Creative Thought FORMS

The Art and Science of Spiritual Transformation
Mark Prophet, a modern-day adept, shows how you can use color, sound, and geometry to create thoughtforms that have a reality far beyond mere imagination.

Have you noticed how advertisers use thoughtforms to program your desires? How the news media use thoughtforms to program your mind?

There is real power in the science of thoughtforms. And this science can be used for many purposes—including the healing of mind and body. Thoughtforms can even precipitate in the physical plane. But of far greater value is their power to transform your mind and emotions.

How will you use thoughtforms to brighten your life, your mind and emotions with the balance, symmetry, and harmony of light?

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Parels van Wijsheid
Diverse Parels van Wijsheid - 14 willekeurige exemplaren en diverse jaargangen. Normaal 2,50 per stuk. Per bundel van 14 voor 29,95.
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Sacred Ritual for Keepers of the Flame
A devotional Sunday service of prayers, affirmations, decrees and songs, with complete instructions on how to set up an altar and conduct the service. This ritual was dictated by the Maha Chohan and Saint Germain for use by Keepers of the Flame in group services and individual worship. It is a holy ritual to consecrate the flame of life in fourfold action of understanding, diligence of application, willingness to serve, and purity of purpose.
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'Waak met mij' - Jezus' wake op ieder uur
Gebed is de open deur waar alle zegeningen doorheen stromen. Het is de doorgang van licht tussen hemel en aarde. Het is praten met God; het is de smeekbede; het is de hunkering van het hart. Door gebed wordt het bewustzijn milder, angsten worden uitgebannen … Mensen over de hele wereld worden één als zij alles van zichzelf op het altaar van het gebed leggen, en zij de wonderlijke vreugde van de Christus voelen, die zijn wandeling met de mens voortzet. Zij voelen de kracht van de Heilige Geest en zij weten dat hun Verlosser leeft. Zijn belofte aan hen die hij achterliet, was: ‘Voorwaar, voorwaar, ik zeg u: Wie in mij gelooft, zal de werken die ik doe, ook doen, en hij zal grotere doen dan deze, want ik ga heen naar mijn Vader.’
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Sacred Ritual for the Creation of the Cloud - Booklet
Eventueel te gebruiken met CD. Saint Germain explains that " the creative cloud, once it is dispersed by your fiat at the conclusion of your creative ceremony, will continue to expand and expand and expand throughout the universe as a globe of translucent white fire, eddying in ever-widening spheres." The active participation in the ritual of the cloud by light bearers throughout the world will enhance the forcefield of the cloud around the entire planetary body for the victory of the night in the golden age. The Ascended Master Saint Germain  
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Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary - Booklet
Known in the East as protector and compassionate Saviouress, and in the West as the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin is far more than a statue of a distant deity. She is as near as prayer, as concerned as a mother. If you seek union with your Higher Self and desire to overcome the conditions and circumstances of your karma, you need Kuan Yin. Her assistance is tangible and real as she showers you with miracles yuo call forth in Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary. Through your love, this magnificent New Age ritual of hymns, prayers and Chinese mantras, released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, invokes the presence of Kuan Yin. In combinatie te gebruiken met de audio-CD Kuan Yins Crystal Rosary
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Watch With Me, Jesus' Vigil of the Hours - Booklet
In 1964 the Ascended Master Jesus Christ inaugurated the "Watch With Me" Jesus' Vigil of the Hours--a worldwide service of prayers, affirmations and hymns for the protection of the Christ consciousness in every son and daughter of God. This service commemorates the vigil the Master kept alone in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said: "Could ye not watch with me one hour?" The Lord Jesus has called students of the Ascended Masters to give the Watch individually or in group action once a week, at the same time each week, so that at every hour of the day and night someone somewhere is keeping the vigil. In a dictation given October 4, 1987, Jesus asked us to renew this commitment. He promised: "I shall be in your midst, beloved, as you give this prayer service in my name weekly" (see 1987 PoW, pp. 494-95). A powerful devotional service to Jesus and the ascended hosts with prayers, songs and decrees. Note: This is the booklet it does not include the CD. Booklet, 44 pages. The audio CD is the companion product for the Watch With Me booklet.
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Ashram Rituals - Booklet
Ashram Rituals by the Ascended Masters El Morya. For Members of the Master's worldwide Ashram, and to be used in conjunction with Ashram Notes.   Eventueel te gebruiken met Ashram Rituals CD.
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The Fourteenth Rosary, The Mystery of Surrender - Booklet
The Fourteenth Rosary - The Mystery of Surrender - Booklet Edition 2010. Dit booklet kan in combinatie gebruikt worden met de gelijknamige CD.
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