Reality of your Ascension
Teachings of Serapis Bey The Ascension is the goal of life! In fact, it is the culmination of many lifetimes of soul evolution and balancing karma. But it is not the end. Having learned all the lessons of earth's schoolroom, the sould is erborn in the realms of Spirit. But what is the ascension? Is it something that just happens because you lead a good life? Is it a miraculous transition, like Elijah's chariot of fire? Or is it a goal that must be sought an won? In Reality of Your Ascension, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores these and many other mysteries of the path of the ascension. Most importantly, she introduces us to Serapis Bey and other masters of the ascension flame—those who have walked that path before us. They present a practical and transcendent wisdom for all who seek the ultimate goal. The door of the Ascension Temple is opened in this age. The Brotherhood of Luxor bids you enter. Dare to cross the threshold into an experience of reality beyond imagination.
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Creative Thought FORMS

The Art and Science of Spiritual Transformation
Mark Prophet, a modern-day adept, shows how you can use color, sound, and geometry to create thoughtforms that have a reality far beyond mere imagination.

Have you noticed how advertisers use thoughtforms to program your desires? How the news media use thoughtforms to program your mind?

There is real power in the science of thoughtforms. And this science can be used for many purposes—including the healing of mind and body. Thoughtforms can even precipitate in the physical plane. But of far greater value is their power to transform your mind and emotions.

How will you use thoughtforms to brighten your life, your mind and emotions with the balance, symmetry, and harmony of light?

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Teachings of the Cosmic Christ, Vol 1
To restore the thread of contact with the Guru, Maitreya would show you the way. Re-establish the thread of contact with your own Real Self. Enter the path of the Cosmic Christ. Regain the Edenic consciousness. Find your way back Home.
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Finding A Higher Love: Spiritual Guide to Transforming Relationships
In Finding a Higher Love, Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners.
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Cursus boek : The Spiritual Quest - Sacred Adventure Series #1
The Spiritual Quest, Book 1 of the Sacred Adventure Series, is a seven-chapter course designed by the staff of Summit University to help you study and apply the basic teachings of the ascended masters. Includes links to online audio meditations and exercises. Offers an in-depth look at your spiritual origin and destiny and provides ways for you to more intimately connect with your Higher Self. The book has exercises, meditations and spiritual techniques—practical tips to help you apply these teachings in your daily life. A wonderful way to deepen your understanding of the profound wisdom of the ascended masters.
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A Dweller on Two Planets
SPENSER OLIVER (1866-1899) at his Northern California home near Mount Shasta over a period of three years, beginning when he was seventeen. The true author, according to Oliver, was Phylos the Thibetan, a spirit and one-time inhabitant of the lost continent of Atlantis. Oliver claimed not to have written any of the text, asserting here that he was merely transmitting that which Phylos revealed to him. In fact, professed Oliver, the manuscript was dictated to him out of sequence (much of it backward) so that he could not interfere with the outcome. In this classic of new age and spiritual literature, Phylos describes in rich detail the culture, politics, architecture, and science of Atlantis, as well as its demise. He addresses karma and reincarnation, and predicts technological innovations in the 20th century that match and even exceed those of Atlantis. Supporters maintain that many of those predictions came true. Read for yourself and decide.
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Wanting to be Free
Millions of people are beset by addiction. Whether drugs, alcohol or behavioral addictions such as gambling and pornography, the human cost is enormous--both for the victims and their families. Many yearn for freedom but don't find this through existing treatment programs, where the relapse rate is often high. A missing ingredient in most programs is an awareness of the unseen forces behind addiction. Known for centuries, these forces are often overlooked in the modern scientific approach to disease and healing. Wanting to Be Free explores the spiritual dimension of addiction and presents an integrated approach to recovery. Combining spiritual techniques with the most effective mental, emotional and physical therapies, it outlines a unique pathway for those pursuing the path to true freedom.
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Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change
Voor duizenden jaren was de violette vlam een geheim dat ervaren werd door de mystici en gekend werd door spirituele leraren vanuit het Oosten en Westen en die deze lering alleen onderwezen aan hun meest dierbare discipelen. Nu is de violette vlam voor iedereen beschikbaar! De violete vlam is een licht met hoge frequentie dat u kunt gebruiken om uw leven te veranderen. Het lost negatieve energie op en herstelt dit in positieve energie. Het is een ontbrekende sleutel naar vitaliteit, gezondheid en innerlijke heelheid.Deze vlam kan uw relaties transformeren en verrijken. Het kan de onbeperkte kracht bevrijden die binnen uw wezen bestaat. De alombekende auteur Elizabeth Clare Prophet opent de mysterieën van de violette vlam. Met doordringend inzicht en compassie, verkent zij hoe de vlam werkt en geeft ze praktische technieken om de vlam te gebruiken en uw alledaagse problemen helpen op te lossen. U kunt de violette vlam gemakkelijk integreren op welk pad u ook volgt, of probeer het simpelweg eerst voor uezelf. De voordelen en vreugde van de violette vlam kan uw leven voorgoed veranderen! For thousands of years the violet flame was a secret, experienced by mystics and known to spiritual teachers East and West who taught it only to their closest disciples. Now the violet flame is available to all! The violet flame is a high-frequency light that you can use to change your life. It dissolves negative energy and restores it to positive energy. It is a missing key to vitality, health, and inner wholeness. This flame can transform and enrich your relationships. It can free the unlimited power that exists right within you. World-renowned author Elizabeth Clare Prophet unlocks the mysteries of the violet flame. With penetrating insight and compassion, she explores how this flame works and gives practical techniques for using it to help resolve everyday problems. You can easily integrate the violet flame into any path you follow or simply try it by itself. The benefits and joy of the violet flame can change your life forever!
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