Joy in the Heart - DVD/ MP3 (Freedom 1992)
Freedom Conference 1992 - Timeless teachings from the Ascended Masters with items replayed at the 2022 Freedom conference. Experience God through the Mystical Paths of the World Religions 5 DVD's & 1 MP3 Audio CD DVD 1 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.) El Morya as the Patriarch Abraham - June 26, 1992 - 46 min. Saint Joseph - June 27, 1992 - 50 min. Lord Lanto - June 28, 1992 - 21 min. Holy Justinius - June 28, 1992 - 18 min. DVD 2 (Length: 2 hr.) Mighty Victory with Justina - June 28, 1992 - 20 min. Lord Shiva - June 30, 1992 - 51 min. Zarathustra - July 1, 1992 - 30 min. A Spokesman for the Delegation of the Priesthood of Melchizedek - July 1, 1992 - 19 min. DVD 3: (Length: 2 hr. 35 min.) Omega - July 1, 1992 - 27 min. Alpha - July 1, 1992 - 47 min. The Goddess Sarasvati - July 2, 1992 - 22 min. The Goddess Lakshmi - July 2, 1992 - 13 min. Gautama Buddha - July 4, 1992 - 46 min. DVD 4 (Length: 1 hr. 58 min.) Lord Maitreya - July 4, 1992 - 38 min. Elohim of Peace - July 4, 1992 - 15 min. Saint Germain - July 4, 1992 - 39 min. Goddess of Freedom - July 4, 1992 - 26 min. DVD 5 (Length: 2 hr. 15 min.) Archangel Michael - July 5, 1992 - 33 min. Archangel Jophiel - July 5, 1992 - 10 min. Archangel Chamuel and Charity - July 5, 1992 - 5 min. Archangel Gabriel and Hope -July 5, 1992 - 7 min. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary -July 5, 1992 - 24 min. Archangel Uriel and Aurora -July 5, 1992 - 10 min. Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst -July 5, 1992 - 12 min. Lanello -July 5, 1992 - 34 min. MP3 Audio CD (Length: 11hr. 28 min.) Includes the above items.
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Creation of the Cloud Ritual - CD - Special Edition
The powerful Creation of the Cloud ritual plus violet flame decrees recorded with staff at the Inner Retreat. Saint Germain teaches how to magnetize millions of "focal points of light" into a brilliant pulsating "cloud of infinite energy" that can be directed into personal and planetary problems for the healing of specific conditions, such as disease, pollution, crime and war. A powerful decree ritual recorded with staff at the Inner Retreat. Includes: •  A special 20 minute abbreviated version of "The Creation of the Cloud" by the ascended master Saint Germain • Approximately 28 minutes of violet flame decrees plus additional decrees 1 Audio CD, 80 minutes By the Ascended Master Saint Germain as dictated to his Messengers Mark L. Prophet & Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
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I AM the Light of the World (New Year 1990-91) DVD/MP3
The 7 dictations and 2 lectures from the New Year's 1990-91 conference. 3 DVDs and 1 MP3
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I AM Your Guard Visualizations - DVD
Archangel Michael and blue flame visualizations with intermediate paced decrees for protection. Archangel Michael has numberless angels at his command who job is to protect the children of God from physicaland spiritual dangers. He is the guardian angel who oversees our spiritual practice. Experience the empowerment of spiritual visualization and dynamic decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet for your personal protection. Blue-Flame Visualizations: Archangel Michael with Blue-flame sword 24:00 The Earth in Blue Rays 20:00 The Earth in Blue Flame 20:00 Decree Pace: Intermediate + You can also turn off the audio and decree at your own pace. 1 DVD (1:04 hrs.) widescreen format.
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Meditations to Become the Buddha - MP3 Download
Take a moment and commune with the heart of the Buddha Meditations to Become the Buddha are guided meditations by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the heart of Gautama Buddha and your soul's path to becoming the Buddha. These meditations are set to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D. Meditate on the Ten Perfections of the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama was born of royal lineage. He left his wife and newborn son, palace and power, and set out to discover the cause of old age, disease and death. After six year and numerous experiments with yogis and ascetics, he communed under the bo tree for forty-nine days and brought forth out of nirvana the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path which have become a way of life for millions. Gautama also brought us the Ten Perfections, the basic foundation for mindful living: Alms – Giving of yourself Precepts – Attaining enlightenment Renunciation – Centering in ultimate Reality Wisdom – Transcending the human mind Courage – Overcoming fear and unworthiness Patience – Refining the soul through communion Truth – Freeing yourself from the effects of error Resolution – Conquering self-destructive habits Goodwill – Interating the Divine into your daily life Indifference – Sustaining intensity and equanimity as you fulfill your goals Elizabeth Clare Prophet was inspired by the Buddha to write down these meditations which have brought peace to thousands in a world of uncertainty. These inspirational meditations in this edition of The Prophet Archives are excerpted from her book Quietly Comes the Buddha.
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Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary - Booklet (PDF)
Friend, companion, helper, teacher, intercessor… Known in East as the compassionate protector and Saviouress, and in the West as the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin is far more than a statue of a distant deity. She is as near as prayer, as concerned as a mother. If you seek union with your Higher Self and desire to overcome the conditions and circumstances of your karma, you need Kuan Yin. Her assistance is tangible as you lovingly invoke her presence in a magnificent New Age ritual of hymns, prayers and Chinese mantras:
  • 10 Vows of Kuan Yin
  • 14 Kuan Yin Mantras for the Woman and Her Seed
  • The New Age Hail Mary with the Magnificat and the Ave Maria
  • 33 Mantras to the Manifestations of Avalokite´svara as Kuan Yin
  • 7 Songs to Kuan Yin and Gods Flame of Mercy and Forgiveness
  • 9 Dynamic Decrees to the Heavenly Hosts, including 1.30 “Forgiveness” (33x), 10.00 (3x), 10.01 (9x), 10.11 (1x), 10.14 (9x), 70.15 (9x), 70.16 (3x), and 70.18 (5x).
