“He who seeks to save his life shall lose it.”

Quotes from the book “Prayer and Meditation” by Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi. [Part 1 of 2]

“There is a time and a place for quiet meditation, a time and the place for prayer, a time and a place for decrees.” The three form a trinity of power, wisdom, and love – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit experienced within the temple of your being.

In the power of the spoken Word, behold how the Creator first framed the universe with the fiat “Let there be light!” In meditation, perceive the quickening of wisdom as the ’wise dominion’ of the Christ mind. In prayer, let the love of the Holy Spirit become in you the integrating principle of life. When you have the trinity in this interchange, in this integration with God, your communion will work with the mathematics of the cosmos.

Think on my words, “He who seeks to save his life shall lose it.” When you ponder the thought of unceasing prayer, consider those who fear to turn their consciousness to God lest they should miss something going on in the world around them. These seek to save their lives by involvement in the changing outer world. Those who lose (loose) their lives for my sake, by entering into the same communion with the Father which I did, truly find their life again; for only as God can live in man who exists in very being itself, life itself, does men really possess eternal life.

To develop this sense of all-knowing serenity is to develop the state of an untouchable being, of one who cannot be affected by outer conditions or mortal ups and downs. The light of God that never fails, beloved, awaits your call – to answer when you call and to serve your needs. The light is your obedient servant sent forth by God; for of of a truth, he that would be greatest among you must be the greatest servant, and our Father is the greatest servant of all.

The blessed Spirit that animates form and provides the life-energy for each day’s service cannot itself be harmed by any outer condition; but the soul, in its plasticity of recording the records of living, may have scars which are best removed by application to the immortal Spirit of divine reality. God wipes away all tears from man’s eyes and serenely imposes to radiance of himself as a robe of righteousness over the dusty garments men have worn. The radiance of the light energy in those divine robes purifies the undergarments, and all things are penetrated by the radiance of the divine.

Prayer and meditation are like twins framing the pathway to holiness and delight. Just as prayer or entreaty makes contact with God, drawing down into the world of the seeker the rays of divine intercession, so, meditation lifts up the Son of man that he may be bathed in the radiance of the Eternal.


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