Weight | 0,08 kg |
Prayers, decrees and songs to the Archangel and Masters of Wisdom for world peace, illumined action and the guidance of the youth of the world. Booklet of words included. Medium pace.
“Freedom is always hard won, as is true illumination. Therefore the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas have raised up the kindling fire of the crown; and we bring our crown chakras as we walk, almost physical, through the earth this day, those Buddhas in heaven and all of their disciples. And the fire of our crown chakras is as the fire of a candle and we make ourselves fiery candles walking, walking through the earth.
I bid you, then, take the tape of decrees on the Second Ray of illumination that we have called for and that is now manifest and I also bid you, as a messenger of the Eightfold Path and of the Inner Buddha and of the Holy Christ Self, vow to carry that flame of wisdom, of illumination (which is of wise dominion and of illumined action). Messengers are ye all of the Middle Way, tethering not to the right or to the left of the world’s various isms but knowing that Truth is above them all.” – Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 29
1 in stock
Weight | 0,08 kg |
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