Mighty footprints in the sands of life has our messenger left, and all who are wise will seek them out and place their feet in that unmistakable, clearly marked pathway that he has shown ... He walked the solitary path, and he walked the path of union with the hearts of all mankind. He bore his brother's burden, and he counted not the cost of giving his all to all who came for counsel, for comfort, for convincing in the Law.
- El Morya
He was and is our ever-present Guru.
1 DVD; 51 min.
Violette Flame decrees en liederen naar Saint Germain en de Elohim van de 7e Straal - transformeer uw wereld! Langzaam tempo. Booklet inbegrepen.
Violet Flame decrees and songs to Saint Germain and the Elohim of the 7th Ray - transform your world! Slower pace. Booklet included
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