Essential Affirmations Mantras and Decrees for Personal and World Transformation
In Essential Affirmations, Mantras and Decrees you will discover how to use the power of sound to harness spiritual energy. Create positive change for yourself and the world around you.
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Binder - 221 -
Deze ringband is speciaal gemaakt voor decreeboeken and songboeken en geeft niet alleen bescherming maar vergemakkelijkt eveneens het gebruik van de decrees.
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Heart, Head & Hand Decrees - Booklet
Dit Engelstalige booklet bevat Meditatie, Mantra's, Gebeden en Decree's voor het verruimen van de Drievoudige Vlam binnen het hart. (44 pagina's).
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Book of Hymns & Songs (losbladig)
Words to our hymns, songs and mantras that are set to music.
For services, meditation, singing with the audio or to a capella to God, the ascended masters and angels--or to your Holy Christ Self!
Over 120 songs here were penned by the ascended masters through the Messenger of Music, Dorothy Lee Fulton. Knighted by Saint Germain through Mark Prophet as Lady Edelweiss, Dorothy Lee brought the music of the spheres for the age of Aquarius.
Note: This songbook contains words, but not sheet music.
Binder not included
Loose leaf, 8.5" x 5.5", 3-hole punched, 800+ pages
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