A missing ingredient in most programs is an awareness of the unseen forces behind addiction. Known for centuries, these forces are often overlooked in the modern scientific approach to disease and healing.
Wanting to Be Free explores the spiritual dimension of addiction and presents an integrated approach to recovery. Combining spiritual techniques with the most effective mental, emotional and physical therapies, it outlines a unique pathway for those pursuing the path to true freedom.
DVD: 1 hr. 29 min. Linda and Robert Worobec
Based on the Teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet
What is a syncopated beat?
How can I tell good music from bad?
Why should I even care?
This practical, down-to-earth DVD presents the foundational principles of the ascended masters' teachings on music and its effects on matter, both negative and positive.
Professional musicians Linda and Robert Worobec present an informative workshop that includes a three-step "discernment toolbox" (rhythm, melody, harmony) to evaluate the quality of the music in your life. Now you will understand the profound effect music can have on your physical and spiritual well-being.
Train your ear by listening to the many segments of music included in this presentation-classical, rock, jazz, Celtic, Broadway, country, new age and more. Identify and understand the syncopated or back beat. You will "measure" the piece of music with your tools and then discern how that specific piece of music makes you feel.
As Elizabeth Clare Prophet has taught, music is a power that can be used to help or to harm. Gain a fresh perspective on this power that can change your world.
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