The Divine Spark That Burns within Your Heart

This flame that burns within your heart (one-sixteenth of an inch in height) is the divine spark, the potential of your divinity. It is the gift of Life of the Creator to the creation. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…”

The consciousness of the Son is centered in the flame, which is thus called “the Holy Christ Flame.” This Trinity of God’s sacred fire focuses the primary attributes of Power, Wisdom, and Love—his bestowal, flame of his very Flame, to every son and daughter.

Truly this threefold flame is the tri-partite Light which lighteth every man and woman of God that cometh into the world.

This is the individualization of the God flame whereby the Word is “made flesh” in you and whereby you behold the glory of the Lord of all within your members.

The flame that burns within your heart is the seat of cosmic consciousness, the ensign of the son or daughter of God. It is your link to Reality, to Being, and to Life eternal. It is the anointing by the Real Self of all souls who choose to keep the standard of the Law of the One.

For the original Keepers of the Flame who came with Sanat Kumara it was the supreme joy of their service to fan freedom’s fires in the hearts of earth’s wayward children—to woo them back to their First Love.

This is the individualization of the God flame whereby the Word is “made flesh” in you and whereby you behold the glory of the Lord of all within your members.

The flame that burns within your heart is the seat of cosmic consciousness, the ensign of the son or daughter of God. It is your link to Reality, to Being, and to Life eternal. It is the anointing by the Real Self of all souls who choose to keep the standard of the Law of the One.

For the original Keepers of the Flame who came with Sanat Kumara it was the supreme joy of their service to fan freedom’s fires in the hearts of earth’s wayward children—to woo them back to their First Love.


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