Remember your own story and claim your divine destiny

Long ago, the Cosmic Council had decided that Earth and her evolutions would be dissolved because "the souls of her children no longer worshipped the Trinity in the triple flame of life that burned on the altars of their hearts." They were the sheep who had lost their shepherd. "Their attention was fixed on the outward manifestation of things, and they willingly and ignorantly left the inward walk with God. They no longer knew the inner man of the heart, the blessed Ishwara, and the seven candles no longer burned on the seven sills of their windows."

Thus the earth faced its darkest period in its history as if it were "rolled up as a scroll and burned away as a candle by sacred fire." At this most critical moment Sanat Kumara, also known as the Ancient of Days, volunteered to remain in exile on the "dark star" earth and be the Keeper of the Flame on behalf of a suffering and unenlightened humanity. It is because of this great sacrifice that Sanat Kumara, is also known as the Great Bodhisattva.

Sanat Kumara established his physical retreat residence on the White Island in the Gobi Sea, now the Gobi Desert. And this place Shamballa, he reached out threads of light to everyone's heart so that he could herd the flame of life on their behalf, until few and eventually more people would remember their reason for existence, and once again learn to herd the flame of life itself.

But Sanat Kumara did not come alone. One hundred forty-four thousand souls volunteered to go with him to help him in fulfilling his mission. It is quite possible that you know an inner desire to fulfill your mission and find your community. This feeling may very well be true because the story of Sanat Kumara your story is. If you feel in your heart that you are one of these 144,000 souls who have come with Him to Shamballa, welcome home.

Welcome to your spiritual family. We were separated for far too long and our souls yearn to come together again and to serve the Great Bodhisattva as of old. Therefore, today the Guardians of the Flame say in unison, "Hail to you, Sanat Kumara, Ancient of Days, you are truly the king of our hearts. We are ever so grateful for your sacrifice. And we declare, in your name, that the earth will have its victory!"

Go to the Sanat Kumara Lessons And remember your lineage.

Restore your memory about your divine identity

Buis van Licht Tube of Light

As we gave in life after life to lesser desires and making wrong choices, our consciousness fell from its pure state. We lost our memory about our divine identity. In other words, we forgot who we were and what we are. We often think that we are helpless human beings leaving a life of pain and suffering. In reality, we are children of light, and children of the Most High God, and we have access to this great power, wisdom and love in the name of the I AM Presence.

So our divine identity is the Monad, the inner God, the Atman - our own I AM Presence. The Ascended Master and World Teacher Kuthumi tells us that "perfection is far less remote as others would have us believe. " For it resides precisely in your God-Presence. the I AM WHO I AM, which often resides only a meter above your physical head."

The I AM Presence is surrounded by the causal body - the seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy that contain the recordings of all your good works. Below the I AM Presence is your Holy Christ-Self, who is also often called the mediator and the hidden of man of the heart. And right within the secret chamber of your heart is the flame of life, which is also known as the unfeeding flame, and which is connected to the I AM Presence through the crystal cord. So your first task is to restore your memories about these aspects of your divinity through attention and love. You can begin now, by doing the simple invocation. Take a deep breath and focus on your heart and say with feeling and consideration:

"Beloved I AM Presence, reveal yourself to me today! Guide me, protect me. ;Heal me. Show me how to strengthen the flame of life in my heart. I thank you and I accept this as accomplished in full force in this real hour."


Take your daily karma seriously

We all know something about karma, the law of cause and effect. However, for many of us, karma is a theoretical concept. We conceptualize it on an intellectual level, but we don't think about our personal karma as the reason for our problems. In other words, we don't take our karmic burdens seriously and we don't realize the great impact that karma can have on our daily lives.

Ask yourself: do I have a deep soul awareness of the karmic energy I have to deal with every day, such as at work, in relationships, finances, and even in your inner life? If you have the awareness about karma as a powerful force in your life and you start actively transmuting this karma, then you can consider yourself wise and fortunate. Transmuting karma helps you to become more aware of the flame of life within your heart, to resolve difficult situations that you encounter, and gives inner joy and more.

If you do not have this awareness about karma as the powerful invisible force in your life, then you can begin to take responsibility for the karma you have created in the past and in previous lives. When you take responsibility for today's life as the real result of your past actions, you will let go of all excuses, powerlessness and accusations. Then you will feel that you are in charge of your life. The key is to learn the lessons behind the karma. And remember, karma is never punishment. Karma is our gracious teacher in the classrooms of the earth. So you can balance your karma as well as planetary karma, by devoting yourself to spiritual techniques. At the same time, you can discover another powerful antidote to karma. This karma antidote is known as the violet flame and was given to us by the ascended masters. The violet flame is the sacred fire of the seventh ray, and it is a great spiritual gift in our time. can the violet transmuting flame calls.  Want to know more about karma? Then go to karma lessons.

Practice the ancient Science of Invocation

Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells us about the ancient Science of Invocation, also known as the Science of the Spoken Word, which was practiced on Atlantis and Lemuria. More than twelve thousand years ago in the temples of these lost continents, priests and priestesses made invocations to the flame of life and applied the Science of the Spoken Word.

"This science, practiced for many centuries by adepts from the Far East as well as by Western Mystics, explains the use of the voice in conjunction with the throat chakra in the giving of mantras, chants, prayers, invocations, affirmations, songs of joy and praise, and fiats of light to strengthen the action of benign forces on the planetary body and in the world affairs of man ... One of the most important and vital techniques of self-mastery taught by the Great White Brotherhood is the Science of Invocation which includes the art of decreeing ( comes from the word decree; giving decrees). By applying this method of expanding consciousness, you can bring yourself closer to the flame of life that glows within your being, and ultimately experience the baptism of the sacred fire as foretold by John the Baptist when he spoke of the coming of Christ. "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire."

The word "invoke" comes from the Latin "invocare," which means to "invoke." So we invoke the mighty I AM Presence, the Elohim, the archangels, the ascended masters, and other beings of light. And we work to "guard the flame of life on behalf of humanity who are not yet awakened and not enlightened." "The call compels the answer!" says El Morya Khan, Mahatma of the Himavat and Chohan of the first ray. Therefore, we practice the Science of Invocation through invocations (calls), fiats, decrees, invocations, mantras, I AM affirmations, chants, musical meditations and more.


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