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All for the Love of God
This book offers a collection of stories written from individuals’ one-on-one interactions with the late Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse.
The dark side. The synthetic self. The not-self. The Gnostics called it the counterfeiting spirit and the Theosophists called it the 'dweller-on-the-threshold'. There exists within all of us a collective consciousness of all our misdeeds, momentums of many lifetimes, which emerges as a pseudo-identity that wields human power and causes us to do those things we so often regret. The encounter with the enemy within has been vividly portrayed in classic works of literature such as Sir Bulwer-Lytton's Zanoni , Mary Shelley's Frankenstein , Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and in modern movie masterpieces such as Star Wars . From time to time, we contact the tip of the iceberg in our tendency to fear, to be jealous or to get angry and we see those who have become one with their dweller committing rape and mass murder.
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Rev. E. Gene Vosseler has been a warrior of the Spirit and a devotee of the Christ and the Buddha for decades. As he has walked this path he has seen his life unfold in three distinct phases. The first was his youth and service as a fourth-generation Lutheran minister. In those thirty-eight years he served as a missionary in British Guiana, raised five children, and built a thriving church in Hawaii. It was a life of outer success. But it did not feed his soul. The second phase was a time of "divine dis¬content." He left the Lutheran church, explored Taoism, became a Unitarian minister for two years, was arrested with Joan Baez in an antiwar protest, studied under a Buddhist master, and built and lost a multimillion dollar corporation--all in a twelve-year search for spiritual truth. The third phase began at the age of fifty, when Gene found the ascended masters and his spiritual teacher, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He also met his twin flame, Wanda. He says this was when his "real" life began. The mystic in Gene found expression as he travelled all over America and the world with a message of higher consciousness. He became a minister again, taught Buddhism and Taoism at Summit University, took on leadership roles, and went through the inner tests and trials of chelaship and the spiritual path. The warrior in Gene would take on anyone--from Marxist professors to movie stars to the political establishment in Washington--in the defense of the truth as he saw it. In this book Gene candidly reveals his inner walk as the mystic and the warrior became one. It is the story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life--a spiritual warrior and his personal quest for Soul Freedom. The life lessons he shares can assist each of us in the liberation of our own soul.
Acquisition is the goal of the spiritual path. It is not the power to perform miracles or control others, but the gift of giving and receiving energy in harmony. This volume of the Climb the Highest Mountain series explains the important keys about attainment, such as how to connect with the masters, how to navigate through the cycles of positive and negative karma, a greater understanding about twin flames, soulmates and karmic relationships.
Attainment is the goal of the spiritual path. It is not the power to perform miracles or to control others, but the ability to give and receive energy in harmony. This volume of the Climb the Highest Mountain series explains important keys to attainment, including: how to connect with the masters; how to chart cycles of positive and negative karma; a greater understanding of twin flames, soul mates and karmic relationships.
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