The Seduction of Socialism and The Responsibility of Freedom

Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom – DVDs/MP3 Picture of The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom – DVDs/MP3
In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the psychology of socialism and the economic philosophy of Jesus Christ. 2 DVDs, 1 MP3.


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Is socialism a recent invention—an attempt to address “social injustice” and the inequalities of modern life? Or is it the most primitive economic system, dating from the dawn of history?

In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the origins of socialism, the psychology behind it, and its influence on soul evolution. Find keys to your own path of soul liberation in the twenty-first century.

  1. The Responsibility of Freedom – July 1, 1976 – 1 hr. 8 min.
  2. The Economic Philosophy of Jesus Christ – Oct. 6, 1978 – 2 hr. 36 min.
  3. The Religious Philosophy of Karl Marx – Oct. 8, 1978 – 3 hr. 5 min.
  4. The Psychology of Socialism: The Religion of Hatred, the Cult of Death – Oct. 9, 1978 – 1 hr. 37 min.
  5. The Psychology of Socialism: The Death Instinct – Oct. 9, 1978 – 1 hr. 2 min.
  6. Humanism Is Satanism without Ritual – Feb. 23, 1980 – 2 hr. 37 min.
  7. To the Mankind of Earth: The Mandate of the Cosmic Honor Flame – Dec. 8, 1974 – 1 hr. 19 min.
Weight 0,19 kg


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