Meditations to Become the Buddha - MP3 Download
Take a moment and commune with the heart of the Buddha Meditations to Become the Buddha are guided meditations by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the heart of Gautama Buddha and your soul's path to becoming the Buddha. These meditations are set to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D. Meditate on the Ten Perfections of the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama was born of royal lineage. He left his wife and newborn son, palace and power, and set out to discover the cause of old age, disease and death. After six year and numerous experiments with yogis and ascetics, he communed under the bo tree for forty-nine days and brought forth out of nirvana the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path which have become a way of life for millions. Gautama also brought us the Ten Perfections, the basic foundation for mindful living: Alms – Giving of yourself Precepts – Attaining enlightenment Renunciation – Centering in ultimate Reality Wisdom – Transcending the human mind Courage – Overcoming fear and unworthiness Patience – Refining the soul through communion Truth – Freeing yourself from the effects of error Resolution – Conquering self-destructive habits Goodwill – Interating the Divine into your daily life Indifference – Sustaining intensity and equanimity as you fulfill your goals Elizabeth Clare Prophet was inspired by the Buddha to write down these meditations which have brought peace to thousands in a world of uncertainty. These inspirational meditations in this edition of The Prophet Archives are excerpted from her book Quietly Comes the Buddha.
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Een kans om elementair leven te helpen. Ieder van ons heeft mogelijk miljoenen elementen die van ons afhankelijk zijn. Zij zijn van ons afhankelijk om voor hen te bidden, om violet vuur voor hen te geven. Gezien de rampen die de afgelopen jaren al hebben plaatsgevonden, is het zeker in ons beste belang om te denken aan de elementen, om met hen om te gaan en te praten, tot hun hiërarchien te bidden, en om hen aan te moedigen, hun hoop te geven en hen bij te staan. Wil je het doen en je inzetten om de natuurgeest te helpen?  
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