Higher Consciousness
Over seventy years ago, historian Arnold Toynbee foresaw a “time of troubles” coming to America and the nations of the West. Our destiny depends on our response to these mounting crises. In this landmark release on America’s bicentennial, Saint Germain and other ascended masters outlined the challenges that America and the nations would face. They spoke of the promise of a new day that lies beyond them. And key to our success today, they outlined what the free nations of the world need to do to reach a new era of peace and enlightenment. We are facing those challenges today. Our requirement is nothing less than a new American Revolution. The revolution of 1776 secured the independence of a new nation, an unprecedented experiment in liberty. Today, it is a revolution in spiritual awareness that is needed. There is a part for you to play in the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Find your role. Fulfill your mission. Take up the path that leads to your ultimate freedom.
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Saint Germain - Mystery of the Violet Flame
For millennia, mystics and alchemists have sought the keys to unlock secrets of life and eternity. Their discoveries were often veiled in esoteric symbolism—hiding their real knowledge from those who might use it for selfish ends. Saint Germain was one such seeker. Through many lifetimes as alchemist, adept and visionary, he found the priceless ancient formulas for self-transformation. In this day, he comes again, revealing some of that knowledge to those finally ready to receive it—mystics like you. Most importantly, he reveals the profound secrets of the violet flame—the key to personal and world transformation. Find your ultimate freedom through the mystery of the violet flame!
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The Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism
The Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism Capitalism and communism are the two major economic forces in the world today—two systems, two ideologies, seemingly at odds. Yet looking behind the scenes, a different picture emerges. In this visionary and soul-stirring message, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the illusions of Marxism and the contradictions of capitalism. She unmasks the manipulators, East and West, who exploit both systems to reach their own goals: money, power, control. Most importantly, her message is that the strategies of the manipulators may yet be overturned—if people understand what is really happening and answer the call to defend freedom. “Freedom remains the great challenge of our time….” – Elizabeth Clare Prophet Recorded July 4, 1979. 2 DVDs Total time: 4 hr. 27 min.
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The Control of the Human Aura through the Science of the Spoken Word
Scientists are beginning to prove what mystics have known all along – that the body is enfolded in a forcefield of energy that reflects our state of physical, mental and spiritual health. But the human aura is not just a passive reflector of internal conditions. Its dynamic currents of force are constantly interacting with the many auras and external stimuli that impinge from beyond the boundaries of our skin. Upon the backdrop of history and experimental research, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings the startling revelation that we can actually control the effects our auras have on the people we contact, and on the aura of planet Earth itself. Through the profound Science of the Spoken Word we are taught to purify, strengthen, and direct our auric emanations to change the world within us and the world around us. This will be the science of the future, but we can use it now! Includes the original 25 color illustrations and photographs that were part of the original edition.
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9 Cats 9 Lives
FDR, Al Capone, Henry Ford... What were they doing on Atlantis? And how did that set the stage for future lives? Elizabeth Clare Prophet penetrates the veils of akasha to reveal the past lives of individuals who helped shape the modern world. As she traces threads of karma, we see how their choices in many lives set their destiny and the karmic challenges they would face in the twentieth century. Their stories are intriguing. More importantly, they show that while karma may determine the cards we are dealt in life, we each choose how we will play our hand. We can rise to our higher calling and balance our karma—or wrap ourselves more tightly in its bonds. The message is that we can transcend our past—and our past lives—and find a new freedom and joy in life each day.
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Spiritual Techniques to Heal Body, Mind & Soul
Spiritual techniques to heal Body, Mind & Soul allows a deeper connectiveness and understanding of how, in a fast-paced world, we can maintain spiritual cohesiveness. Sound can change our Lives Contents:  2 CDs and booklet  -  Running time: 92 minutes.
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Music as a Magnet
DVD: 1 hr. 29 min. Linda and Robert Worobec Based on the Teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet What is a syncopated beat? How can I tell good music from bad? Why should I even care? This practical, down-to-earth DVD presents the foundational principles of the ascended masters' teachings on music and its effects on matter, both negative and positive. Professional musicians Linda and Robert Worobec present an informative workshop that includes a three-step “discernment toolbox” (rhythm, melody, harmony) to evaluate the quality of the music in your life. Now you will understand the profound effect music can have on your physical and spiritual well-being. Train your ear by listening to the many segments of music included in this presentation—classical, rock, jazz, Celtic, Broadway, country, new age and more. Identify and understand the syncopated or back beat. You will “measure” the piece of music with your tools and then discern how that specific piece of music makes you feel. As Elizabeth Clare Prophet has taught, music is a power that can be used to help or to harm. Gain a fresh perspective on this power that can change your world.
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Save The World with Violet Flame! 2 by Saint Germain
Save The World with Violet Flame! 2  by Saint Germain. Disc 1 Tracks; 13
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Save The World with Violet Flame! 3 by Saint Germain
Save The World with Violet Flame! 3 door Saint Germain. Save The World with Violet Flame! 3 by Saint Germain.
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