Soul Freedom: The Life of a Spiritual Warrior
Rev. E. Gene Vosseler has been a warrior of the Spirit and a devotee of the Christ and the Buddha for decades. As he has walked this path he has seen his life unfold in three distinct phases. The first was his youth and service as a fourth-generation Lutheran minister. In those thirty-eight years he served as a missionary in British Guiana, raised five children, and built a thriving church in Hawaii. It was a life of outer success. But it did not feed his soul. The second phase was a time of "divine dis¬content." He left the Lutheran church, explored Taoism, became a Unitarian minister for two years, was arrested with Joan Baez in an antiwar protest, studied under a Buddhist master, and built and lost a multimillion dollar corporation--all in a twelve-year search for spiritual truth. The third phase began at the age of fifty, when Gene found the ascended masters and his spiritual teacher, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He also met his twin flame, Wanda. He says this was when his "real" life began. The mystic in Gene found expression as he travelled all over America and the world with a message of higher consciousness. He became a minister again, taught Buddhism and Taoism at Summit University, took on leadership roles, and went through the inner tests and trials of chelaship and the spiritual path. The warrior in Gene would take on anyone--from Marxist professors to movie stars to the political establishment in Washington--in the defense of the truth as he saw it. In this book Gene candidly reveals his inner walk as the mystic and the warrior became one. It is the story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life--a spiritual warrior and his personal quest for Soul Freedom. The life lessons he shares can assist each of us in the liberation of our own soul.
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Corona Class Lessons: Jesus and Kuthumi
This handbook of 48 lessons outlines fundamentals of the spiritual path, with rare insights on love, mercy, brotherhood, charity, the soul, vision, mission and faith. The authors unveil new interpretations of the Bible. A perfect companion for those who would experience fully the joys and challenges of the spiritual quest.
"When I was embodied as Francis of Assissi, I came to realize through studying the birds and animals that my power of concentration, saturated as it was with the love of God and his love in man, would draw me into an understanding of the God-intelligence acting in Nature." - Kuthumi Lal Singh
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Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change
Voor duizenden jaren was de violette vlam een geheim dat ervaren werd door de mystici en gekend werd door spirituele leraren vanuit het Oosten en Westen en die deze lering alleen onderwezen aan hun meest dierbare discipelen. Nu is de violette vlam voor iedereen beschikbaar!
De violete vlam is een licht met hoge frequentie dat u kunt gebruiken om uw leven te veranderen. Het lost negatieve energie op en herstelt dit in positieve energie. Het is een ontbrekende sleutel naar vitaliteit, gezondheid en innerlijke heelheid.Deze vlam kan uw relaties transformeren en verrijken. Het kan de onbeperkte kracht bevrijden die binnen uw wezen bestaat.
De alombekende auteur Elizabeth Clare Prophet opent de mysterieën van de violette vlam. Met doordringend inzicht en compassie, verkent zij hoe de vlam werkt en geeft ze praktische technieken om de vlam te gebruiken en uw alledaagse problemen helpen op te lossen. U kunt de violette vlam gemakkelijk integreren op welk pad u ook volgt, of probeer het simpelweg eerst voor uezelf. De voordelen en vreugde van de violette vlam kan uw leven voorgoed veranderen!
For thousands of years the violet flame was a secret, experienced by mystics and known to spiritual teachers East and West who taught it only to their closest disciples. Now the violet flame is available to all!
The violet flame is a high-frequency light that you can use to change your life. It dissolves negative energy and restores it to positive energy. It is a missing key to vitality, health, and inner wholeness. This flame can transform and enrich your relationships. It can free the unlimited power that exists right within you.
World-renowned author Elizabeth Clare Prophet unlocks the mysteries of the violet flame. With penetrating insight and compassion, she explores how this flame works and gives practical techniques for using it to help resolve everyday problems. You can easily integrate the violet flame into any path you follow or simply try it by itself. The benefits and joy of the violet flame can change your life forever!
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