This is the PDF version of the Booklet. Na betaling ontvang je een factuur per e-mail. Klik daar op 'view order' om bij de downloadpagina te komen.
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Saint Germain's Heart Meditations I & II (MP3 CD)
Delivered by the Messenger at Saint Germain's request, these mediations are for the clearing, strengthening and initiation of the heart chakra and the balancing of the threefold flame. Heart Meditation I & II include devotional prayers, decrees, mantras, hymns, meditations and visualizations as well as instruction and invocations by the Messenger and the opportunity for participants to offer personal prayers. PLUS: Ascended Master Dictation: Saint Germain, March 28, 1988, Royal Teton Ranch HOW TO USE THE HEART MEDITATIONS The best, of course, is to be able to devote the time in absolute concentration and meditation, to follow the directions given, participating in the music, prayers, fiats, and decrees. But if you can't do this, you can also play them while you are otherwise occupied with your hands, preparing to retire, preparing for your day's work so that you get some connection to the heart and the heart of Jesus, the heart of Saint Germain, the heart of God to develop your heart chakra. 1 MP3 CDs: Saint Germains Heart Meditation I: 1 hr. 32 min. Saint Germains Heart Meditation II: 3 hr. 51 min. Includes: Invocations, Meditations, Visualizations, Instruction and Teaching, and: Songs: Beloved Saint Germains Coronation Hymn, Glory Be to the Father, Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ, I Love You Waltz to Saint Germain, Deep in My Heart (Mark L. Prophet), Introit to the Holy Christ Flame, Holy Christ Flame, Djwal Kul, Come!, The I AM Lords Prayer, Adoration to the Great Central Sun, I Love You Waltz to Saint Germain, Praise the Lord?, Great Central Sun, Adoration to the Great Central Sun, Adoration to the I AM, Because, The Lords Prayer, O Love That Will Not Let Me Go, A Ballad from Beloved Paul the Venetian, Buddhist Mantras. Mantras and Fiats: I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Gods Purity in Me Now!, AUM, I AM a Being of Violet Fire! I AM the Purity God Desires!, O Lord, I AM Worthy, Make Me Worthier Still!, In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I Trust!, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Gods Purity in Me Now!, Come, Holy Spirit, Enlighten Me!, O Holy Spirit, Come unto Me, Lo, I AM That I AM, O God!, Let My Heart Be Thy Heart!, Lo, I AM That I AM, O God!, O Beloved I AM Presence, Let Thy Forgiveness Descend through My Christ, My Husband!, O Thou Forgiving Heart, O Thou Forgiving Heart, Have Mercy upon Me, O God!, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Gods Purity in Me Now!, Come, Holy Spirit, Enlighten Me!, O Holy Spirit, Come unto Me, Cut Me Loose and Set Me Free from All Thats Not Christ Victory!, Charge Us with Thy Crystal Light!, OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM, OM VAIROCHANA OM, OM AKSHOBHYA HUM, OM RATNASAMBHAVA TRAM, OM AMITABHA HRIH, OM AMOGHASIDDHI AH, OM HUM TRAM HRIH AH, MAIM, Hear, O Universe, I AM Grateful! Decrees 0.01: Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree, 1.00: The Keepers Daily Prayer, 20.03: Balance the Threefold Flame in Me, 0.07A: I AM the Light of the Heart, 6.05: Traveling Protection, 10.11: I AM Presence, Thou Art Master, 1.01: Call to the Fire Breath, 5.00: Calls to the Unfailing Light of God, 60.06: Beams of Essential Light, 0.06: O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life, 7.10B: Meditation on Self. "Neglect not my Heart Meditations, for as you increase the fire of the heart, so, beloved, I increase my presence in your heart. The increase of the threefold flame is your key to the all-power in heaven and in earth that may be given unto you?.Seek it, beloved?.Do not think I will be offended if you cannot give 100-percent attention to these meditations. You need to imbibe them, to assimilate them, to drink them in, to hear my invocations given through the messenger and to accept them."Saint Germain, July 4, 1991 Decree Pace: Devotional to Intermediate+. Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.   Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.  
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Chakra Meditations
Chakra Meditations and the Science of the Spoken Word - MP3. Timeless Teachings from the Ascended Masters -  From my Heart to Buddha - Before a live Audience. 1 MP3 Audio CD Total Length 10 hr. 41 min. The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures. Pay attention!  Your CD player must support MP3. After purchase the CD can only be exchanged or returned if the CD is still in its original packaging and undamaged. Read the conditions.  
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Meditations to Become the Buddha
Guided Meditations by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Set to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, meditate on the Ten Perfections of the Buddha. The meditations on this recording are excerpted from the original text of the book Quietly Comes the Buddha and were given at a spiritual retreat in California. They are delivered in the first person so that you can commune directly with the heart of this precious Buddha. "I owe praise and gratitude to the Lalitavistara and Jataka stories of the past lives of Buddha. It was my meditation on these texts that prepared me to receive the revelations from Gautama Buddha on the Ten Perfections for the book Quietly Comes the Buddha. These are the original perfections that Gautama taught. They are eternal and they complement perfections adopted by later Buddhist schools." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1 audio CD, 58 min. Before a live audience. Mono. Remastered from the out of print item #D99020, CD, Quietly Comes the Buddha.
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