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All for the Love of God
This book offers a collection of stories written from individuals’ one-on-one interactions with the late Mark Prophet, founder of The Summit Lighthouse.
To those who love God's will and who perceive in Him His holy adventure in body and soul. God's will is the flawless diamond, the shining of the Divine faculty of thought, and He is the murmur of the wind of Spirit, and the power and laughter of true identity. A Guru to the chela and the loving Father to God's sons and daughters. The will of God is also a quality of the first ray, and is embodied by the Ascended Master El Morya, who demonstrated this quality of God, through all his incarnations, and made his ascension victoriously with other masters from the Himalayas in the 19th century.
Full of practical examples and real-life wisdom, Elizabeth Clare Prophet's commentary on the spiritual classic "Understanding Yourself" leads you on a journey beyond the limitations of personal psychology. Find out how to be free of the burdens of the past and live your life as it was really meant to be.
Voor duizenden jaren was de violette vlam een geheim dat ervaren werd door de mystici en gekend werd door spirituele leraren vanuit het Oosten en Westen en die deze lering alleen onderwezen aan hun meest dierbare discipelen. Nu is de violette vlam voor iedereen beschikbaar!
De violete vlam is een licht met hoge frequentie dat u kunt gebruiken om uw leven te veranderen. Het lost negatieve energie op en herstelt dit in positieve energie. Het is een ontbrekende sleutel naar vitaliteit, gezondheid en innerlijke heelheid.Deze vlam kan uw relaties transformeren en verrijken. Het kan de onbeperkte kracht bevrijden die binnen uw wezen bestaat.
De alombekende auteur Elizabeth Clare Prophet opent de mysterieën van de violette vlam. Met doordringend inzicht en compassie, verkent zij hoe de vlam werkt en geeft ze praktische technieken om de vlam te gebruiken en uw alledaagse problemen helpen op te lossen. U kunt de violette vlam gemakkelijk integreren op welk pad u ook volgt, of probeer het simpelweg eerst voor uezelf. De voordelen en vreugde van de violette vlam kan uw leven voorgoed veranderen!
For thousands of years the violet flame was a secret, experienced by mystics and known to spiritual teachers East and West who taught it only to their closest disciples. Now the violet flame is available to all!
The violet flame is a high-frequency light that you can use to change your life. It dissolves negative energy and restores it to positive energy. It is a missing key to vitality, health, and inner wholeness. This flame can transform and enrich your relationships. It can free the unlimited power that exists right within you.
World-renowned author Elizabeth Clare Prophet unlocks the mysteries of the violet flame. With penetrating insight and compassion, she explores how this flame works and gives practical techniques for using it to help resolve everyday problems. You can easily integrate the violet flame into any path you follow or simply try it by itself. The benefits and joy of the violet flame can change your life forever!
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